RSS-Bridge / rss-bridge

The RSS feed for websites missing it
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[NACSouthGermanyMediaLibraryBridge] Small fix for new website layout #4121

Closed R3dError closed 3 weeks ago

R3dError commented 3 weeks ago

The website that this bridge adapts recently had a small layout change that broke the NACSouthGermanyMediaLibraryBridge. This PR fixes this bridge.

Additionally, I fixed the titles of the RSS elements such that they do not have the unnecessary suffix "Download" anymore.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Pull request artifacts

Bridge Context Status
NACSouthGermanyMediaLibrary 1 untitled (current) HTTP status 500 Internal Server Error
Type: Error
Message: Call to a member function find() on null
NACSouthGermanyMediaLibrary 1 untitled (pr) ✔️

last change: Saturday 2024-06-01 10:19:58