RShankar / Senior-Seminar-on-Social-Web

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FAQ for the 'NetFlix' Group #10

Open RShankar opened 9 years ago

RShankar commented 9 years ago

Please post your Q&A for the 'NetFlix' group here

deniseygrace commented 9 years ago

Question from the 'Twitter' Group to the 'Netflix' Group: I noticed that the Netflix Bot software is open-source (actually, it's hosted on Github). Is it supported by Netflix in any way or is it unofficial like the Netflix Roulette APIs?

Dshabo commented 9 years ago

Question from "LinkedIn" Group to the "Netflix" Group: What is the stock value of Netflix on the market?

GiBiT commented 9 years ago

Question from 'Facebook' to 'Netflix': How does Netflix support streaming devices (Chromecast, Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, etc...)?

Jnesbeth commented 9 years ago

Question from 'Github' to 'Netflix': In the presentation you guys said that the public API for Netflix was scrapped as of last November, but you never said the reason to why they did that. What was the reason Netflix retired the public API?

rnadrich commented 9 years ago

Question from Paypal to Netflix: Why did Netflix change the Architecture of their API while it was still Public?

aasthadave commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Netflix' to 'Twitter': Netflix Bot for reddit uses Netflix Roulette's API and is in no way supported by Netflix. I am not sure how long this will continue to be the cause, however it is running at this time.

aasthadave commented 9 years ago

Answer form 'Netflix' to 'LinkdenIn': the stock value of Netflix as of Mar 31 1:35 PM EDT is 421.48

aasthadave commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Netflix' to 'Github': The two main reasons that stated by Netflix to discontinue their public API were as follows: 1)hoping to stop developers from reselling technology and information from the Netflix API to third parties. 2)trying to stop developers from scraping its metadata and using it to advertise competing services.

Magicperf commented 9 years ago

Question from Amazon Cloud to Netflix group: How does Netflix keep up with competition, such as Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime?

Diegogpinto commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Netflix' to 'twitter': No, it's not support officially by Netflix, this bot was created in the are where the official Netflix API'S where going into private mode. he used the NetflixRouletteAPI to obtain and gather all of the information that the user wanted to gather.

Diegogpinto commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Netflix' to 'Amazon cloud': It keeps up with competition by allowing the user to experience fresh new programming that is exclusive to Netflix platform. Unlike hulu, you do not have to watch any unnecessary commercials like you typically do when you are watching live television. Also, Netflix keeps up to date on all hardware advances to keep it current and up to date for the consumers streaming needs.

Diegogpinto commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Netflix' to 'Paypal': They changed their architecture for the current times, this way they would have the ability to keep all up with all request in the most efficient, and convenient way for developers.

adrianas92 commented 9 years ago

Question from 'NOAA' to 'Netflix': What makes Netflix better that HuluPlus, HBO, Amazon and other movie webpage providers?

aasthadave commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Netflix' to 'NOAA': Netflix is the superior TV/Movie streaming service because it has the largest library of titles that are available. It also is supported on more devices. And lastly, it produces its own award winning shows such as 'Orange Is The New Black' and 'House Of Cards.'

RShankar commented 9 years ago

Question from Dr. Shankar to the 'Netflix' group: You have several slides on NetflixRoulette. Please provide here an overview of (or a summary slide on) their APIs.

aasthadave commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Netflix' to Dr. Shankar: NetflixRoulette has a database that contains all the titles that are instantly streamable on Netflix. NetflixRoulette's API is an Open API which means that one doesn't need a key or any sort of permission to query from this database. The web api is through which one can simply query about any title in the Netflix database by typing the name of the title in the following link: However there is also various wrappers that are available for the NetflixRoulette web API in different languages to accommodate developers. The languages that are available are the following: Python, Java, C#, C, LUA and Ruby.