RSGInc / bca4abm

Benefit Cost Analysis for Travel Demand Models
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aggregate_zone processor file handling #69

Closed toliwaga closed 7 years ago

toliwaga commented 8 years ago

For the aggregate_zone processor, we will allow the analyst to specify a list of csv files that should be combined into a single table.

I am wondering whether to include the 1024 column cval table, and whether that needs to be special-cased. All the other zone files will have two versions, one for the build and one for the base scenario. I was thinking we could handle that by automatically prepending base or build to the column names, but we probably don’t want to create two versions of the 1024 cval columns (unless they can be different in build and base? In which case we also need two versions in the aggregate demographics processor?)

bstabler commented 8 years ago

we need both since the cval file for Metro includes the car ownership model results and this changes between build and base