RSS-Bridge / rss-bridge

The RSS feed for websites missing it
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Golem Bridge failed with error 502 #4021

Closed Tone866 closed 3 months ago

Tone866 commented 3 months ago

Almost every night between 2 - 5am I get an 502 error. I thought that had a problem but I created a cronjob which checks every 20min. the status of with no errors. I also check the bridge every 20min. so it‘s the same interval. I now added the original feed to my rss-reader and also don't get an error.

Could anybody help me debugging this?

HttpException: resulted in 502 Bad Gateway in lib/http.php line 26

index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
actions/DisplayAction.php(117): GolemBridge->collectData()
bridges/GolemBridge.php(62): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()

Query string: action=display&bridge=GolemBridge&
Version: 2024-02-02
Os: Linux
PHP version: 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14
Tone866 commented 3 months ago

@Mynacol do you have the same issue or any idea what could be the reason for this?

Mynacol commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the ping. I see the same error messages on my server. I have unfortunately no idea why they occur. Without knowing more, I'd guess they are indeed transient errors on golem's side (and the separate cronjob might run at other times than rss-bridge, or it has automatic retries on errors). The host has another IP address than This leads me to believe that it is another server which might be overloaded/has not the same redundancy. If the issue persists you can ping me again :)

I can only recommend to tune the error reporting. For my usage, the http output type works great, but you might want to change the report_limit instead.

Tone866 commented 3 months ago

For my latest pr I tested a bit and run into multiple 502 errors while testing (which I otherwise never have at day). I came to the conclusion that it must be some kind of bot protection. Surely the threshold values are lower at night.

dvikan commented 3 months ago

502 bad gateway typically means that the backend application server failed with error/exception.

it could also mean badly configured reverse proxy or e.g. the backend application server might be turned off or not accepting requests.

dvikan commented 2 months ago

Peronia commented 2 months ago

In my case every request from rss bridge leads in a 502. When I poll the rss with freshrss all is fine. Both using the url and at the rss bridge I use the filter bridge.