RTCovid / business-impact

Working with Riverside County, CA, to track and analyze the economic impact of COVID-19 at the zip-code level, specifically with regards to tax-designated Opportunity Zones.
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Foursquare data #56

Open suprenant opened 4 years ago

suprenant commented 4 years ago


Possible contacts:

suprenant commented 4 years ago

As an update, we have some possible contacts from USDR and RTC. Alex, let's talk approach during when we next meet, and we can go from there.

suprenant commented 4 years ago

Pinged Ni in the USDR Slack about a Foursquare introduction: https://usdrcovid19.slack.com/archives/C011J95KECE/p1593189994294200?thread_ts=1592601940.247000&cid=C011J95KECE

suprenant commented 4 years ago

Contacted Ni re: potential contacts here.

suprenant commented 4 years ago

@alexmerryman want to take a look at the data (raw data link in email)? If our need persists, perhaps the Foursquare team could help us with data at the zip code level.