Website and project management for RSEAA2023
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Approach partners from 2023 and NCRIS capabilities #70

Open rowlandm opened 4 months ago

rowlandm commented 4 months ago
  1. RSEAA24-004 Potential speakers and outreach
rowlandm commented 4 months ago

Use this to do it -

rowlandm commented 4 months ago

ARDC said yes.

rowlandm commented 4 months ago

Added RSEAA24-009 email templates for partnerships - could add speakers etc into here as well.

@richarddushime and @chrismpr86 - I'll send this out next week - please have a look and make suggestions if you want to change it.

rowlandm commented 4 months ago

Sent to Christina Hall at Biocommons and cc'ed on 26th Feb.

rowlandm commented 3 months ago
Key partner ARDC Sent reminder email
Key partner BioCommons Sent second email
Allied partner QCIF Send Monday 8th April
Allied partner NCI Send Monday 8th April
Allied partner AARNet Send Monday 8th April
rowlandm commented 2 months ago

Approach NCRIS capabilities

rowlandm commented 2 months ago

NCI agreed to be an Allied partner. Do we want to promote this before the invoice is cleared?

richarddushime commented 2 months ago

NCI agreed to be an Allied partner. Do we want to promote this before the invoice is cleared?

Sure its alright Another way would be promoting All once on different banners

rowlandm commented 2 months ago

Biocommons said probably not, but would like to help anyway in non-financial ways.

richarddushime commented 2 weeks ago

Let me know if the banner for partners is available to be added up to the website