RT-Thread / rtthread-nano

nano version of RT-Thread
Apache License 2.0
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移植 RT-Thread Nano 到 RISC-V 系统时钟配置 #3

Open thisisausername-rgb opened 4 years ago

thisisausername-rgb commented 4 years ago

我正在尝试将rtthread-nano移植到卡在系统时钟配置上的risc-v e310 配置系统时钟Created rt_hw_board_init()来调用开发板提供的功能来配置64MHz(如果我正确的话) 我被困在执行操作系统节拍 `void rt_hw_board_init() { ... rt_hw_timer_init(); //使用硬件计时器来实现时钟滴答,通常命名为rt_hw_timer_init() ... }

int rt_hw_timer_init(void)//函数实现自身并需要加载中断服务程序 { ... rt_hw_interrupt_install(IRQ_PBA8_TIMER2_3,rt_hw_timer_isr,RT_NULL,“ tick”); rt_hw_interrupt_umask(IRQ_PBA8_TIMER2_3); }

/ 中断服务程序 / 静态void rt_hw_timer_isr(int向量,void *参数) { rt_interrupt_enter(); rt_tick_increase(); rt_interrupt_leave(); }` IRQ_PBA8_TIMER2_3是int类型的中断向量 我需要添加一些东西才能得到它。是开发板附带的api函数还是rtthread函数?

I am trying to port rtthread-nano to risc-v e310 stuck on the system clock configuration Configure the system clock Created rt_hw_board_init () to call the function provided by the development board to configure 64MHz (if I am right) I am stuck at implementing the OS beat `void rt_hw_board_init () {      ...      rt_hw_timer_init (); // use hardware timer to realize clock tick, generally named rt_hw_timer_init ()      ... }

int rt_hw_timer_init (void) // function implements itself and needs to load interrupt service routine {      ...      rt_hw_interrupt_install (IRQ_PBA8_TIMER2_3, rt_hw_timer_isr, RT_NULL, "tick");      rt_hw_interrupt_umask (IRQ_PBA8_TIMER2_3); }

/ Interrupt service routine / static void rt_hw_timer_isr (int vector, void * param) {      rt_interrupt_enter ();      rt_tick_increase ();      rt_interrupt_leave (); } ` IRQ_PBA8_TIMER2_3 is an interrupt vector of type int I need to add something before to get it. Is it the api function or rtthread function that comes with the development board?