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[HardwareInfoBridge] delete bridge for discontinued website #4124

Open t0stiman opened 2 weeks ago

t0stiman commented 2 weeks ago is sadly being discontinued so this PR deletes the bridge for this website

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Pull request artifacts

Bridge Context Status
HardwareInfo 1 untitled (current) Bridge returned error 410! (19881)
Type: HttpException
Message: resulted in 410 Gone <!doctype html>

last change: Friday 2024-06-07 12:02:03

t0stiman commented 2 weeks ago

How can a deleted bridge throw an error

Bockiii commented 1 week ago

it does a diff. "test the current bridge and the new bridge version". old bridge throws an error, new bridge does not exist, so no result at all.