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CSS Selector Complex Bridge throws Error Code "0" when parsing time #4097

Closed ProfNeck closed 3 days ago

ProfNeck commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug I am trying to create an rss feed for this news site: Everything is working, except parsing the timestamp. The provided time on the article site is formatted like this: 01.05.24 - 13:51. After consulting the documentation on "DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat" (, I am using this string: d.m.y - h:i

Error code: 0 with message Call to a member function getAttribute() on null in Line 444

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use 2CSS Selector Complex Bridge"
  2. Use time selector .kick__article__time
  3. Use string d.m.y - h:i to parse the time
  4. Get error code 0

Expected behavior Parsing the article's time correctly by using the above string

Screenshots grafik

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context The error is occurring with or without using quotation marks around the format string. Could this be caused by the ::before selector? Everything else is working fine.

dvikan commented 1 week ago

@ORelio @LarsStegman

LarsStegman commented 1 week ago

Can you try it with d.m.y - H:i

ProfNeck commented 3 days ago

That works! I am a bit bamboozled, though, since I'm quite sure that I tried that variant earlier and remember it not working.

However, thanks a lot!