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College Scorecard
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FYI: Third party tools using the College Scorecard #1380

Open ErieMeyer opened 8 years ago

ErieMeyer commented 8 years ago

This is a running thread to capture 3rd party tools that are using the data from CollegeScorecard.ed.gov.

From the launch fact sheet:

New capabilities created with the open API, customized to serve a variety of students and counselors, including:

Better college search and choice tools: Today, ScholarMatch, StartClass, and College Abacus, three online search tools, will incorporate the new data to help students search for, compare, and develop a list of colleges based on outcome metrics from the College Scorecard. Later this month, Noodle, and the HelloCollege app will launch their enhancements, while College Greenlight and I'm First plan to launch theirs in 2016.

New outcomes and metrics: PayScale, which has been publishing college return-on-investment data by institution since 2010, is producing new information using the Department’s newly published data on how ROI differs at 1,000 colleges for students from a range of economic backgrounds in its 2016 PayScale College ROI Report.

Better advising and support for students: InsideTrack, which is a team of coaches and consultants working to improve student outcomes, will use the data to help its partners develop and implement effective student-centered initiatives.

More comprehensive rankings with new outcomes data: Niche.com will release a new Best Value Colleges ranking on September 28th. Today, ProPublica, a non-profit investigative journalism newsroom is releasing a tool with the open data to help consumers make more informed decisions.

ErieMeyer commented 8 years ago
hollyallen commented 8 years ago


hollyallen commented 8 years ago

Completely separately, Sarah and I made this wiki page the other day, which I've just updated to basically match this issue: https://github.com/18F/college-choice/wiki

sudharsanmit commented 7 years ago

@hollyallen I am developing an iPhone/Android app by consuming the collegescorecard api data. It is under performance testing and hopefully will be released by March 1. Also, is there a plan to append data for the years 2015, 2016 in Collegescorecard? It currently has only upto 2014. Checkout the first look in https://twitter.com/ChebuRakshu

apollostream commented 7 years ago

I'm in the process of updating the RStudio Shiny-based 3rd-party app I've created so that it uses the latest College Scorecard database.

Here's a link to the app: "Best Colleges for You".

Under Issue #1401 , I've offered to freely contribute the R source code to this repository as open source. Any interest? If so, how should I go about contributing it?

domdomegg commented 6 years ago

Alexa skill that can look up general data, admissions data, student data or financial info. Works in both the UK and U.S.

Amazon UK Amazon U.S.

cheburakshu commented 6 years ago

CollegeAnalyzer is an app both in Apple and Android store that lets users search, compare colleges on multiple metrics.