Which information would you like to see?
Results for a given search query including title of listing, images, price, location, and details of the listing.
How should the information be displayed/formatted?
Similar to how Kijiji represents it / how the existing eBay Kleinanzeigen bridge works or any other 'classifieds' bridge. Relevant information such as price, location, date, and the product itself should be present.
Which of the following parameters do you expect?
[X] Title
[X] URI (link to the original article)
[ ] Author
[X] Timestamp
[X] Content (the content of the article)
[X] Enclosures (pictures, videos, etc...)
[X] Categories (categories, tags, etc...)
[X] Limit number of returned items
Default limit: 5
[ ] Load full articles
Cache articles (articles are stored in a local cache on first request): yes
Bridge request for Kijiji.ca (Canadian classifieds website similar to Craigslist or eBay Kleinanzeigen
General information
Host URI for the bridge (i.e.
): https://www.kijiji.ca/Which information would you like to see? Results for a given search query including title of listing, images, price, location, and details of the listing.
How should the information be displayed/formatted? Similar to how Kijiji represents it / how the existing eBay Kleinanzeigen bridge works or any other 'classifieds' bridge. Relevant information such as price, location, date, and the product itself should be present.
Which of the following parameters do you expect?
[X] Limit number of returned items
[ ] Load full articles
[X] Balance requests (RSS-Bridge uses cached versions to reduce bandwith usage)
[X] Category (e.g. "Cars and Vehicles", "Video Games", "Toys" etc.)
[X] Location (URL params normally take Address, city or postal code)
[X] Radius in Km
[X] Minimum price in 0.00$CAD
[X] Maximum price in 0.00$CAD
Existing bridge for eBay Kleinanzeigen has a good option set that is more or less compatible with kijiji.