RTXteam / RTX-KG2

Build system for the RTX-KG2 biomedical knowledge graph, part of the ARAX reasoning system (https://github.com/RTXTeam/RTX)
MIT License
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Broken links in RTX-KG2 results #346

Closed dkoslicki closed 9 months ago

dkoslicki commented 10 months ago

See this issue: https://github.com/NCATSTranslator/Feedback/issues/497

Basically, there is a trailing } in one of the urls image

I don't know if this is due to what's stored in RTX-KG2, or if the UI is parsing the info incorrectly. I do know it's an ARAX/RTX-KG2 edge though, as I had selected the check box to only return results from those ARA/KPs

ecwood commented 10 months ago

When I ran match (n)-[e]-(m) where n.name="Flutamide" and m.name="congenital adrenal hyperplasia" return n,e,m on kg2canonicalized2.rtx.ai, none of the results contain anything about clinical trials:

Edge 1:

  "predicate": "biolink:treats",
  "primary_knowledge_source": "infores:chembl",
  "domain_range_exclusion": "False",
  "publications_info": "{}",
  "kg2_ids": [
  "subject": "PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:3397",
  "id": "30382301",
  "object": "MONDO:0018479"

Edge 2:

  "predicate": "biolink:treats",
  "primary_knowledge_source": "infores:semmeddb",
  "domain_range_exclusion": "False",
  "publications_info": "{'PMID:10720048': {'publication date': '2000 Mar', 'sentence': 'We conclude that the regimen of flutamide, testolactone, reduced hydrocortisone dose, and fludrocortisone provides effective control of congenital adrenal hyperplasia with reduced risk of glucocorticoid excess.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:8855797': {'publication date': '1996 Oct', 'sentence': 'A preliminary study of flutamide, testolactone, and reduced hydrocortisone dose in the treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}}",
  "kg2_ids": [
  "subject": "PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:3397",
  "id": "8061436",
  "object": "MONDO:0018479",
  "publications": [

I don't believe KG2pre ingests any clinical trials data, so I'm not sure where this data could be coming from.