RSS-Bridge / rss-bridge

The RSS feed for websites missing it
The Unlicense
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Bridge request for Nikkei Asia #4153

Open notyourslave opened 1 month ago

notyourslave commented 1 month ago

Bridge request

Bridge for Nikkei Asia.

General information



Additional notes


class NikkeiBridge extends BridgeAbstract
  const NAME = 'Nikkei Bridge';
  const URI = '';
  const DESCRIPTION = 'Fetches the latest articles from the Nikkei Asia';
  const MAINTAINER = 'notme';
  const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600;

  const MAX_CONTENTS = 20;

  public function collectData()
    $rssFeedUrl = '';
    $rssContent = file_get_contents($rssFeedUrl);

    if (!$rssContent) {
      returnServerError('Could not request ' . $rssFeedUrl);

    $rss = simplexml_load_string($rssContent);

    if (!$rss) {
      returnServerError('Could not parse RSS feed from ' . $rssFeedUrl);

    $count = 0;
    foreach ($rss->item as $element) {
      if ($count >= self::MAX_CONTENTS) {


      $item = [];
      $item['title'] = (string)$element->title;
      $item['uri'] = (string)$element->link;
      $item['timestamp'] = strtotime((string)$element->pubDate);

      // Fetch the article content
      $articleContent = $this->fetchArticleContent($item['uri']);
      if ($articleContent) {
        $item['content'] = $articleContent;
      } else {
        $item['content'] = 'Content could not be retrieved';

      $this->items[] = $item;

  private function fetchArticleContent($url)
    // Extract the path from the URL
    $urlComponents = parse_url($url);
    $path = $urlComponents['path'];

    // Base64 encode the path
    $encodedPath = base64_encode($path);

    // Create the API URL
    $apiUrl = '' . $encodedPath;

    // Fetch the JSON content from the API
    $apiResponse = file_get_contents($apiUrl);

    if (!$apiResponse) {
      error_log('Could not request ' . $apiUrl);
      return null;

    $apiResponseData = json_decode($apiResponse, true);

    if (!isset($apiResponseData['body'])) {
      error_log('Invalid API response for ' . $apiUrl);
      return null;

    // Load the HTML content
    $htmlContent = $apiResponseData['body'];

    // Remove elements with class o-ads
    $dom = new DOMDocument;

    $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
    foreach ($xpath->query('//*[contains(@class, "o-ads")]') as $adsNode) {

    // Save the cleaned HTML content
    $cleanedHtml = $dom->saveHTML();

    return $cleanedHtml;
notyourslave commented 1 month ago

Actually it would be better to cache the fetchArticleContent for more than 1 hour, no idea how to do that.

NotsoanoNimus commented 1 month ago

Actually it would be better to cache the fetchArticleContent for more than 1 hour, no idea how to do that.

If I'm not mistaken, you should just be able to change the value in the line const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; to the actual amount of seconds you'd like to cache for, up to 24 hours (86400).