RTXI / rtxi

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General questions on RTXI #125

Closed URSUroman closed 3 years ago

URSUroman commented 6 years ago


I have a few general questions about rtxi and unfortunately I didn"t find another way but to ask it here.

  1. In the data_recorder.cpp file there is a function : DataRecorder::Panel::execute(). When is this function called and who calls it? Is it called at each RT clock period that is specified in the System Control Panel of the rtxi GUI ? If so, that means, execute() is called when a new data sample arrives but what happens if I put some computations within execute that take longer to proceed than an RT clock period? Will the next data samples be skipped till the previous call to execute() finishes or will execute() be stopped at the next RT clock period and called anew at that new clock period?

  2. Are the RAM resources of rtxi some how limited? I ask this because I actually put some computations in the execute() function (fft, computation of correlation coefficients) and when I steadily increase the size of the fft buffers, at some point rtxi crashes although the RAM resources of our computer are high (free -m gives: 30GB).

  3. At some rare occasions the data recorded within the execute() are sampled with a higher frequency than that specified in System Control Panel. I wonder if it can be due to some kernel options that were set during the installation of rtxi (http://rtxi.org/install/). I followed exactly the installation instructions but some times it seems that execute() is called more often than specified by the RT period. It seems that the clock of the computer's processor at some occasions goes faster. Is there a kernel option among those we modify during the installation of the RT kernel that can potentially pertain to the control of the processor's frequency?

Best regards, Roman