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RT-Thread Cache 处理优化 #6965

Open Guozhanxin opened 1 year ago

Guozhanxin commented 1 year ago

驱动目前对于 Cache 处理是耦合在驱动代码里的。是不是将来抽象出来一层,独立管理 DMA 与驱动 有关的 Buffer f635873e9f31c53f2bfb8ce5f3e56699_


驱动对应用传进来的buf,做一次拷贝,拷贝到满足要求的内存空间再进行DMA操作。 image


扩充 control 接口,应用直接向驱动申请满足要求的驱动 image


BernardXiong commented 1 year ago

rthw.h定义了几个cache ops:

void rt_hw_cpu_icache_enable(void);
void rt_hw_cpu_icache_disable(void);
rt_base_t rt_hw_cpu_icache_status(void);
void rt_hw_cpu_icache_ops(int ops, void* addr, int size);

void rt_hw_cpu_dcache_enable(void);
void rt_hw_cpu_dcache_disable(void);
rt_base_t rt_hw_cpu_dcache_status(void);
void rt_hw_cpu_dcache_ops(int ops, void* addr, int size);
wosayttn commented 1 year ago

某平台的 drv_uart.c for serial_v1 驅動實現內,搞了個偷天換日,Zero-copy 和排除了 invalidate un-cleaned data 問題。


#if defined(BSP_USING_MMU)
        /* Allocate aligned and align-up DMA buffer for cache coherence. */
        psNuUart->dmabuf.pu8RxBuf = rt_malloc_align(RT_ALIGN(i32TriggerLen, 32), 32);
        psNuUart->dmabuf.bufsize = 0;
        if (psNuUart->dmabuf.pu8RxBuf == RT_NULL)
            LOG_E("Failed to allocate dma memory %d.", i32TriggerLen);
            goto exit_nu_pdma_uart_rx_config;
        rx_fifo->buffer = (rt_uint8_t*) psNuUart->dmabuf.pu8RxBuf;
        rt_memset(rx_fifo->buffer, 0, i32TriggerLen);
        psNuUart->dmabuf.bufsize = i32TriggerLen;
        psNuUart->dmabuf.put_index = 0;

serial 內,申請的 RX Buffer時,若符合 rt_malloc_align(RT_ALIGN( BUFSIZE, CACHE_LINE_SIZE), CACHE_LINE_SIZE) , 驅動層就不需要偷天換日了。