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Auto podcaster #4016

Open boyska opened 3 months ago

boyska commented 3 months ago

convert a feed to a podcast (ie: add <enclosure>) based on simple heuristics.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Pull request artifacts

Bridge Context Status
AutoPodcaster 1 url (pr) ⚠️ The feed has no items

last change: Tuesday 2024-06-18 20:16:24

dvikan commented 3 months ago

in essence this puts media urls into the enclosures property.

you still working on this?

boyska commented 2 months ago

in essence this puts media urls into the enclosures property.


you still working on this?

I have it running on production, so yes. However, I don't want to bother you with a review until I bring it to a better level of quality. But of course, if you want to do an early review of this and give me some feedback of what I should improve, that's more than welcome!

dvikan commented 1 week ago

i pushed a commit. might have introduced a bug by dropping array_values.

boyska commented 1 week ago

i pushed a commit. might have introduced a bug by dropping array_values.

hey thanks, much appreciated.

This leads me to wondering if what this PR really misses is some testing. WDYT?

And also: what "style" of unit testing would you prefer? narrower unit testing, or broader integration tests (which would require files to be uploaded somewhere)? The latter would be able to discover changes in output, but involves external resources in the testing chain, which is usually not appreciated.

dvikan commented 1 week ago

i think current pr is good enough. i can see the value in extracting media from feed content and putting them into enclosure.

it's not a proper podcast/itunes format though. maybe we can improve that later.