RSS3-Network / Node

In the vast RSS3 Network, the RSS3 Node delivers Open Information with efficiency, it is a steadfast cruiser in the byte-filled sea.
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Separate the APIs and put some of them behind authentication #345

Open HenryQW opened 2 months ago

HenryQW commented 2 months ago

What feature is it?

Certain APIs must be gated, so the Node can expose some informational APIs to the public.

What problem does this feature solve?

Currently, the Node endpoint cannot be exposed, otherwise all API paths will become unprotected.

We should add authentication middleware to gate private APIs, and Global Indexers should gain sufficient knowledge to access these APIs in order to distribute requests.

This way we can allow informational APIs such as the root path, to be accessed publically.

Additional description

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This is not a duplicated feature request or new worker proposal