RSully / RSColorPicker

iOS color picker view with brightness control, opacity control, and delegation support.
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Additional RSColorPickerViewDelegate methods #37

Closed vlaminck closed 10 years ago

vlaminck commented 10 years ago

I added optional RSColorPickerViewDelegate methods for more detailed feedback during user interaction. I have an RSColorPickerView in a UIScrollView and wanted the ability to disable scrolling when the user was actively using the color picker, and enable scrolling when the user was done using the color picker.

The new delegate methods are:

- (void)colorPicker:(RSColorPickerView*)colorPicker touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
- (void)colorPicker:(RSColorPickerView*)colorPicker touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
RSully commented 10 years ago

Thanks for adding this.

Could you expand a little on your use case? I'd love to hear about your app and any other challenges from using this in a scroll view.