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Update AnisearchBridge.php #4025

Closed Tone866 closed 3 months ago

Tone866 commented 3 months ago

added youtube trailer

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Pull request artifacts

Bridge Context Status
Anisearch 1 untitled (current) Bridge returned error 0! (19811)
Type: Exception
Message: Invalid parameters value(s): synchro, sort, order, view
Anisearch 1 untitled (pr) Bridge returned error 0! (19811)
Type: Exception
Message: Invalid parameters value(s): synchro, sort, order, view

last change: Friday 2024-03-29 11:44:03

Tone866 commented 3 months ago

why github says the url parameters are wrong?

dvikan commented 3 months ago

additional http request for each item gonna make it slower.

Tone866 commented 3 months ago

Yes, but there is no other way to get the trailer. I could make an option for trailers, so everybody could choose if they want them or not.

Tone866 commented 3 months ago

I now made the trailers optional and reduced the loop to 5 articles if trailers are enabled (instead of 10 without trailers), so there should no performance difference.

dvikan commented 3 months ago

@User123698745 @Bockiii

the list values in this bridge are wrongly being interpreted as url parameter by see build artifacts. please help fix