RSS-Bridge / rss-bridge

The RSS feed for websites missing it
The Unlicense
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Add RSS Bridge to Cloudflare Verified Bots? #4126

Closed 0ct00 closed 1 week ago

0ct00 commented 2 weeks ago

When using RSS Bridge a lot of time I get a 403 error from Cloudflare.

Maybe to mitigate this you could try to have RSS Bridge be added to the Cloudflare Verified Bots in the category "Feed Fetcher".

I'm not sure how this would apply to different instances though.

Bockiii commented 2 weeks ago

"Cloudflare manually approves well-behaved services that benefit the broader Internet and honor robots.txt."

yeah... none of that applies to rssbridge :D rssbridge is a website scraper, the exact thing cf is trying to fight :)

dvikan commented 1 week ago

not gonna happen