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XpathBridge not retrieving date or image #3994

Closed royaldunlin closed 3 months ago

royaldunlin commented 3 months ago

I'm attempting to use XpathBridge on a news site, and while it is working for most elements, the picture and date are not being populated. I suspect the date is failing because of a trailing ' -' in the filed, but I'm not sure how I would remove that.

For the picture I'm unsure as to why it's not working.

I also notice that no UID is created. Is this because there's no date?

Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 8 21 02 PM

Page URL: Item selector: //main[@id='category']//article Item Title Selector: ./a/h1/text() Item Description selector: ./p/text() Item URL selector: ./a/@href Item Date selector: ./time/p/text() Item image selector: ./div[1]/div[2]/a/img/@src Item category selector: ./time/p/a/text()

 <div class="full_category_photo_wrap">
 <div class="cat_article_image_blur"></div>
 <div class="cat_article_image"><a href=""><img class="lazy loaded" data-src="" src="" data-was-processed="true"></a></div>
<a href=""><h1>Shepherdstown Community Club to ‘Raise the Roof’ with fundraisers for historic building</h1></a>
<time><p>March 1, 2024 - <a style="font-family:Georgia, serif; font-weight:normal; color:#23384e; font-size:14px;" href=""> Local News</a></p></time>
<p>SHEPHERDSTOWN — A year ago, the Shepherdstown Community Club (SCC) hired a building inspector to take a look at one of its historic properties, the War Memorial Building.
According to SCC President Jennifer Wabnitz, the inspection results identified two areas needing attention.
“The ...</p>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
    [name] => News | News, Sports, Jobs - Shepherdstown Chronicle
    [uri] =>
    [icon] =>
    [donationUri] => 
    [items] => Array

            [0] => Array
                    [uri] =>
                    [title] => Shepherdstown Community Club to ‘Raise the Roof’ with fundraisers for historic building
                    [timestamp] => 
                    [author] => 
                    [content] => SHEPHERDSTOWN — A year ago, the Shepherdstown Community Club (SCC) hired a building inspector to take a look at one of its historic properties, the War Memorial Building.

According to SCC President Jennifer Wabnitz, the inspection results identified two areas needing attention.

“The ...
                    [enclosures] => Array

                    [categories] => Array
                            [0] => Local News

                    [uid] => 
