RSG / Carnivore

Surveillance tool for data networks.
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Not Work In Processing 4.2 #5

Open filipedonato opened 11 months ago

filipedonato commented 11 months ago

In Processing 3 Carnivore worked with WinPcap. I'm trying to use it in Processing 4.2 but it's not working. The error is as follows: Warning: No network Devices

[org.rsg.carnivore.Log] setDebug: true
[org.rsg.carnivore.CarnivoreP5] starting carnivore core
[org.rsg.carnivore.Core] Windows 10 (10.0), amd64, 64 bit
[org.rsg.carnivore.Core] Running Java version 17.0.6
[org.rsg.carnivore.Core] Starting Carnivore Core version 8
[net.sourceforge.jpcap.capture.PacketCapture] loading native library jpcap... jpcap-win64bit
Error--can't load native library.

Make sure you have installed winpcap (
and that jpcap.dll is in the same folder as this application.

[] UnsatisfiedLinkError: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 'java.lang.String[] net.sourceforge.jpcap.capture.PacketCapture.lookupDevices()'
[] Found network devices: {}
[org.rsg.carnivore.Core] starting PacketCacheThread
[org.rsg.carnivore.Core] addCarnivoreListener: org.rsg.carnivore.CarnivoreP5@2954d5da
[org.rsg.carnivore.Preferences] loading preference file: .carnivore_preferences.txt
[org.rsg.carnivore.Preferences] saving prefs to disk: .carnivore_preferences.txt
[Core] stop
[CarnivoreP5] dispose()
RSG commented 3 months ago

i realize this is an old thread -- but the primary issue is i don't have access to Windows machines for testing. i'll try to work on this in the future. (note: i just pushed a new version [v9] but it was mostly to fix macOS issues. i doubt it will address your problem but you can try.)