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FAQ for the 'Paypal' group #5

Open RShankar opened 9 years ago

RShankar commented 9 years ago

From Dr. Shankar: Question to be added soon!

deniseygrace commented 9 years ago

Question from the 'Twitter' group to the 'PayPal' group: The merchants on PayPal seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to dealing with fraud; is there a particular business type/model that gets targeted by PayPal's Igor security system?

aasthadave commented 9 years ago

Question from 'Netflix' to 'PayPal': Since PayPal has a bad reputation among those who are seeking rather than buying, what kind of change would you invoke to make it a little bit easier on the seller but also protect the buyer?

intC0der commented 9 years ago

Question from 'LinkedIn' to 'Paypal': How does Paypal handles fraud?What are the steps involved?And is there a punishment or ban?

RShankar commented 9 years ago

Question from Dr. Shankar to the 'Paypal' group: For the case study used, 10% of their customer base comes from Paypal; however, half of their new customers come from Paypal. So, it is a good alliance for growth. Can you please find out whether Paypal's share has gone up or down over the years,and why? Perhaps a quick call to the company....let them know it is for an engineering seminar course.

Magicperf commented 9 years ago

Question from 'Amazon-Cloud' to 'Paypal' group: Is PayPal Credit service good enough to raise credit score?

Bainshinds commented 9 years ago

Question from Amazon-Retail to 'Paypal' group: What would you say is the biggest problem faced by Paypal, and what are the steps taken to overcome that problem.

Jnesbeth commented 9 years ago

Question from "GitHub" to "Paypal" group: Has the artificial intelligence, Igor, been used for anything other than for Paypal itself?

GiBiT commented 9 years ago

Question from "Facebook" to "Paypal" group: With Apple pay and Google Wallet taking the market with mobile phone tap and pay, what is PayPal's answer to compete?

adrianas92 commented 9 years ago

Question from 'NOAA' to 'PayPal': Since PayPal can be part of my checkout form in my website and they provide PayPal buttons. Do they provide the whole interface and source code to be implied in my website?

rnadrich commented 9 years ago

Answer from Paypal to Twitter there is no one business type that gets subjected to Igor. Igor mostly focuses on the activity and behavior of each individual account and any suspicous trends that may be occuring

maugus33 commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Paypal' to 'LinkedIn' :

Paypal, when faced with an account that may be fraudulent, will freeze the account for up to 180 days pending on an investigation by Paypal to determine if the account is fraudulent or not. During investigation, Paypal will look to see if any of these activities ( linked here: ) are present among others to make their judgement. If an account was actually found to be fraudulent, the account holder is required to pay back any victims they have scammed. If they do not, the amount will be taken out of their account. If the account does not have enough funds, all of the money will be taken and the account will be in the negatives. The account holder will be required to deposit the difference or else Paypal will take legal actions.

maugus33 commented 9 years ago

From from 'PayPal' to 'Netflix':

There is no easy way to balance the issue without consequences on either side. What Paypal can do for the seller is to be more transparent on why an account is suspected of fraud and to change the amount of time an account is frozen to be equal to how long a buyer has to make a claim ( currently, buyers have 45 days to claim fraud while sellers can have their accounts frozen up to 180 days).

rnadrich commented 9 years ago

Answer from Paypal to Amazon Cloud: Paypal credit does not affect your credit score, because your credit activity is not reported to the credit bureaus. However It does act like any other credit line.

rnadrich commented 9 years ago

Answer from Paypal to NOAA: Assuming you are only talking about Paypal buttons. Paypal only provides the API interface and scripts for your website. They do not provide the source code for security reasons since money is involved. Here is a link ( if you wish to add a Paypal button to your website.

rnadrich commented 9 years ago

Answer from Paypal to Github: Paypal uses IGOR in collaboration with the FBI to help build fraudulent cases. Paypal will only give out an account's private information when the FBI obtains a subpoena or other court order in order to protect customers privacy.

maugus33 commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Paypal' to 'Amazon-Retail' :

Ever since Paypal started, they've had issues with individuals using their services to commit fraud and scam their customers. To combat this, they not only developed their own fraud monitoring system ( Igor), but also educated users on how to spot possible scams ( linked here: and to report any possible scams to them so they can deal with it as swiftly as possible. Paypal instructs users on how to report scams here: .

rnadrich commented 9 years ago

Answer Paypal to Dr. Shankar: As it stands right now Paypal does not have its own stock, because it is still a subsidiary of eBay. They how ever do plan to split from eBay and have their own stock sometime this year. During the year 2013 Paypal did grow by 19% according to yahoo finance, but still will have issues. For instance Paypal close relation to eBay has thwarted any major potential partners such as Amazon or Apple. Likewise according to yahoo finance in 2014 eBay accounted for 30% of PayPal’s revenues and 50% of its profits.


maugus33 commented 9 years ago

Answer from 'Paypal' to "Facebook" :

With Apple pay and Google Wallet becoming a major competitor to Paypal, Paypal ( though an indirect response) will be breaking away from eBay sometime this year. Analysts say that the move could allow PayPal to seek new avenues of growth since groups like Apple and Alibaba are more likely to partner with the company than if it was housed with eBay. On top of this, Paypal, acquired Braintree which is a company that helps online businesses process credit card payments, similar to Paypal. This acquisition will benefit Paypal to help improve its use with developers. Braintree's been known to have good customer service and by supporting the developers, they are hoping for increase use of their services. More information can be found here: