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Software repo for Team Expander Agent (Oregon State U., Institute for Systems Biology, and Penn State U.)
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Potential Data Ingest Problem for Octreotide #1249

Closed MarkDWilliams closed 3 years ago

MarkDWilliams commented 3 years ago

Hate to bother with more issues, but I'm only finding these because of how useful I've found ARAX/ARAX interface 😄 I tried running the following query for finding chemicals connected to SPMSY, which mostly works fine. However, the top result is Octreotide, which doesn't seem to have any relation that I could find to SPMSY, and it's linked by the predicate biolink:close_match which is valid biolink, but doesn't make sense in this context. Looking through the PMIDs linked as evidence, they seem to be about somatostatin. Could be a parsing issue in Semmed between SMS (spermine synthase) and somatostatin analogues. Low priority, but I thought I'd give y'all a heads up.

    "message": {
        "query_graph": {
            "nodes": {
                "n0": {
                    "id": "UniProtKB:P52788",
                "n1": {
                    "category": "biolink:ChemicalSubstance"
            "edges": {
                "e01": {
                    "subject": "n0",
                    "object": "n1"


dkoslicki commented 3 years ago

Thanks @MarkDWilliams , keep the issues coming! I’ve tagged our KG2 people to take a look at this. Most likely it’s a mis-synonymized node or the like.

amykglen commented 3 years ago

it looks like the questionable edge may be between "NCBIGene:6611" and "UMLS:C0728977" in KG2.3.4:

match p=(n)-[:close_match]-(m) where n.id in    ["UMLS:C1420262", "HGNC:11123", "UMLS:C0795864", "MEDDRA:10081680", "UMLS:C0037875", "MESH:D013097", "UMLS:C3661485", "MESH:D058496", "UMLS:C1866927", "NCIT:C75469", "OMIM:300105", "OMIM:182290", "SNOMED:401315004", "SNOMED:64142003", "ORPHANET:819", "ORPHANET:138543", "MONDO:0008434", "DOID:0060768", "PR:P52788", "PR:000015301", "UniProtKB:P52788", "ENSEMBL:ENSG00000102172", "CHEMBL.TARGET:CHEMBL4934", "NCBIGene:6611", "PathWhiz.ProteinComplex:7228", "PathWhiz.ProteinComplex:4235", "PathWhiz.ProteinComplex:337", "PathWhiz.ProteinComplex:9617", "PathWhiz.ProteinComplex:9011", "PathWhiz.ProteinComplex:10029", "PathWhiz.ProteinComplex:8353"] and m.id in     ["UMLS:C0028833", "ATC:H01CB02", "DRUGBANK:DB00104", "LOINC:MTHU035158", "LOINC:LP97954-9", "UMLS:C0724649", "UMLS:C0728977", "MESH:D015282", "UMLS:C1170602", "UMLS:C1518540", "UMLS:C1518539", "UMLS:C1521974", "UMLS:C1709307", "NCIT:C53447", "NCIT:C711", "UMLS:C1328681", "UMLS:C1518541", "UMLS:C0338271", "NCIT:C2402", "NDDF:004012", "NDDF:002107", "PDQ:CDR0000038866", "UMLS:C1328682", "UMLS:C1328680", "PDQ:CDR0000042358", "RXNORM:221130", "RXNORM:7617", "SNOMED:109055007", "SNOMED:109053000", "VANDF:4019472", "VANDF:4019864", "CHEBI:7726", "CHEMBL.COMPOUND:CHEMBL262746", "CHEMBL.COMPOUND:CHEMBL1680", "CHEMBL.COMPOUND:CHEMBL1200480", "CHEMBL.COMPOUND:CHEMBL2105834", "CHEMBL.COMPOUND:CHEMBL3182554", "CHEMBL.COMPOUND:CHEMBL3350037", "CHEMBL.COMPOUND:CHEMBL3545066", "HMDB:HMDB0014262", "KEGG:C07306"] return p limit 10
Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 12 41 40 PM

although there also seems to be a synonymization issue for SPMSY (UniProtKB:P52788):

Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 12 43 45 PM

I'll write this mis-synonymization up in a separate issue! (#1250)

edeutsch commented 3 years ago

@MarkDWilliams thanks for reporting, please don't ever hesitate to "bother".

However, you should be aware that we have a systemic problem with certain concepts being merged with others that should not be. There is a plan for fixing this, but an exact timeline is not currently known. It affects a small percentage of nodes, but with so many nodes, it is a substantial number overall. Your exact issue will not be fixed super soon since a broader fix is underway, but it will be fixed in the not too distant feature. We will use this example to verify the fix and will let you know when it is working. Feel free to report more, or skip the reporting of more until the broader fix is in place and many such issues are resolved, as you wish.

saramsey commented 3 years ago

This appears to be a SemMedDB triple. In KG2.5.1, the Cypher query

match (n {id: 'NCBIGene:6611'})<-[r]-(m {id: 'UMLS:C0728977'}) return r.provided_by, r.relation, r.publications_info, r.predicate;


["SEMMEDDB:"] | 
"OBO:xref" | 
"{'PMID:8702767':  {'publication date': '1996 Aug 23', 'sentence': 'Within this region,  Phe294 has previously been predicted to be essential for the binding of  octapeptides (Kaupmann, K., Bruns, C., Raulf, F., Weber, H., Mattes, H.,  and Lubbert, H. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 727-735) based on the observation  that SSTR1 can bind the octapeptide SMS-201-995 with reasonable affinity  after a Ser-to-Phe conversion in the analogous region of this receptor  (SSTR1S305F).', 'subject score': 923, 'object score': 764},  'PMID:8491320': {'publication date': '1993 Apr', 'sentence': 'Thus, CEA  concentration reflected cell number in vitro and tumor size in vivo as a  response to treatment with SMS 201.995.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:8406151': {'publication date': '1993 Sep',  'sentence': 'In conclusion, SMS 201-995 prevents basal and meal  stimulated increases in serum gastrin during omeprazole therapy.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:8769372':  {'publication date': '1996 Aug', 'sentence': 'A single Ser305 to Phe  mutation in TM VII increased the affinity of hsst1, for SMS 201-995  nearly 100-fold, and when Gln291 was also exchanged to Asn in TM VII of  hsst1, almost full sst2-like binding of SMS 201-995 was obtained.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:8528360':  {'publication date': '1994 Aug', 'sentence': 'Seven patients with growth  hormone (GH)-secreting pituitary adenoma were treated preoperatively  with octreotide (Sandostatin or SMS 201-995; a somatostatin analogue),  and were compared with 18 non-treated patients in their clinical courses  and adenoma analyses.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:8500346': {'publication date': '1993', 'sentence': 'The effect of  SMS 201-995 occurred 12 h after the peptide injection, while CMI and TRH  suppressed the proliferation after 24 h.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:9051332': {'publication date': '1997 Feb',  'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 significantly improves the pain of migraine  attacks, 2 h after the beginning of treatment.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:9180350': {'publication date': '1997',  'sentence': 'These data suggest that the decrease of the number of  125I-Tyr3-SMS receptors, would explain the decreased sensitivity of AC  to SMS 201-995 in membranes from 5-HT-pretreated acini.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:8383153': {'publication  date': '1993 Jan', 'sentence': 'These data confirm the effectiveness of  SMS 201-995 in the VIPoma syndrome and suggest that calcitonin may  ameliorate symptomatology and reduce circulating VIP level in patients  with VIPoma tumor.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:8564264': {'publication date': '1995 Oct', 'sentence': 'SMS  201-995 injected into the lateral ventricle (i.c.v., 100, 200, or 300  ng), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) or lateral hypothalamus (LH) (7.5,  15, or 30 ng) dose-dependently inhibited pentagastrin-stimulated gastric  acid secretion.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 850},  'PMID:8745343': {'publication date': '1995 Sep', 'sentence': 'In  conclusion, the effect of SMS 201-995 on colon cancer cell growth can be  enhanced by its combination with cytokines in SW620 but not in SW480  colon adenocarcinoma cells.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  916}, 'PMID:9153246': {'publication date': '1997 May 23', 'sentence': 'A  30-min exposure of cells to either SRIF or the analog SMS 201-995 (SMS)  reduced both the potency and efficacy of agonist inhibition of adenylyl  cyclase.', 'subject score': 916, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:9408049':  {'publication date': '1997', 'sentence': 'Fourteen hours after PBDL, the  SS receptors, the capacity of the SS analogue SMS 201-995 to inhibit  forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity and PTX-catalyzed [32P]  ADP-ribosylation of the alpha1 subunits of Gi proteins could not be  detected in pancreatic acinar membranes.', 'subject score': 893, 'object  score': 850}, 'PMID:8511502': {'publication date': '1993 May',  'sentence': 'The effect of a somatostatin analogue, SMS 201-995 (SMS),  on antral gastrin cell hyperplasia (AGH) and hypergastrinemia associated  with 14-day administration of the histamine H2-receptor antagonist  (H2-RA) famotidine was studied in rats.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:8725462': {'publication date': '1996', 'sentence':  'Successful control of external biliary fistula by using SMS 201-995 in  a child.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:8754775': {'publication date': '1996 Aug', 'sentence':  'Octapeptide somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 induces translocation of  intracellular PTP1C to membranes in MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma  cells.', 'subject score': 858, 'object score': 840}, 'PMID:9221906':  {'publication date': '1997 Jul', 'sentence': 'SKF 38393 as well as  bromocriptine increased the capacity of SMS 201-995 to accumulate IP3 in  the rat striatum although this effect was only statistically  significant in the case of SKF 38393.', 'subject score': 888, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:9222554': {'publication date': '1997 Jul',  'sentence': '[125I]-[LTT]SRIF-28 and [125I]-SMS 201-995 were used to  identify and characterize somatostatin (SRIF) receptors localized in rat  lung tissue.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:8486215': {'publication date': '1993 Apr', 'sentence': 'We  conclude that SMS 201-995 is useful for the treatment of portal  hypertension because of its effect of reducing portal pressure with mild  changes in systemic hemodynamics.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:9103503': {'publication date': '1997 Apr',  'sentence': 'SMS-201-995 (10 nmol/kg/hr) inhibited acid secretion  similarly to somatostatin-14, indicating that activation of sst2, sst3  and/or sst5 receptors accounts for acid inhibition induced by  somatostatin.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:9196070': {'publication date': '1997 Jun 09', 'sentence': 'Since,  SMS 201-995 was reported to bind with high affinity only to somatostatin  receptors type 2, 3 and 5, the lack of effect of this compound on  interleukin 6 release suggests that the inhibitory action of  somatostatin could be mediated by the activation of either type 1 or  type 4 somatostatin receptors.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  991}, 'PMID:2904131': {'publication date': '1988 Dec', 'sentence':  'Chronic infusions of SMS 201-995 produced marked neurotoxic effects  characterized by truncal ataxia, dysmetria, and severe bradykinesia,  with normal level of consciousness.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 890}, 'PMID:2844221': {'publication date': '1988 Jul',  'sentence': 'Evaluation of the synthetic somatostatin analogue SMS  201-995 in patients with hypoglycaemia associated with hepatocellular  carcinoma.', 'subject score': 840, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2454125': {'publication date': '1988 Apr', 'sentence': 'Similarly,  the previously reported increase in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase  (EC and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (EC found  in the kidney at 2 and 7 days of diabetes was less marked in the group  receiving SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 868},  'PMID:2844445': {'publication date': '1988 Feb', 'sentence': "This is  the first report of the successful use of SMS 201-995 in  carcinoid-induced Cushing's syndrome, and suggests that this hormone  analogue could be valuable in the long term medical management of such  patients.", 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 824}, 'PMID:2394336':  {'publication date': '1990 Oct', 'sentence': "These results indicate  that the patient's acute secretory diarrhea, occurring after large  intestinal obstruction, originated in the small intestine and that SMS  201-995 can be used to manage this unusual severe postoperative  problem.", 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 813}, 'PMID:2334410':  {'publication date': '1990 Apr 30', 'sentence': 'GH-releasing hormone  and a somatostatin analogue, SMS 201-995, did not affect GH secretion  from non-stimulated and PHA-stimulated PBMCs.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1854508': {'publication date': '1991',  'sentence': 'The somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 has a beneficial  effect in the treatment of patients with the carcinoid syndrome.',  'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2724869':  {'publication date': '1989 Apr 17', 'sentence': 'After failure of  several attempts of symptomatic, antibiotic, and antiviral therapy, the  long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 was administered to the  patients subcutaneously in a dose between 2 x 50 micrograms and 3 x 100  micrograms/day.', 'subject score': 841, 'object score': 861},  'PMID:2844705': {'publication date': '1988 Aug', 'sentence': 'It is  concluded that SMS 201-995 can be effective in reducing secretory  diarrhea in infants.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 884},  'PMID:1974801': {'publication date': '1990', 'sentence': 'Speculation on  the role of the tails in species-specific recognition is supported by  the nature of amino acid residue substitutions in urotensin II,  somatostatin, and SMS 201-995 and suggests the existence of multiple  receptor types for this group of peptides.', 'subject score': 892,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2875321': {'publication date': '1986 Sep  13', 'sentence': 'Treatment of autonomic neuropathy with a somatostatin  analogue SMS-201-995.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2875493': {'publication date': '1986 Jul', 'sentence': 'Therefore,  the rat brain, in particular the cortex, possesses a SMS  201-995-sensitive, Mg2+-dependent SS receptor subpopulation (SS1) as  well as a SMS 201-995-insensitive, Mg2+-independent SS population  (SS2).', 'subject score': 589, 'object score': 589}, 'PMID:1704631':  {'publication date': '1991 Jan', 'sentence': 'Intravenous administration  of SMS 201-995 in the three different doses described above caused  dose-dependent suppression of the increase in pancreatic exocrine  secretion as well as the plasma concentration of secretin and CCK  induced by intraduodenal infusion of oleic acid.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2875590': {'publication date':  '1986', 'sentence': 'In addition the potential role of therapy with  Somatostatin analogs and the preliminary effects of Somatostatin and/or  SMS 201-995 are discussed in disorders of gastro-intestinal function  (haemorrhages, diarrhoea, pancreatitis and endocrine pancreatic  tumours), diabetes mellitus, central nervous system disturbances and  oncology.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2575406': {'publication date': '1989 Dec', 'sentence': 'We  conclude that combined SMS 201-995 and bromocriptine therapy is safe and  frequently suppresses GH and PRL secretion.', 'subject score': 916,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2215839': {'publication date': '1990 Aug',  'sentence': 'Treatment of hypertension, small carbohydrate meals,  caffeine and treatment with the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 may  have a beneficial effect.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 893},  'PMID:3236932': {'publication date': '1988 Dec 10', 'sentence':  '[Treatment of pancreatic apudomas with a somatostatin analog SMS  201-995].', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2276223':  {'publication date': '1990 Oct', 'sentence': 'These results demonstrate  that growth hormone was only partially suppressed by SMS 201-995 in  insulin-dependent diabetic subjects.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2666249': {'publication date': '1989 Sep',  'sentence': 'A retrospective subgroup analysis according to age, sex,  localization of the ulcers, severity of the bleeding, and arterial  spurting vs. oozing showed homogeneity and did not allow identification  of a subgroup that might benefit from treatment with SMS 201-995.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2876005':  {'publication date': '1986 Nov', 'sentence': 'Somatostatin analog SMS  201-995 and insulin needs in insulin-dependent diabetic patients studied  by means of an artificial pancreas.', 'subject score': 893, 'object  score': 916}, 'PMID:2185966': {'publication date': '1990', 'sentence':  'Long-term treatment with the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995:  alternative to pancreatectomy in persistent hyperinsulinaemic  hypoglycaemia of infancy.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 893},  'PMID:2186055': {'publication date': '1990 May', 'sentence':  'Gastrointestinal glucose absorption was delayed, and insulin secretion  suppressed during treatment with SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2876235': {'publication date': '1986 Oct  04', 'sentence': 'Oral administration of the long-acting somatostatin  analogue, SMS 201-995 (Sandoz), was assessed in five patients with  active acromegaly, four of whom had not responded to pituitary  irradiation.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:3146715': {'publication date': '1988', 'sentence': 'The effects of  SMS 201-995 might be attributed to an improvement of renal  haemodynamics through inhibition of vasoconstrictor systems acting in  cirrhosis.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2876493': {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'A pilot study  of SMS 201-995 in the treatment of severe acute upper GI bleeding  resulted in cessation of bleeding, with no rebleeding during or within  24 h after the trial in 8 of 10 patients.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 928}, 'PMID:2876495': {'publication date': '1986',  'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 is therefore a useful therapeutic tool in the  long-term management of patients with symptoms due to uncontrolled  hormone secretion from neuroendocrine tumours.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2876498': {'publication date': '1986',  'sentence': 'Acute and long-term effects of SMS 201-995 in acromegaly.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2876499':  {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'The efficacy and safety of  chronically administered SMS 201-995 in active acromegaly opens new  horizons for its treatment.', 'subject score': 884, 'object score':  888}, 'PMID:2876501': {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'SMS  201-995 inhibits secretion of insulin, glucagon, and TSH in addition to  growth hormone and induces carbohydrate intolerance when administered  before food in normal subjects.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2876502': {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'We  conclude that SMS 201-995 could be an excellent tool for further  clinical investigation and therapy of diabetic vascular complications.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2876507':  {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'Starting from a hypothetical  conformation of natural somatostatin and a knowledge of the minimal  fragment needed for biological activity, a process of rational design  and lead optimization has led to the potent, selective, and long-acting  analogue SMS 201-995, (formula: see text) which selectively inhibits  growth hormone secretion in several animal species for up to 6 h after  subcutaneous application.', 'subject score': 846, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2876509': {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'Postprandial  effects of SMS 201-995 on gut hormones and glucose tolerance.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 983}, 'PMID:2876510': {'publication  date': '1986', 'sentence': 'The effect of SMS 201-995, a long-acting  somatostatin analogue, on anterior pituitary function in healthy male  volunteers.', 'subject score': 852, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2876511': {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'The results  can be summarized as follows: SMS 201-995 is a potent inhibitor of  gastric acid secretion, exerting near maximal inhibition at a dose of  greater than or equal to 0.56 micrograms kg-1 h-1.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2876570': {'publication date': '1986  Sep', 'sentence': 'Moreover, treatment with SMS 201-995 was associated  with a substantial reduction in pituitary enlargement and an improvement  in her gastric symptoms.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:1705618': {'publication date': '1991 Mar', 'sentence': 'To  test this hypothesis, 2 mm methylcellulose disks containing  concentrations of SMS 201-995 and RC-160 at 0, 0.5, 2.5, or 50  micrograms per disk, were implanted on the chorioallantoic membrane  (CAM) of 6- to 7-day-old shell-less chick embryos.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2757427': {'publication date': '1989  Aug', 'sentence': 'Long-acting analogue of somatostatin--SMS 201-995--is  highly effective in the prevention of clinical symptoms related to the  dumping syndrome.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:2306870': {'publication date': '1990', 'sentence': 'Double-blind  placebo-controlled trials are currently in progress to confirm the  efficacy of SMS 201-995 in psoriasis.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2155884': {'publication date': '1990 Jan',  'sentence': 'The newly developed long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS  201-995 was used to treat a patient with the presumptive diagnosis of  benign insulinoma.', 'subject score': 841, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2817765': {'publication date': '1989', 'sentence': 'We studied for  over 7 months the use of SMS 201-995, in 1 woman with pituitary  adenoma.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:1315610':  {'publication date': '1992 Jan', 'sentence': 'The treatment with SMS  201-995 directly evoked a reduction of serum GH in acromegalic patients  and at the same time, the levels of serum SMC and 1,25-(OH)2D3 were  decreased.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:1947381': {'publication date': '1991 Jul', 'sentence': 'The  results of two acute treatment tests using SMS 201-995 (SMS), over a 24  hour period in acromegalic patients are presented.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:2817814': {'publication date': '1989  Jul-Aug', 'sentence': 'To investigate the feasibility of a novel form of  endocrine therapy that would exploit such dependence, we treated 8  patients with non-endocrine solid tumours with the somatostatin analogue  SMS 201-995, in an effort to reduce growth hormone-stimulated IGF-I  production.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 786},  'PMID:2576751': {'publication date': '1989 Dec', 'sentence': 'In  contrast, a somatostatin analog, SMS 201-995, revealed the inhibitory  effects on the basal- and GRF-induced secretion of 7B2 at the  concentration of 10(-7) M.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:3297965': {'publication date': '1987', 'sentence': 'The  long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 has given promising  results in 2 patients.', 'subject score': 841, 'object score': 861},  'PMID:2877536': {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'Normalization  of glucose homeostasis by a long-acting somatostatin analog SMS 201-995  in a newborn with nesidioblastosis.', 'subject score': 841, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2576951': {'publication date': '1989', 'sentence':  'Use of somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 in medullary thyroid  carcinoma.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 913}, 'PMID:2846625':  {'publication date': '1988 Nov', 'sentence': 'We conclude that SMS  201-995 can reduce ACTH as well as gastrin secretion from islet cell  carcinomas as well as control tumor growth.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2877605': {'publication date': '1986 Dec',  'sentence': 'Plasma immunoreactive levels of SMS 201-995 related  inversely to growth hormone concentration: A reproducible threshold for  growth hormone inhibition in five of the patients, ranging from 70 to  1200 pg/mL, was maintained for 6 to 8 hours after the injections.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 734}, 'PMID:3058374':  {'publication date': '1988 Oct', 'sentence': 'After SMS 201-995, an  enhancement of the increase in blood glucose (8.2 +/- 0.7 vs 4.7 +/- 0.2  mmol/l, P less than 0.01) and inhibition and postponement of the  postprandial rise in insulin (27.6 +/- 6.7 vs 9.9 +/- 2.1 m-units/l, P  less than 0.05) occurred.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2426819': {'publication date': '1986 Aug', 'sentence': 'SMS  201-995 blocks acid secretion and secretin- and calcium-stimulated  gastrin release, indicating that SMS 201-995 inhibits peptide secretion  by postreceptor mechanisms.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:1467319': {'publication date': '1992', 'sentence': 'A  comparison of SMS 201-995 and oesophageal tamponade in the control of  acute variceal haemorrhage.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  901}, 'PMID:1347515': {'publication date': '1992 Mar 12', 'sentence':  'The somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 (SMS) decreased the  growth-promoting effect of bFGF.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2668129': {'publication date': '1989 Jul', 'sentence':  'The effect of a long acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 on stomal  effluents in patients with severe short bowel syndrome was investigated  in a double blind placebo controlled balance study.', 'subject score':  841, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2878008': {'publication date': '1986  Dec', 'sentence': 'Since in acromegaly there is increased collagen  production, we measured serum PIIIP in acromegalic patients before any  treatment (basal), during medical treatment with the somatostatin analog  SMS 201-995, and after pituitary adenomectomy.', 'subject score': 893,  'object score': 861}, 'PMID:2878009': {'publication date': '1987 Jan',  'sentence': 'The response of serum growth hormone levels to the  long-acting somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 in acromegaly.', 'subject  score': 841, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2038180': {'publication date':  '1991 May', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 inhibited CCK-8-induced, but not  meal-induced, ileal luminal PYY recovery.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 740}, 'PMID:2668325': {'publication date': '1989 Sep',  'sentence': 'Increasing the frequency of delivery of SMS 201-995 may be  an alternative to increasing the dose in some patients with  acromegaly.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2878747': {'publication date': '1986 Jun', 'sentence': 'SMS  201-995, 50 micrograms, given twice daily shortly before meals does not  suppress 24 h GH secretion, but demonstrates significant effects on  metabolism and causes side effects in normal subjects.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2878748': {'publication  date': '1986 Aug', 'sentence': 'It is concluded that SMS 201-995 does  not affect tumorous PRL secretion in patients with pure prolactinomas.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 828}, 'PMID:2878866':  {'publication date': '1986 Nov', 'sentence': 'The beneficial effects of  long acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 in an acromegalic patient  affected by severe diabetes mellitus are reported.', 'subject score':  841, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:2518866': {'publication date': '1989  Dec', 'sentence': 'These results indicate prolonged and potent effects  of single subcutaneous doses of SMS 201-995 on peptone-meal stimulated  acid secretion and gastrin release.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:3059976': {'publication date': '1988', 'sentence':  'SMS 201-995 was administered to 40 acromegalic patients, in a  multicentric study.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 802},  'PMID:2279532': {'publication date': '1990 Sep', 'sentence': 'The  present study evaluated the effects of a long acting SRIF analogue, SMS  201-995 on the progression of renal failure in 3/4 nephrectomized (NPX)  rats.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 825}, 'PMID:2759484':  {'publication date': '1989 Jul', 'sentence': 'Subsequent administration  of SMS 201-995 for a nine month period was not associated with adverse  side effects or an impairment of growth velocity.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 901}, 'PMID:1499547': {'publication date': '1992  Aug 01', 'sentence': 'Incubation of pancreatic acini with somatostatin  analogues, SMS 201-995 or BIM 23014, resulted in a stimulation of  membrane PTPase activity.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2879447': {'publication date': '1986 Dec 22', 'sentence':  'In a patient with diabetic diarrhea unresponsive to all treatments, SMS  201-995 therapy controlled the diarrhea but did not interfere with  control of the diabetes.', 'subject score': 916, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2879448': {'publication date': '1986 Dec 22', 'sentence': 'In  vitro, SMS 201-995 inhibits basal gastrin secretion from gastrinoma  prepared in acute cell dispersion, but not gastrinoma in cell culture,  probably due to differences in basal secretory rates.', 'subject score':  893, 'object score': 851}, 'PMID:2879449': {'publication date': '1986  Dec 22', 'sentence': 'In the presence of 10 mM arginine plus glucose at a  concentration of either 8.8 or 17.6 mM, insulin secretion was reduced  by both SMS 201-995 and somatostatin-14 to levels obtained with glucose  alone.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 771}, 'PMID:2879451':  {'publication date': '1986 Dec 22', 'sentence': 'Compound SMS 201-995  provided safe and effective therapy for postprandial hypotension.',  'subject score': 649, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:2879452':  {'publication date': '1986 Dec 22', 'sentence': 'Effects of SMS 201-995  on intermediary metabolism and endocrine status in normal and diabetic  humans.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2879453':  {'publication date': '1986 Dec 22', 'sentence': 'Overall, SMS 201-995  appears to be a valuable new agent for the treatment of acromegaly, but  long-term safety needs to be established.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1678601': {'publication date': '1991 Aug  15', 'sentence': 'The effects of somatostatin-14 and its biologically  active analogs, RC-160 and SMS 201-995, on (Ca,Mg)ATPase activity in  vitro were studied in homogenates of anterior pituitary cells.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1978946':  {'publication date': '1990 Dec', 'sentence': 'We examined the ability of  the somatostatin analogue, SMS 201-995, to inhibit 5-HT release in  vitro.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1859412':  {'publication date': '1991 Jul 31', 'sentence': 'It was shown that not  only in vivo injections of SMS 201-995, but also, unexpectedly, in vitro  incubation with bombesin inhibited [3H]-thymidine incorporation.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2760170':  {'publication date': '1989 Sep', 'sentence': 'The effects on gallbladder  motility of long term treatment with the somatostatin analog SMS  201-995 (SMS) were studied in five patients with acromegaly treated for  6-32 months with 200-300 micrograms SMS daily.', 'subject score': 893,  'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2069853': {'publication date': '1991 Jun',  'sentence': 'In two of these four patients, serum CEA levels fell  modestly during SMS 201.995 therapy.', 'subject score': 916, 'object  score': 888}, 'PMID:1440173': {'publication date': '1992 Nov',  'sentence': 'Pentagastrin administration increased the three parameters  of tumoral growth by 40 percent and reduced survival time to 29.6 days  (p < 0.01), while SMS 201-995 inhibited growth by 40 percent and  prolonged survival time to 48.5 days (p < 0.01).', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2642488': {'publication date': '1989  Jan', 'sentence': 'These results suggest that SMS 201-995 may be  administered to patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus  without a deleterious effect on metabolic control.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2702445': {'publication date': '1989  Feb', 'sentence': 'The packed cell volume, pulse and systolic blood  pressure changes of early dumping were significantly reduced by SMS  201-995 and the fall in blood glucose in patients with late dumping was  abolished.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:1410521': {'publication date': '1992 Jun', 'sentence': 'It appears  that the somatostatin analogue SMS-201-995 has a marked stimulatory  effect on the in vivo prostanoid production by the villous adenoma.',  'subject score': 893, 'object score': 850}, 'PMID:1679709':  {'publication date': '1991 May', 'sentence': 'Cyclic AMP responses to  stimulatory ligands vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), isoproterenol,  and forskolin and inhibitory agonists neuropeptide Y (NPY), the  synthetic somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995, and alpha-adrenergic agents  were investigated in tissues from normal eyes and compared to the same  responses in tissues from sympathetically denervated eyes.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 840}, 'PMID:2880861': {'publication date':  '1987 Mar', 'sentence': 'Medical treatment of acromegaly with SMS  201-995, a somatostatin analog: a comparison with bromocriptine.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2702888':  {'publication date': '1989 Apr', 'sentence': 'In contrast, in vivo loop  studies demonstrated that systemic administration of SMS 201-995 for  five consecutive days produced a paradoxical decrease in basal colonic  fluid absorption with no effect in jejunum or ileum.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2548911': {'publication date':  '1989', 'sentence': 'The results of SMS 201-995 in the treatment of  glucagonoma syndrome are reviewed.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:1980282': {'publication date': '1990 Sep',  'sentence': 'The inhibitory effect SMS 201-995 exerted on cell  proliferation was associated with a dose- and time-related reduction in  both c-myc and c-fos mRNA levels.', 'subject score': 861, 'object  score': 861}, 'PMID:2881419': {'publication date': '1987 Feb',  'sentence': 'The patients received daily 3 X 100 micrograms of SMS  201-995 subcutaneously.', 'subject score': 923, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2881511': {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'The  Somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 induces a long-lasting inhibition of  GH secretion and may be useful in the treatment of acromegalic  patients.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:1378566':  {'publication date': '1992 Apr', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 has a longterm  tumor shrinkage effect and improves endocrinopathies.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 966}, 'PMID:2491862': {'publication date':  '1989 Jan', 'sentence': 'On the contrary, the inhibitory effects of SMS  201-995 on TSH secretion in patients with nnIST are weaker and  transient.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:3155299': {'publication date': '1988 Jul', 'sentence': 'GH  secretory dynamics and responsiveness to SMS 201-995 treatment in  acromegaly.', 'subject score': 916, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:3155325': {'publication date': '1987 Jul', 'sentence': 'The effect  of long acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 in acromegaly.',  'subject score': 841, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2882047':  {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'The effects of somatostatin  and SMS 201-995 on experimentally-induced pancreatitis and endotoxaemia  in rats and on monocyte activity in patients with cirrhosis and portal  hypertension.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2882057': {'publication date': '1986', 'sentence': 'Our results  showed a dose-dependent effect of SMS 201-995 on the mortality,  incidence, and intensity of cysteamine-induced duodenal lesions in  rats.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2131392':  {'publication date': '1990 Dec 08', 'sentence': '[The usefulness of the  somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 in treating Cryptosporidium-induced  diarrhea associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome].',  'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1741824':  {'publication date': '1991 Sep', 'sentence': 'Treatment of intestinal  cryptosporidiosis with zidovudine and SMS 201-995, a somatostatin  analog.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:3065005':  {'publication date': '1988 Sep', 'sentence': 'Ineffectiveness of SMS  201-995 in severe hyperinsulinemia.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 888}, 'PMID:1351720': {'publication date': '1992 Jun 15',  'sentence': 'Unsuccessful treatment of certain types of carcinoid tumor  with SMS 201-995 may be partly due to the direct growth-stimulatory  effect of SMS 201-995 on carcinoid cells.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:3065203': {'publication date': '1988 Dec',  'sentence': 'We report on a case of severe hypoglycemia observed after  injection of the somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 in an insulin-dependent  diabetic patient connected to an artificial pancreas (Biostator  GCIIS).', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 916}, 'PMID:2883024':  {'publication date': '1987 Apr 15', 'sentence': 'Inhibition by SMS  201-995 of normal mammary gland growth in mice.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2883059': {'publication date': '1987',  'sentence': 'The effect on gut motility of a single subcutaneous  injection of 50 micrograms of the long-acting somatostatin analogue, SMS  201-995, was investigated in 8 normal volunteers who took a drink  containing 99mTc and lactulose with a mixed meal.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 790}, 'PMID:2883060': {'publication date': '1987',  'sentence': 'Compared with placebo, SMS 201-995 significantly  diminished pancreatic amylase, trypsin and lipase output after  stimulation with CCK, while the secretion of fluid and bicarbonate in  response to secretin was unchanged.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:1709749': {'publication date': '1991 Feb 01',  'sentence': 'This work investigates the effects of the long-acting  somatostatin analogue, octreotide also named SMS 201-995 or Sandostatin,  on pancreatic growth in function of the dose and duration of  treatment.', 'subject score': 810, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:1352086':  {'publication date': '1992 Jun', 'sentence': 'Incubation of the cells  with the stable somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 (SMS) resulted in a  rapid and transient activation of crude membrane PTPase activity.',  'subject score': 840, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2043408':  {'publication date': '1991 Mar', 'sentence': '[A favorable response to  the somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 in a patient with the carcinoid  syndrome].', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2883149': {'publication date': '1987 Jan', 'sentence': 'The  conformational properties of two of them, showing intermediate  activities between those of SMS 201-995 and somatostatin, have been  studied by high field n.m.r. spectroscopy in DMSO.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2581647': {'publication date': '1985  May', 'sentence': 'These results suggest that SRIF and SMS 201-995 may  prove valuable in the treatment of established acute pancreatitis in  man.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 851}, 'PMID:2883196':  {'publication date': '1987 Jun', 'sentence': 'Postoperatively, a  long-acting somatostatin analog, SMS 201-995 (100 micrograms/day),  normalized PP secretion acutely and chronically (7 months) and  ameliorated his symptoms.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2493040': {'publication date': '1989 Mar', 'sentence':  'Heterogeneity of growth hormone (GH) release by individual pituitary  adenoma cells from acromegalic patients, as determined by the reverse  hemolytic plaque assay: effects of SMS 201-995, GH-releasing hormone and  thyrotropin-releasing hormone.', 'subject score': 861, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2822900': {'publication date': '1987 Oct', 'sentence':  'Responses to the mu selective agonist PL 017 were antagonized by the  reversible opioid antagonist naloxone and the selective mu antagonist  SMS 201-995 in a concentration-dependent fashion.', 'subject score':  861, 'object score': 785}, 'PMID:1293241': {'publication date': '1992  Dec', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 reduced the daily ileostomy output from  997 +/- 52 g to 736 +/- 28 g, P < 0.05, along with a decrease in  daily sodium and chloride excretion (sodium: 92.60 +/- 8.51 to 75.22 +/-  8.64 mEq, chloride: 143.46 +/- 8.54 to 113.60 +/- 15.84 mEq; both P  < 0.05).', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:2851522': {'publication date': '1988', 'sentence': 'The use of SMS  201-995 (somatostatin analogue) in insulinomas.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2044191': {'publication date': '1991  Jun', 'sentence': 'These results suggest that the effect of SMS 201-995  on pancreatic carcinogenesis in the Syrian hamster is complex and varies  with dose administered.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:1380100': {'publication date': '1992 Jun', 'sentence': 'In vitro  effect of somatostatin analog, SMS 201-995 (SMS), on pancreatic exocrine  secretion was investigated using isolated rat pancreatic acini.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2884093':  {'publication date': '1986 Dec', 'sentence': 'Our results show that the  new somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 may inhibit GH hypersecretion in  acromegalic patients for significant periods, suggesting that this agent  can be a useful clinical tool for the treatment of acromegaly.',  'subject score': 864, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:2160871':  {'publication date': '1990 Mar', 'sentence': "Treatment of Cushing's  syndrome with the long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995  (sandostatin).", 'subject score': 841, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2852126': {'publication date': '1988 Aug 20', 'sentence': 'In  Patient 1 with glucagonoma syndrome and hypergastrinemia, a prompt and  remarkable decrease in plasma IRG and gastrin was observed after the  injection of SMS 201-995 in association with a decrease in blood  glucose, and then IRG and gastrin increased gradually.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2884171': {'publication  date': '1987 Apr', 'sentence': 'A dose response study of the effect of  an octapeptide somatostatin analogue, SMS 201-995, on meal stimulated  gastric acid secretion was carried out in 12 healthy volunteers.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 901}, 'PMID:2461665':  {'publication date': '1988 Dec', 'sentence': 'The crisis reaction  correlated well with high circulating levels of 5-HT, but after  treatment with SMS 201-995 these levels were still high.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:1954873': {'publication date':  '1991 Dec', 'sentence': 'All of these effects were completely blocked  by SMS 201-995 and L-364,718, with the exception of plasma CCK level by  the CCK antagonist.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 623},  'PMID:1380426': {'publication date': '1992 Sep', 'sentence': 'The  present data support the hypothesis that SMS 201-995 is an activator of  prostaglandin I2, thereby modifying the course of the disease.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2884564':  {'publication date': '1987 Jul 02', 'sentence': 'We treated five  patients who had thyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenomas with the  long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995, which was administered by  subcutaneous injection in doses of 50 to 100 micrograms every 8 to 12  hours.', 'subject score': 841, 'object score': 991}, 'PMID:2884566':  {'publication date': '1987 Jul 02', 'sentence': 'Visual improvement with  SMS 201-995 in a patient with a thyrotropin-secreting pituitary  adenoma.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:3220051':  {'publication date': '1988 Oct', 'sentence': 'Treatment of acromegaly  with long acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.', 'subject score':  841, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2884879': {'publication date': '1987  May 29', 'sentence': 'The effect of the long-acting somatostatin  analogue SMS 201-995 on exocrine pancreatic function and hormone release  was investigated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in healthy  subjects.', 'subject score': 841, 'object score': 976}, 'PMID:2884881':  {'publication date': '1987 May 29', 'sentence': 'Pseudopancreatic  cholera syndrome: effect of a synthetic somatostatin analogue, SMS  201-995.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 901}, 'PMID:1923921':  {'publication date': '1991 May-Jun', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995, injected  intravenously at 0.5 microgram, did not alter gastric secretion, whereas  higher doses (5-20 micrograms) resulted in a dose-related inhibition of  gastric acid secretion in conscious pylorus-ligated rats.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:1683501': {'publication date':  '1991 Oct', 'sentence': 'The somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 was  found to be a potent inhibitor of the ectopic GHRH and the GH secretion  (greater than 500 to 42 ng/l and 15.4 micrograms/l to 0.8 microgram/l,  respectively).', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:2615748': {'publication date': '1989 Nov', 'sentence': '[Long-term  effects of treatment with SMS 201-995 on sleep apnea syndrome  associated with acromegaly].', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:1381095': {'publication date': '1992', 'sentence': 'MK-329,  a CCK receptor antagonist, and SMS 201-995, a somatostatin agonist,  were continuously infused at 0.5 mg/kg/h and 5 micrograms/kg/h,  respectively, starting at the onset of feeding 70% casein.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2135020': {'publication date':  '1990 Sep', 'sentence': 'Although the mechanism of action of SMS  201-995 in pain remains unclear, the rapid and efficacious analgesic  effect of this compound may be one more indication for its use in  pituitary tumors associated with cephalalgias.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2885995': {'publication date': '1987 Jun',  'sentence': 'The somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 was recently shown to  be effective in suppressing GH secretion and in causing tumour shrinkage  in patients with GH-secreting pituitary tumours.', 'subject score':  893, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:1684150': {'publication date': '1991  Dec', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 should be useful as a probe into the  mechanisms involved in intestinal fluid secretion, but a clinical role  in enterotoxigenic gastrointestinal disease was not supported by this  study.', 'subject score': 901, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2886085':  {'publication date': '1987 Aug', 'sentence': 'We used an octapeptide  analogue of somatostatin, SMS 201-995, in dosages ranging from 150 to  450 micrograms/d administered subcutaneously in three daily doses for 1  to 16 months, to treat 22 patients with advanced malignant islet cell  carcinomas.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 861},  'PMID:2676656': {'publication date': '1989 Oct', 'sentence': 'Similarly,  stimulation and suppression of beta-cell function with L-leucine and  SMS 201-995, respectively, resulted in acceleration and delay of IL-1  beta-mediated inhibition.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 901},  'PMID:1475626': {'publication date': '1992 Dec', 'sentence': 'The  effect of somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 on serotonin levels in the  medium of primary carcinoid cell cultures.', 'subject score': 893,  'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2287871': {'publication date': '1990',  'sentence': 'These results suggest that SMS 201-995 might be useful in  the treatment of external biliary fistulas.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 901}, 'PMID:2046904': {'publication date': '1991',  'sentence': 'An effect of long-term treatment with the somatostatin  analogue, SMS 201-995, in acromegalic patients.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 861}, 'PMID:1712329': {'publication date': '1991 Aug',  'sentence': 'The antiproliferative effects of the long-acting  somatostatin analogue, SMS 201-995 (300 micrograms/kg, t.i.d.), and 2%  alpha-difluoromethylornithine on BON xenografts in nude mice were  examined.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 852}, 'PMID:1297600':  {'publication date': '1992', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 was injected  subcutaneously with a continuous pump system at a dose of 400  micrograms/d into 4 insulin dependent diabetic patients suffering from  proliferative diabetic retinopathy progressing despite a  pan-photocoagulation.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 854},  'PMID:3071597': {'publication date': '1988 Dec', 'sentence': 'These data  indicate that treatment with SMS 201-995 might be of value in patients  with symptomatic postprandial hypotension.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2887309': {'publication date': '1986 Nov',  'sentence': 'A novel potent analogue of somatostatin, the octapepide SMS  201-995 was tested as a therapeutic manoeuvre to prevent hypoglycaemia  in patients with insulinoma.', 'subject score': 923, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2887407': {'publication date': '1987 Jul-Aug', 'sentence':  'SMS 201-995 improves glucose tolerance in insulin-treated type II  diabetic patients.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:3071997': {'publication date': '1988 Dec', 'sentence':  'Somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 in the short-term management of  neonatal hyperinsulinism due to nesidioblastosis.', 'subject score':  893, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2887504': {'publication date': '1987',  'sentence': 'The effect of a new long-acting somatostatin analog SMS  201-995 (SMS) on hormonal mechanisms controlling the glucose metabolism  was tested in 8 type I diabetics over a 3-day period.', 'subject score':  829, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2887718': {'publication date': '1987  Jun 13', 'sentence': '[Usefulness of the somatostatin analog SMS 201-995  in the treatment of gastrinoma].', 'subject score': 893, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2407389': {'publication date': '1990', 'sentence':  'PP was also rapidly suppressed by SMS 201-995 and remained so for 4  hours after the injection.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2979211': {'publication date': '1987 Feb', 'sentence':  'Plasma samples of seven patients with gut and pancreatic endocrine  tumours who have been on long-term treatment with a long-acting  somatostatin analogue (SMS 201-995) were investigated for endogenous  antibodies to the peptide by incubation with radiolabelled SMS  201-995.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 916}, 'PMID:2979267':  {'publication date': '1988 Oct', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 causes a fall  in portal pressure without a significant systemic haemodynamic effect.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2678621':  {'publication date': '1989 Aug', 'sentence': 'Treatment of hypertension,  small carbohydrate meals, use of caffeine before a meal or treatment  with the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 may have a beneficial  effect.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 893}, 'PMID:2856504':  {'publication date': '1988 Jun', 'sentence': 'Long-term treatment with  SMS 201-995 for up to 20 weeks produced excellent clinical control and a  decrease in tumour size.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2979676': {'publication date': '1987 Aug', 'sentence':  'However, SMS 201-995 impairs carbohydrate tolerance, probably due to  inhibition of insulin secretion.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2888547': {'publication date': '1986 Dec',  'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 (50 micrograms) given twice daily before meals  does not cause a deterioration in metabolic control, does not suppress  24-h GH secretion and causes significant side-effects in patients with  non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 901}, 'PMID:2888549': {'publication date': '1987 Apr',  'sentence': 'The morphologic findings after SMS 201-995 treatment, are  consistent with suppression of GH release.', 'subject score': 916,  'object score': 983}, 'PMID:2888550': {'publication date': '1987 Jul',  'sentence': 'The inhibitory effects of bromocriptine on GH secretion  were antagonized by haloperidol, while the inhibitory effect of SMS  201-995 was not affected by the dopamine receptor antagonist.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2888554': {'publication  date': '1987 Jul', 'sentence': 'Thus SMS 201-995, with preferential  effects at the pituitary somatotroph, holds considerable promise as an  attractive and viable alternative for treatment of acromegaly.',  'subject score': 923, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2856877':  {'publication date': '1985 Jan', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 not only  controlled the diarrhea without side effects but appeared to have  possibly induced a reduction in metastatic tumor size.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2435403': {'publication  date': '1987 May 01', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 is a useful,  well-tolerated agent in secreting pancreatic apudomas and to a lesser  extent in carcinoid syndrome, where high-dosage regimens may be  required.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:2888785':  {'publication date': '1987 Oct', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 is an  excellent drug in patients in whom acromegaly persists after surgery and  for interim treatment to shorten the period of clinical activity after  irradiation.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2918882': {'publication date': '1989 Mar 09', 'sentence':  'Successful pregnancy in a previously infertile woman treated with  SMS-201-995 for acromegaly.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2319110': {'publication date': '1990 Jan', 'sentence': 'The  long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 has been used  efficaciously in the therapy of metastatic carcinoid tumor, vasoactive  intestinal peptide producing islet cell carcinoma, acromegaly, and TSH  secreting pituitary tumors.', 'subject score': 841, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2889306': {'publication date': '1987 Sep', 'sentence':  'Thus, in some acromegalic patients continuous sc injection seems  currently the most efficient way of treatment with SMS 201-995.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2199479':  {'publication date': '1990 Aug', 'sentence': 'These data indicate that  SMS 201-995 is an effective treatment for refractory acromegaly and for  some de novo patients for whom surgical therapy is not advisable.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2889358':  {'publication date': '1987 Sep', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 may raise  blood pressure, in part by increasing the release of circulating  norepinephrine.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2919593': {'publication date': '1989 Mar', 'sentence': 'Daily  treatment with SMS 201-995, a long-acting somatostatin analogue, for 8  days decreased fistulous output to less than 5 ml/day.', 'subject  score': 888, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2889549': {'publication date':  '1987 Aug', 'sentence': 'Effects of SMS 201-995 in  non-insulin-dependent diabetes.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:1479200': {'publication date': '1992 Nov-Dec', 'sentence':  'In contrast, combined treatment with hyperthermia and SMS 201-995  failed to enhance cytotoxicity for GH3 cells.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:3227290': {'publication date': '1988 Sep',  'sentence': 'We conclude that gastrointestinal side effects observed  during administration of SMS 201-995 might be related to these motility  effects, which warrant further investigation.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 872}, 'PMID:2499481': {'publication date': '1989 Apr',  'sentence': 'The effect of SMS 201-995, a long-acting somatostatin  analogue, on splanchnic blood flow and glucose metabolism, was  investigated in five groups of healthy subjects.', 'subject score': 852,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2019360': {'publication date': '1991 Jun',  'sentence': 'The 4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-labeled peptide was  active in displacing the corresponding hormone 125I-Tyr3-SMS 201-995  (Sandostatin; Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Basel, Switzerland) from its  high-affinity binding site in rat cortex membranes with an IC50 = 4.6 x  10(-10) mol/L.', 'subject score': 802, 'object score': 812},  'PMID:2858733': {'publication date': '1985 Apr 13', 'sentence':  'Regression of metastatic vipoma with somatostatin analogue SMS  201-995.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:2200620':  {'publication date': '1990 Jun', 'sentence': 'This dose-finding study  shows that 100 micrograms three times daily SMS 201-995 is an effective  therapy for most of the acromegalic patients we treated.', 'subject  score': 819, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:3194830': {'publication date':  '1988 Dec', 'sentence': 'This suggests that SMS 201-995 decreases local  vascular resistance, which results in decreased pancreatic blood flow.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 916}, 'PMID:2622243':  {'publication date': '1989 Oct 28', 'sentence': '[Analgesic effect of a  somatostatin analog, SMS 201-995, on headache associated with tumor of  the hypophysis].', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2555918': {'publication date': '1989 Oct', 'sentence': "Failure of  somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 to control Cushing's syndrome due to  ectopic release of ACTH from a bronchial carcinoid.", 'subject score':  893, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2890795': {'publication date': '1987  Nov', 'sentence': 'Pharmacologic levels of SMS 201,995 and L 363,568  were reliably achieved in portal blood and the latter produced  significant reduction (P less than 0.05) in portal venous levels of  gastrin.', 'subject score': 888, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2890800':  {'publication date': '1987 Oct 17', 'sentence': '[Preoperative treatment  of hypoglycemia caused by an insulinoma with the somatostatin analog  SMS 201-995].', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2321479': {'publication date': '1990 Feb', 'sentence': 'Effect of  the long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 on growth rate and  reduction of predicted adult height in ten tall adolescents.', 'subject  score': 841, 'object score': 802}, 'PMID:2891127': {'publication date':  '1987 Apr', 'sentence': 'We suggest there is a use for subcutaneous SMS  201-995 in elderly patients with inoperable pancreatic gut hormone  producing tumours with metastases and in those where surgery would carry  a high operative risk.', 'subject score': 916, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:1385097': {'publication date': '1992 Nov', 'sentence': 'Likewise,  the administration of SMS 201-995 for 2 and 6 weeks inhibited the  E2-induced growth of the anterior pituitary.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 851}, 'PMID:2891202': {'publication date': '1987 Dec',  'sentence': 'This study was undertaken to compare the effects of SRIF  and two analogues, SMS 201-995 and L-363,568, on in vitro acid  secretion.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 790},  'PMID:2891203': {'publication date': '1987 Dec', 'sentence': 'Recent  studies have documented beneficial effects of the somatostatin analogue,  SMS 201-995 (hereafter referred to as SMS), when administered  subcutaneously to patients with a variety of disorders.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:3195610': {'publication  date': '1988 Dec', 'sentence': 'Successful treatment of unstable angina  in malignant carcinoid syndrome using the long-acting somatostatin  analogue SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin).', 'subject score': 888, 'object  score': 841}, 'PMID:2891432': {'publication date': '1988 Jan 15',  'sentence': 'Successful treatment with long-acting somatostatin analogue  SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 888, 'object score': 841},  'PMID:2500900': {'publication date': '1989 Jul', 'sentence': 'SMS  201-995 has been shown to be very useful in the conservative treatment  of enterocutaneous fistulas because of its ability to rapidly reduce  fistula output and accelerate spontaneous closure.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 983}, 'PMID:2891583': {'publication date': '1988  Jan', 'sentence': 'Successful treatment of idiopathic secretory diarrhea  of infancy with the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.', 'subject  score': 893, 'object score': 901}, 'PMID:1871808': {'publication date':  '1991 Aug', 'sentence': 'If present in humans, the appearance of severe  glucose intolerance with combined administration of SMS 201-995 and  cyclosporine for pancreatic transplantation could be misinterpreted as  rejection and lead to inappropriate interventions.', 'subject score':  964, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2860119': {'publication date': '1985  Jun', 'sentence': 'The acute effect of the somatostatin analog SMS  201-995 (SMS) was investigated in eight acromegalic patients.', 'subject  score': 893, 'object score': 802}, 'PMID:2166654': {'publication date':  '1990 Feb', 'sentence': 'A potent and long-acting somatostatin  analogue, SMS 201-995 (SMS) is currently employed for the treatment of  various diseases with hypersecretion of hormones such as acromegaly and  gastrinoma.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 861},  'PMID:2140082': {'publication date': '1990 May', 'sentence': 'Thus SMS  201-995 acutely reduces glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow  in uncomplicated Type 1 diabetes and has an antidiuretic effect.',  'subject score': 923, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2891720':  {'publication date': '1988 Jan', 'sentence': 'Two patients, however, did  not have GH suppression by SMS 201-995 treatment alone; in 1, a  significant decline in mean daily GH was achieved after the addition of  bromocriptine.', 'subject score': 916, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:2891721': {'publication date': '1988 Jan', 'sentence': 'We  compared the ability of SRIH and SRIH analog, SMS 201-995 (SMS), to  inhibit stimulated GH and TSH secretion in men who received 120-min iv  infusions of saline, SRIH (5, 50, and 500 micrograms/h), and SMS (3, 30,  and 300 ng/kg.h) together with a bolus iv injection of GHRH (1  microgram/kg) and TRH (500 micrograms).', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2891808': {'publication date': '1987 Sep-Oct',  'sentence': 'Therapy with the long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS  201-995 was followed by decline in VIP concentrations (900 to 200-300  pg/ml), decrease in stool frequency, and normalization of serum  electrolytes.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 841},  'PMID:2468243': {'publication date': '1989 Feb', 'sentence': 'Attempts  to reduce post-transplant pancreatitis in rats and dogs with the  somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 893, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2860768': {'publication date': '1985 May',  'sentence': 'In the rat chondrosarcoma, the effect of SMS 201-995 is  probably indirect, due to inhibition of GH, somatomedin and insulin.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1839344':  {'publication date': '1991', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 had no influence  on basal plasma GH levels, but significantly inhibited the hGHRH and  clonidine-evoked GH release.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  775}, 'PMID:2892248': {'publication date': '1987 Nov', 'sentence': 'The  effect of intravenous bolus injection of the somatostatin analogue SMS  201-995 on mucosal and submucosal blood flow was studied with the local  133Xe clearance technique in eight subjects.', 'subject score': 893,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2892335': {'publication date': '1987',  'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 is active orally at doses of 4-8 mg and when  given thrice-daily to 6 patients with active acromegaly, suppressed mean  24-h growth hormone levels by 51-88%.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 861}, 'PMID:3009249': {'publication date': '1986 Apr',  'sentence': 'Somatostatin receptors have been visualized in the adrenal  by autoradiography using the iodinated Tyr3 derivative of the  somatostatin octapeptide analog SMS 201-995  (H-D-Phe-Cys-Phe-D-Trp-Lys-Thr-Cys-Thr(ol), Sandostatin*).', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 834}, 'PMID:3231042': {'publication date':  '1988 Jul-Sep', 'sentence': '[Role of a prolonged-action analog of  somatostatin SMS 201-995 in the therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus].',  'subject score': 916, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2892599':  {'publication date': '1987 Sep', 'sentence': 'Continuous subcutaneous  pump infusion of somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 versus subcutaneous  injection schedule in acromegalic patients.', 'subject score': 893,  'object score': 861}, 'PMID:2683738': {'publication date': '1989 Nov',  'sentence': 'On the other hand, SMS 201-995 (50 micrograms, sc) almost  completely inhibited both bombesin-induced CCK secretion and gallbladder  contraction (maximum contractile rate, 93.6 +/- 6.2%).', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 833}, 'PMID:1360663': {'publication date':  '1992 Dec 01', 'sentence': 'In contrast, the somatostatin analogs SMS  201-995, IM 4-28, and MK-678 failed to displace specific binding in  transfected cells.', 'subject score': 861, 'object score': 886},  'PMID:2893369': {'publication date': '1987 Dec 19', 'sentence': 'It was  necessary to increase the dosage (300-400 micrograms/24 hours) and to  alter the mode of administration (continuous subcutaneous infusion) to  obtain a clinical benefit inferior to that obtained during the first  year of treatment with SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2893447': {'publication date': '1987 Dec',  'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 had no effect on Na+/Ca++ exchange but  significantly inhibited basolateral ATP-dependent Ca++ transport (-40%  +/- 5%, p less than 0.005).', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  798}, 'PMID:2893555': {'publication date': '1988 Jan', 'sentence': 'The  purpose of this study was to determine whether SMS 201-995, a  long-acting analog, would inhibit the growth of pancreatic  adenocarcinomas.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2893592': {'publication date': '1988 Feb', 'sentence': 'SMS  201-995 is a powerful therapeutic agent for the management of patients  suffering from the dumping syndrome after gastric surgery.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2893673': {'publication  date': '1987 Oct', 'sentence': 'Acute suppression of insulin secretion  from pancreatic insulinomas by long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS  201-995 has been documented.', 'subject score': 841, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:1902408': {'publication date': '1991 Feb', 'sentence': 'Ten  acromegalic subjects were studied in a trial designed to ascertain the  optimum dosage of the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 (octreotide) in  active acromegaly.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:2592740': {'publication date': '1989 Sep', 'sentence': 'The data  illustrate that the applicability of the generally held cut-off value of  5 micrograms/l, between normal and abnormal plasma GH, has to be  reconsidered in the case of chronic intermittent subcutaneous therapy  with SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 833, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2684694': {'publication date': '1989 Jul 20', 'sentence': '[A  multicenter clinical trial of SMS 201-995 (octreotide acetate) in  acromegaly and gigantism].', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2168344': {'publication date': '1990 Sep 15', 'sentence':  'Somatostatin receptors (SS-R) were measured with in vitro receptor  autoradiography using the SS analog 125I-[Tyr3]-SMS 201-995 as  radioligand in 342 breast-tumor samples.', 'subject score': 813, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2235686': {'publication date': '1990 Jul-Aug',  'sentence': 'The influence of the long-acting somatostatin analogue, SMS  201-995, on FMLP-induced neutrophil elastase release in vitro has been  investigated.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 861},  'PMID:1902881': {'publication date': '1991 Jan 22', 'sentence': 'We  conclude that 1) treatment with SMS 201-995 in patients resistant to  other forms of therapy may be less successful than previously reported  for heterogenous groups of patients; 2) the dose regimen must be adapted  to the individual patient for optimal effect and most of our patients  needed higher doses than 300 micrograms daily; 3) 4 or maybe more daily  injections or CSI seem to be most effective; and 4) in a minority of  patients SMS has no influence on GH-secretion.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1902962': {'publication date': '1991 Jan',  'sentence': 'Acromegalic patients do not respond with the same degree of  growth hormone (GH) inhibition to long-term therapy with the  somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 893, 'object  score': 901}, 'PMID:2894314': {'publication date': '1987 Dec 15',  'sentence': 'Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of  somatostatin or SMS 201-995 induces excessive grooming behavior in  rats.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2894388':  {'publication date': '1987 Dec', 'sentence': 'Native somatostatin (SRIF)  and the synthetic analog SMS 201-995 inhibited insulin secretion from  all cultures.', 'subject score': 854, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2894481': {'publication date': '1988 Jan 15', 'sentence': 'SMS  201-995 not only gave symptomatic relief but also induced a reduction in  metastatic tumor mass.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 901},  'PMID:2863230': {'publication date': '1985 Jun', 'sentence': 'Assignment  of the 1H 500 MHZ n.m.r. spectra and conformational analysis of SMS  201-995 in dimethylsulfoxide.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2863231': {'publication date': '1985 Jun', 'sentence': 'In  SMS 201-995 the beta turn/beta sheet conformation is stabilized by the  additional amino-acids D-Phe1 and Thr8 (ol) through intramolecular  H-bonds.', 'subject score': 901, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1328199':  {'publication date': '1992 Oct 05', 'sentence': 'mSSTR3 binds  somatostatin-14 and somatostatin-28 with high affinity, but shows very  low affinity for the somatostatin analogs MK-678 and SMS-201-995.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2895119':  {'publication date': '1988 Mar', 'sentence': 'We conclude that SMS  201-995 may be a valuable therapeutic agent for the management of  patients with a thyrotroph adenoma.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2355767': {'publication date': '1990 Apr 07',  'sentence': '[Usefulness of the somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 in the  treatment of diarrhea in patients infected with the human  immunodeficiency virus].', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2169342': {'publication date': '1990 Oct 01', 'sentence': 'Using a  stable cell line derived from the long-term experiment and designated  7315c, we show that (a) long-term exposure of 7315c cells to SMS 201-995  leads to loss of sensitivity with respect to both rPRL secretion and  cell growth, (b) this loss of sensitivity is accompanied by complete  disappearance of the somatostatin receptors from the cells, (c)  withdrawal of treatment from desensitized cells leads to reappearance of  receptors and of sensitivity to SMS 201-995, showing that selection for  a non-receptor-bearing population was not the cause of desensitization,  and (d) since these experiments were carried out with a pure population  of 7315c cells the effects of SMS 201-995 are direct effects on these  cells and not effects mediated by other cell or organ systems.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2895501':  {'publication date': '1988 Apr', 'sentence': 'The inhibitory action of  SMS 201-995 on pancreatic secretion and hormone releases was dose  dependent.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2804808': {'publication date': '1989 Nov', 'sentence':  'Furthermore, SMS 201-995 may relieve intractable headache in some  acromegalic patients, but tolerance to the analgesic effect may  develop.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2687064':  {'publication date': '1989 Nov', 'sentence': 'While the rises in plasma  non-esterified fatty acid and glycerol levels were not reduced by SMS  201-995, the increase in plasma 3-hydroxbutyrate levels, although  similar from 23.00 to 02.00 hours, was significantly reduced from 02.00  to 05.00 hours (+77 +/- 20 vs +124 +/- 31 mumols.l-1.h-1; p less than  0.05).', 'subject score': 818, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2087492':  {'publication date': '1990 Nov', 'sentence': 'Desulfated cerulein did  not affect the barrel rotation induced by SMS 201-995.', 'subject  score': 861, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2896138': {'publication date':  '1988 Jun', 'sentence': 'Unlike treatment with epinephrine,  pretreatment of tissues with SMS 201-995 did not directly inhibit  electrogenic anion secretion stimulated by vasoactive intestinal  polypeptide, calcium ionophore A23187, and bethanechol.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2896207': {'publication  date': '1988 Jan', 'sentence': 'However, before SMS 201-995 is employed  in the management of acromegalic patients refractory to surgery and  bromocriptine therapy, we need further observations of postprandial  glycemic profiles during long-term therapy with multiple daily  injections of the compound.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  861}, 'PMID:1935786': {'publication date': '1991 Nov', 'sentence': 'SMS  201-995 significantly reduced the MCF-7 cell growth induced by serum,  estradiol, insulin, and insulin-like growth Factor-I in both short term  and long term experiments.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  916}, 'PMID:2896307': {'publication date': '1988 Apr', 'sentence':  'Successful symptomatic treatment of malignant carcinoid syndrome with  the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 893, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2896344': {'publication date': '1988', 'sentence':  'The chronic intracerebroventricular infusion of the somatostatin  analogue SMS 201-995 resulted in a significant increase in daily food  intake which was accompanied by an unexpected body weight loss.',  'subject score': 893, 'object score': 901}, 'PMID:1967176':  {'publication date': '1990 Jan', 'sentence': 'Also, in this case the  prolonged treatment of patients with SMS 201995 leads to an impaired  chemotactic response.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2986771': {'publication date': '1985 Apr 29', 'sentence':  '[125I-Tyr11]somatostatin-14 as well as iodinated D-Tyr1 and Tyr3  derivatives of the cyclic octapeptide somatostatin analog, SMS 201-995  (H-D-Phe-Cys-Phe-D-Trp-Lys-Thr-Cys-Thr-ol) have been used as  radioligands for somatostatin receptor autoradiography in rat brain.',  'subject score': 888, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1364090':  {'publication date': '1992 Sep-Oct', 'sentence': 'In tissues of 31  tumors (20 carcinoid, eight islet-cell carcinoma, three medullary  thyroid carcinomas), the presence of somatostatin receptors was analyzed  by binding of the somatostatin analog 125I-Tyr3-SMS 201-995 and  autoradiography.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 811},  'PMID:2535688': {'publication date': '1989 Jan 01', 'sentence': 'Whether  SMS 201-995 has a significant effect on gut neuroendocrine tumor growth  remains uncertain.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 861},  'PMID:2505955': {'publication date': '1989 Jan', 'sentence': 'The GH  responses to TRH and to the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 were also  studied in acromegalic patients.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score':  861}, 'PMID:1967933': {'publication date': '1990 Jan 01', 'sentence':  'In addition, the analogue SMS 201-995 inhibited the  forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in bone cell  suspensions.', 'subject score': 916, 'object score': 850},  'PMID:2866012': {'publication date': '1985 Nov', 'sentence': 'The  results suggest that SMS 201-995 may be of value in the control of  bleeding oesophageal varices.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2897419': {'publication date': '1988 Jan', 'sentence':  '[Successful therapy of VIPoma with the long-acting somatostatin  analogue SMS 201-995].', 'subject score': 841, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2866445': {'publication date': '1985 Dec 19', 'sentence': 'These  preliminary results suggest that SMS 201-995 represents an additional  option for the management of acromegaly, especially in patients who do  not benefit sufficiently from surgery or radiotherapy and do not respond  well to treatment with dopaminergic drugs.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1968417': {'publication date': '1990 Jan',  'sentence': 'Effect of the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 on faecal  fat excretion in acromegaly.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score':  901}, 'PMID:1968467': {'publication date': '1990 Mar', 'sentence':  'Analogs Ac-Phe-Cys-Phe-D-Trp-Lys-Thr-Cys-Thr-NH2 (RC-101-I) as well as  RC-121, RC-160, and RC-95-I, but not SMS-201-995, showed high binding  affinity in human breast cancers.', 'subject score': 916, 'object  score': 890}, 'PMID:2472826': {'publication date': '1989', 'sentence':  'With regard to these data chemotherapy and interferons seem to be  equally potent in the treatment of malignant endocrine pancreatic  tumors, whereas interferons seem to be superior to both chemotherapy and  the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 in malignant carcinoid tumors.',  'subject score': 893, 'object score': 988}, 'PMID:2897974':  {'publication date': '1988 Jul', 'sentence': 'We measured plasma  insulin-like growth factor I/somatomedin-C (IGF-I/SmC) concentrations  and mean 24-h GH secretion serially before and during therapy with the  long-acting somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 in 21 patients with  acromegaly.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 841},  'PMID:2807148': {'publication date': '1989 Oct', 'sentence': 'Effects of  short-term subcutaneous administration of SMS 201-995 on calcitonin  plasma levels in patients suffering from medullary thyroid carcinoma.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2597971':  {'publication date': '1989 Nov', 'sentence': 'Further studies are  required to delineate more precisely the mechanism whereby SMS 201-995  inhibits the growth of hepatic tumour derived from intraportal  administration of Walker cells.', 'subject score': 850, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:1517658': {'publication date': '1992 Jun', 'sentence':  'This experiment demonstrated that SMS 201-995 has a strong inhibitory  effect on pancreatic exocrine function, markedly reducing the amount of  fistula fluid and the production of amylase, total protein, and  bicarbonate.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 913},  'PMID:2473000': {'publication date': '1989 Aug', 'sentence': 'Gastrin  production by the tumor was stimulated by secretin and inhibited by the  long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 888,  'object score': 841}, 'PMID:2690316': {'publication date': '1989 Dec',  'sentence': 'The aim of this study was to examine the effect of SMS  201-995 on fat assimilation in healthy subjects, using 14C-triolein and  3H-oleic acid as tracers of dietary triglycerides and free fatty acids,  respectively, and 51CrCl3 as non-absorbable marker.', 'subject score':  861, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2898862': {'publication date': '1988  May', 'sentence': 'Long-term use of somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 in  the treatment of hypoglycaemia due to nesidioblastosis.', 'subject  score': 893, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2867801': {'publication date':  '1985 Dec', 'sentence': 'It is suggested that SMS 201-995 may be of  value in stimulating RES activity in patients with cirrhosis and portal  hypertension.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2867802': {'publication date': '1985 Dec', 'sentence':  'Furthermore, because of its prolonged duration of action SMS 201-995  may be useful in the long term management of portal hypertension in  patients with cirrhosis.', 'subject score': 923, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2899019': {'publication date': '1988 May', 'sentence': 'Effect of  SMS 201-995 in rapidly progressive diabetic retinopathy.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 824}, 'PMID:2899089': {'publication date':  '1988 Aug', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 was an effective medical treatment  for acromegaly caused by ectopic GHRH production in this patient.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2172125':  {'publication date': '1990 Jul', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 is useful for  the symptomatic treatment of patients with neuroendocrine gut tumors.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2899298':  {'publication date': '1988 Jun', 'sentence': 'Successful treatment of  ophthalmoplegia in acromegaly with the somatostatin analogue SMS  201-995.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2691013':  {'publication date': '1989 Dec', 'sentence': 'The effect of long acting  somatostatin analogue, SMS 201-995, on postprandial dumping syndrome was  studied in eight patients with Billroth II gastric resection.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 852}, 'PMID:2563240':  {'publication date': '1989 Feb', 'sentence': 'In this study we used the  AR4-2J rat pancreatic acinar tumor cell line to investigate the effect  of a stable somatostatin analog, SMS 201-995 (SMS) on cell  proliferation.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 901},  'PMID:2899530': {'publication date': '1988 Sep', 'sentence': 'They also  may represent an explantation at the molecular level for the lack of  therapeutic effect of somatostatin analogues such as SMS 201-995 seen in  patients with advanced exocrine pancreatic carcinomas.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2563303': {'publication  date': '1989 Jan', 'sentence': 'Acute treatment of wild-type S49 cells  with the somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 (SMS) results in inhibition of  cAMP accumulation.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 775},  'PMID:2899658': {'publication date': '1988 Apr 16', 'sentence':  '[Management of insulinoma with the somatostatin analog SMS 201-995].',  'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2899940':  {'publication date': '1988 Aug', 'sentence': 'The study suggests that  SMS 201-995 may be useful in the treatment of patients with gonadotrope  cell adenomas.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:1970540': {'publication date': '1990 May', 'sentence': 'Moreover,  we studied the effect of somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 on  glucose-induced IAPP secretion in nondiabetic subjects.', 'subject  score': 893, 'object score': 851}, 'PMID:2537716': {'publication date':  '1989 Mar', 'sentence': 'The effect of SMS 201-995 on tumor size has  been assessed in 46 patients, less than 20% of whom showed a reduction  in tumor size.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 861},  'PMID:2900189': {'publication date': '1988', 'sentence': 'It is  concluded that chronic therapy with SMS 201-995 represents a promising  medical alternative for the treatment of active acromegaly.', 'subject  score': 888, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2900201': {'publication date':  '1988', 'sentence': 'The octapeptide SMS 201-995 was described as a  potent inhibitor of gastric secretion in comparison with natural  somatostatin in rats and also in humans, but was unable to induce  maximal suppression of acid output in the cat model.', 'subject score':  923, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2302002': {'publication date': '1990  Feb', 'sentence': 'Treatment of 27 postoperative enterocutaneous  fistulas with the long half-life somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.',  'subject score': 845, 'object score': 858}, 'PMID:2900585':  {'publication date': '1988 Mar', 'sentence': '[Treatment of chronic  non-secretory diarrhea in ileostomy with the long-acting somatostatin  analog SMS 201-995].', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 841},  'PMID:2361459': {'publication date': '1990 Mar', 'sentence': 'In  conclusion our data show that SMS 201-995 is a very effective medical  treatment in acromegalic patients.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 861}, 'PMID:2361474': {'publication date': '1990 Jul',  'sentence': 'In this study we evaluate the effects of iv and id infusion  of a long acting analog of SRIF, SMS 201-995 (SMS), on pancreatic  secretion during basal conditions (pancreatic juice returned) and PJD.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2809722':  {'publication date': '1989 Nov', 'sentence': 'These data demonstrate  that SMS 201-995 can rapidly improve the chiasmal syndrome due to  pituitary macroadenoma, and suggest that this effect might be  independent of a reduction in tumor volume.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2331811': {'publication date': '1990 Jan',  'sentence': 'In addition, plasma IR-7B2 levels did not change  significantly after the administration of SMS 201-995 in normal subjects  or in patients with primary hypothyroidism in whom SMS 201-995 induced a  decrease of plasma TSH levels.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2063026': {'publication date': '1991 Jan', 'sentence':  '[The pharmacological treatment of digestive endocrine tumors with the  somatostatin analog SMS 201-995].', 'subject score': 893, 'object  score': 890}, 'PMID:2901281': {'publication date': '1988 Jul',  'sentence': 'Treatment of pancreatic fistula with the somatostatin  analogue SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2901329': {'publication date': '1988 Jul 13', 'sentence': 'The  effects of the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 on carbohydrate  homeostasis of insulin-dependent diabetics as assessed by the artificial  endocrine pancreas.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:3048792': {'publication date': '1988 Jan', 'sentence':  'Furthermore, SMS 201-995 failed to inhibit the stimulation of PA  secretion induced by exogenous angiotensin-II (2-10 ng/kg/min).',  'subject score': 901, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2870915':  {'publication date': '1986 Jun', 'sentence': 'Exposure of the 7315a  tumor to high glucocorticosteroid levels probably decreases the number  of somatostatin receptors, diminishing the possible direct antitumor  effect of SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2870957': {'publication date': '1986 May', 'sentence': 'The effect  of oral lidamidine hydrochloride and subcutaneous long acting  somatostatin analogue, SMS 201-995, on stool output and salt and water  transport in the small intestine was investigated in a patient with  gross secretory diarrhoea caused by a vasoactive intestinal polypeptide  (VIP) secreting tumour in the liver.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 851}, 'PMID:2871221': {'publication date': '1986 Apr 15',  'sentence': 'It is concluded that SMS 201-995 offers new possibilities  in the treatment of acromegaly.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:1941488': {'publication date': '1991 Sep', 'sentence':  'The use of SMS 201-995 as an adjunct in the successful closure of  intestinal fistulae in an infant is reported.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2121494': {'publication date': '1990 Aug',  'sentence': 'It is concluded that despite a blunted release of the  trophic hormone CCK, long-term treatment with SMS 201-995 neither  induces an abnormally small pancreas nor deterioration of postprandial  exocrine pancreatic function in patients with acromegaly.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1973122': {'publication  date': '1990 Apr', 'sentence': 'Severe clinical and biochemical signs of  hypoglycaemia were registered on one occasion only during the first  month of treatment with SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:2539768': {'publication date': '1989 Jan-Feb',  'sentence': 'This first report on SMS 201-995 treatment of breast cancer  suggests that further studies evaluating the effect of other modes of  administration or drug association should be warranted.', 'subject  score': 916, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2566573': {'publication date':  '1989', 'sentence': 'Furthermore, SRIF-binding sites were undetectable  in a patient which did not respond to SMS 201995 therapy.', 'subject  score': 901, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2812196': {'publication date':  '1989', 'sentence': 'The somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 promotes  paradoxical sleep in aged rats.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score':  1000}, 'PMID:2511221': {'publication date': '1989 Dec', 'sentence':  'Acute GH responses to GHRH-44 (0.1, 0.33, and 1.0 micrograms/kg BW, iv)  were measured, and GH secretion during therapy with the long-acting  somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 (Sandoz) was assessed.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 841}, 'PMID:2903168': {'publication date':  '1988 Nov', 'sentence': 'Preoperative treatment of acromegaly with  long-acting somatostatin analog SMS 201-995: shrinkage of invasive  pituitary macroadenomas and improved surgical remission rate.', 'subject  score': 841, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1665529': {'publication  date': '1991 Dec 11', 'sentence': 'Interferon alfa 2b (Intron A, Essex  Pharma) and the somatostatin-analogue SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin, Sandoz)  had no effect on catecholamine production and progression of the  tumor.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2872225':  {'publication date': '1986 Jul', 'sentence': 'In addition, the  combination of SMS 201-995 and bromocriptine can be of value in a few  acromegalic patients who do not respond to either drug alone.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 802}, 'PMID:2872284': {'publication  date': '1986 Jul', 'sentence': 'This study demonstrates the safety and  efficacy of SMS 201-995 in the short-term treatment of acromegaly.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2903562':  {'publication date': '1988 Nov', 'sentence': 'Treatment with SMS 201-995  in three patients for 5 months decreased tumor secretion of gastrin and  diminished basal acid secretion, an effect that persisted in two of  three patients 48 hours after withdrawal of SMS.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:2872408': {'publication date': '1986  May 31', 'sentence': 'Rapid improvement in sleep apnoea of acromegaly  after short-term treatment with somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.',  'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2872592':  {'publication date': '1986 Jun 26', 'sentence': 'Treatment of inoperable  glucagonoma with the long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.',  'subject score': 841, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:1522942':  {'publication date': '1992 Mar-Apr', 'sentence': "The 24-h growth  hormone secretory pattern and GH response to growth hormone releasing  hormone, the alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist clonidine and the  somatostatin-analogue SMS 201-995 were evaluated in 9 patients with  Alzheimer's disease and 9 age- and body body-matched control subjects.",  'subject score': 893, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:1398464':  {'publication date': '1992 May', 'sentence': 'After 3 days of continuous  subcutaneous infusion (CSI) of SMS 201-995 in 9 acromegalic patients  (100 micrograms/24 h) a slight but significant decrease in serum total  triiodothyronine (TT3) and a concomitant increase in serum TSH were  demonstrated, indicating an initial inhibitory effect on peripheral  deiodination of thyroxine.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  901}, 'PMID:2177234': {'publication date': '1990 Dec 17', 'sentence':  'It is suggested that there is a use for subcutaneous SMS 201-995 in  elderly patients with inoperable pancreatic gut hormone producing  tumours with metastasis and in those in whom surgery would involve a  high operative risk.', 'subject score': 916, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:2569769': {'publication date': '1989 Aug', 'sentence': 'Minced  tumor fragments were xenografted into subcutaneous tissue of the lateral  thoracic regions of young adult, virgin female nude mice to study the  effects of somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 on growth of  estrogen-dependent (MCF-7) and estrogen-independent (BT-20) human breast  carcinomas.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2543178': {'publication date': '1989 Jun', 'sentence': "SMS  201-995 did not affect plasma ACTH and cortisol levels in three patients  with untreated Cushing's disease.", 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 888}, 'PMID:2573010': {'publication date': '1989 Sep 25',  'sentence': 'These results suggest that the SRIF-specific stimulation of  adenylate cyclase may be a functional correlate for the brain-specific  SRIF receptor subpopulation, whereas the SRIF and SMS 201-995 inhibition  of stimulated adenylate cyclase correlate with the SRIF receptor  subpopulation present in brain and non-neuronal tissues.', 'subject  score': 916, 'object score': 901}, 'PMID:1702388': {'publication date':  '1990 Oct', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 effectively prevents or at least  improves flush and diarrhoea in the carcinoid syndrome, disabling  diarrhoea in the Verner-Morrison syndrome and migratory erythema in the  glucagonoma syndrome.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:1342235': {'publication date': '1992', 'sentence': 'The effect of  the long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS-201995 on diabetes control was  assessed in 6 insulin-dependent diabetic patients (3 men and 3 women  aged 19-38 years).', 'subject score': 833, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:6150888': {'publication date': '1984 Oct', 'sentence': 'SMS  201-995 inhibited acid secretion in a dose-dependent manner.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:10022504': {'publication  date': '1999 Feb 01', 'sentence': 'However, in membrane preparations  obtained from mitogen-activated cells, the maximal inhibition of  adenylyl cyclase mediated by SRIF14 and SRIF28 equaled only one third of  that measured in the absence of mitogens, whereas SMS 201-995 was  completely inactive.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:9818792': {'publication date': '1998 Sep', 'sentence': 'Evidence  that SMS 201-995 enhances the immunosuppressive effect of FK506.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:9927304':  {'publication date': '1999 Feb', 'sentence': 'Somatostatin (SS-14) and  its structural analogue SMS 201-995 (SMS) are recognized as  physiological inhibitors of multiple organs and tissue functions through  specific membrane receptors (sst1-sst5).', 'subject score': 854,  'object score': 872}, 'PMID:6198981': {'publication date': '1983 Nov',  'sentence': 'These results indicate that N-methylnaloxone and SMS  201-995 can block the peripheral receptors which mediate opiate-induced  bradycardia.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 851},  'PMID:6148524': {'publication date': '1984 Oct 06', 'sentence': 'In the  remaining patient who had very high basal preprandial serum GH, SMS  201-995 produced a reduction in serum GH of only 20%.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 901}, 'PMID:7530798': {'publication date':  '1995', 'sentence': 'This implies that SST analogs like SMS 201-995,  known to interact with SSTR2A, but not with SSTR1, act on pituitary  tumors mainly via the SSTR2 subtype.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:7951857': {'publication date': '1994 Aug',  'sentence': 'It was concluded that combination therapy with SMS 201-995  and low-dose isosorbide dinitrate may be beneficial for portal  hypertension in liver cirrhosis.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:7802970': {'publication date': '1994 Jul',  'sentence': 'Whereas (SS1) binding sites for the octapeptide analogue  Tyr3-SMS-201-995 appear to be absent in the gymnotiform brain, (SS2)  binding sites for the analogue [Tyr0-D-Trp8]-somatostatin-14 were found  in many brain regions and showed a similar distribution to that observed  by other authors in the amphibian and mammalian central nervous  system.', 'subject score': 861, 'object score': 817}, 'PMID:7982482':  {'publication date': '1994 Nov 28', 'sentence': 'These results suggest  that somatostatin-induced inhibition of HVA Ca2+ currents is mediated by  a specific receptor subtype and that inhibition of calcium influx  through HVA Ca2+ channels is one of the mechanisms of SMS 201-995 action  on inhibitory processes of hormone secretion and cell proliferation.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 756}, 'PMID:8132773':  {'publication date': '1994 Mar', 'sentence': 'Since SMS 201-995 was  effective in the treatment of a patient with glucagonoma in which SSTR2  mRNA was present, but had no effect in a patient with carcinoid in which  SSTR2 mRNA was not detected, this study suggests that the efficacy of  SMS 201-995 may depend, at least in part, on the expression of SSTR2 in  tumors.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:8078491':  {'publication date': '1994 Aug', 'sentence': 'However, the clinically  used SRIF analogue SMS 201-995, which potently inhibited cAMP formation  via interaction with rat SSTR5, did not inhibit cAMP accumulation in  cells expressing human SSTR5.', 'subject score': 794, 'object score':  763}, 'PMID:10765004': {'publication date': '1999 Sep-Dec', 'sentence':  'To examine the additive effect of octreotide, the synthetic long-acting  somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995, to conventional treatment of  manifest DKA, we compared the correction time of acidosis, ketonuria,  and hyperglycemia of patients treated with an intravenous infusion of  low-dose insulin (4 units per hour) plus subcutaneous injection of  octreotide (50 microg every 6 hours) by low-dose insulin alone.',  'subject score': 801, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:7686764':  {'publication date': '1993', 'sentence': 'Octreotide, SMS 201-995  (Sandostatin), was escalated in doses ranging from 1,500 micrograms to  6,000 micrograms daily in 14 patients with carcinoid.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:8320851': {'publication date': '1993  May', 'sentence': '[Inhibitory effect of somatostatin analogue, SMS  201-995, on secretin-stimulated exocrine secretion in isolated perfused  rat pancreas].', 'subject score': 825, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:8020889': {'publication date': '1994 Jul', 'sentence':  'Multiple-indicator dilution experiments in presence of increasing  cholyltaurine concentrations suggested an interaction of SMS 201-995  with sinusoidal bile salt transport.', 'subject score': 658, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:7750900': {'publication date': '1995 Apr',  'sentence': 'We previously reported that the octapeptide somatostatin  (SS) analogue SMS 201-995 (SMS) unexpectedly stimulates the growth of  A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells in vitro.', 'subject score': 840,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:7662508': {'publication date': '1995 Mar',  'sentence': 'This growth promoting effect of PACAP was, however,  independent of adenylate cyclase activation but suppressed by pertussis  toxin and the somatostatin analog SMS 201-995.', 'subject score': 893,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:8262461': {'publication date': '1993 Oct',  'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 has an inhibitory effect on calcitonin  secretion and synthesis as well as on the growth of C-cells.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:7872709': {'publication date':  '1994 Nov-Dec', 'sentence': 'We believe SMS 201995 stimulates prostatic  tumor growth and may sensitize tumor cells to subsequent  chemotherapy.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 901},  'PMID:10861863': {'publication date': '2000 Jun 12', 'sentence': 'They  also point to a potential therapeutic benefit of SMS 201995 in the  management of human T-cell leukemia.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object  score': 1000}, 'PMID:8144862': {'publication date': '1993 Dec',  'sentence': 'Since somatostatin has been reported to have a negative  inotropic and chronotropic effect on atria and positive inotropic effect  on ventricle, present study was designed to investigate the acute  effects of somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 infusion on the left  ventricular function in healthy volunteers.', 'subject score': 864,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:11145574': {'publication date': '2001 Jan',  'sentence': 'Somatostatin, or its structural analog SMS 201-995 (SMS),  is recognized to exert a growth-inhibitory action in rat pancreas, but  the cellular mechanisms are not completely understood.', 'subject  score': 854, 'object score': 698}, 'PMID:7692142': {'publication date':  '1993 Oct', 'sentence': 'We have previously demonstrated that  somatostatin analogues SMS 201-995 and RC-160 inhibit angiogenesis using  the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of the developing chicken embryo.',  'subject score': 886, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:8207509':  {'publication date': '1994 Jul', 'sentence': 'The SMS 201-995 improved  the symptoms of acromegaly in all patients.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:7692744': {'publication date': '1993 Sep',  'sentence': 'In the presence of S6, the somatostatin analogue  SMS-201-995 (10(-7) M) inhibited gastrin-stimulated histamine release by  95%.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 824}, 'PMID:7849444':  {'publication date': '1994 Sep', 'sentence': 'These results show that  SMS 201-995 increases the level of exogenously infused insulin.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 827}, 'PMID:7907795':  {'publication date': '1994 Mar 15', 'sentence': 'A good correlation  between the affinities of RC-160 and SMS-201-995 for each receptor  subtype and their potencies to inhibit cell proliferation suggests the  involvement of these receptors in cell growth regulation.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:7908405': {'publication  date': '1994 Mar', 'sentence': 'Although hSSTR5 displays approximately  75% sequence identity with rat SSTR5, the two receptors display  significantly different pharmacological profiles, especially with  respect to their binding affinities for the SST analogue SMS 201-995.',  'subject score': 888, 'object score': 759}, 'PMID:7851548':  {'publication date': '1995 Feb', 'sentence': 'The combination of 5-FU  and SMS 201.995 may be a useful method of improving response to human  colorectal cancer therapy.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score':  861}, 'PMID:7545531': {'publication date': '1994 Nov-Dec', 'sentence':  'Here we further demonstrate that the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995  as well as the SP receptor antagonist CP 96,345 can effectively decrease  the inflammation and lost lymphocyte function seen in the jejunum of T.  spiralis-infected mice.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 893},  'PMID:7910153': {'publication date': '1994 May 15', 'sentence': 'Tumor  volumes and weights were reduced significantly to a similar extent by  RC-160 and SMS 201-995, administered by daily s.c. injections at a dose  of 100 micrograms/day.', 'subject score': 816, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:10231556': {'publication date': '1999 May 06', 'sentence': 'The  stable SS analogue SMS 201-995 induced a significantly lower inhibition  of forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in pancreatic acinar  cell membranes from L-Arg-treated rats whereas an increased inhibition  was observed in pancreatic acinar membranes from L-NAME-treated rats.',  'subject score': 840, 'object score': 850}, 'PMID:7882976':  {'publication date': '1995 Feb 15', 'sentence': 'Thus, it is concluded  that the specificity of SMS 201-995 for SSTR2 is mainly defined by these  two amino acids in transmembrane domains VI and VII.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:7733906': {'publication date': '1995  Apr 17', 'sentence': 'SMS 201-995 did not induce detectable apoptosis  in unsynchronized cells which remained predominantly in G1 phase.',  'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:8094569':  {'publication date': '1993', 'sentence': 'An analog of somatostatin, SMS  201-995 (SMS; Sandostatin), has been shown to have increased potency in  the inhibition of hormone secretion in vivo.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:7612365': {'publication date': '1995 Jun',  'sentence': "In a second part, 10 of these patients received  subcutaneously 0.1 mg of SMS 201-995 (a somatostatin's analogue) 30 min  before lunch.", 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:8124483': {'publication date': '1994 Jan', 'sentence': 'In  summary, both bromocriptine and SMS 201-995 at high doses were able to  inhibit cell growth of cultured somatotrophic and non-functioning  adenomas in vitro.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:7915736': {'publication date': '1994 May', 'sentence': 'To  indirectly evaluate the hypothalamic somatostatin (SS) tone in patients  with acromegaly, the effects of pyridostigmine (PD), a cholinesterase  inhibitor which can inhibit hypothalamic SS secretion, on TRH-induced  TSH secretion and the effects of SMS 201-995 on TSH or GH secretion were  studied in acromegalic patients (31-69 yr, n = 10), normal young (21-24  yr, n = 7) and normal old male subjects (62-71 yr, n = 7).', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 861}, 'PMID:8340254': {'publication date':  '1993 Jun', 'sentence': 'The influence of a somatostatin analogue, SMS  201-995 (SMS), on the growth of an androgen-dependent mouse mammary  tumor, Shionogi carcinoma 115 (SC115), was studied.', 'subject score':  1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:12446025': {'publication date': '2002  Dec', 'sentence': 'The antiproliferative effect of a synthetic  octapeptide, somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 (SMS), and its capacity  to bind were evaluated on human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL)  activated by phytohemoagglutinin (PHA).', 'subject score': 905, 'object  score': 893}, 'PMID:12239124': {'publication date': '2002 Oct',  'sentence': 'In rhesus monkey, SOM230 and SMS 201-995 treatment resulted  in GH inhibition, with half-maximal inhibitory dose values of 0.5 and  0.4 micro g/kg, respectively, but plasma IGF-I levels were only lowered  by SOM230 (-53%).', 'subject score': 916, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:17148691': {'publication date': '2007 Mar', 'sentence': 'In  addition, SRIF-14, CH-275, SMS 201-995, and L-779,976 decrease IL-8  secretion, and they do not affect IL-8 mRNA expression.', 'subject  score': 1000, 'object score': 845}, 'PMID:16162975': {'publication  date': '2005 Oct', 'sentence': 'The action of the somatostatin analog  SMS-201.995 (SMS) was tested in monotherapy and in combined therapy with  the cytotoxic agent 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) on cell cycle kinetics of the  human colon cancer cell line WiDr, expressing a mutant p53 (mp53).',  'subject score': 893, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:19003988':  {'publication date': '2009 May 15', 'sentence': 'Structural comparison  between the residues of SOM230 and SMS 201-995 provides an explanation  for the high binding affinity of SOM230 to four of five somatostatin  receptors.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:23073237': {'publication date': '2012 Dec', 'sentence': 'In  addition, 20 male Wistar rats were included to analyze whether the  leptin antagonist L39A/D40A/F41A and the SRIF receptor agonist SMS  201-995 modify SRIF signaling and food intake, respectively.', 'subject  score': 851, 'object score': 888}, 'PMID:19210422': {'publication date':  '1989 Oct 01', 'sentence': 'Thyrotrophin secretion was inhibited by  circulating thyroid hormones, dopaminergic agonists and the somatostatin  analogue SMS 201-995 but could not be stimulated by  thyrotrophin-releasing hormone or further inhibited by exogenous  triiodothyronine.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 888},  'PMID:10090448': {'publication date': '1998', 'sentence': 'CONCLUSION:  SMS 201-995 significantly inhibits Ach stimulated tear secretion in  rats.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:9467491':  {'publication date': '1998 Jan', 'sentence': 'CONCLUSION: SMS 201-995  inhibits penile erection in rats and the systems may serve as an in vivo  animal model for further investigation.', 'subject score': 1000,  'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:15756050': {'publication date': '2005',  'sentence': 'Induction of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in a  low-susceptible Albino Oxford rat strain by somatostatin analogue SMS  201-995.', 'subject score': 893, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:1395066':  {'publication date': '1992 Aug', 'sentence': 'DESIGN: Patients were  studied before and after 1 year of bromocriptine or 6 months of SMS  201-995 treatment, for prolactinomas or GH-secreting adenomas,  respectively.', 'subject score': 916, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2138476': {'publication date': '1990 Jan', 'sentence':  'CONCLUSIONS: (1) the transplantable PRL-secreting rat pituitary tumor  7315b consists of a functionally homogeneous cell population; (2) growth  of this tumor in vivo does not lead to the induction of functionally  heterogeneous cell subpopulations within this tumor; (3) the escape of  this tumor from the tumor growth-inhibitory effect of SMS 201-995, which  has previously been demonstrated in vivo, may not have been the result  of clonal selection of somatostatin-unresponsive cells.', 'subject  score': 843, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:2658575': {'publication date':  '1989 Jun', 'sentence': 'CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that the pressor  effect of SMS-201-995 is independent of the sympathetic nervous system  in patients with multiple system atrophy, but may suppress the  adrenergic response to glucose ingestion in patients with progressive  autonomic failure.', 'subject score': 872, 'object score': 1000},  'PMID:2849276': {'publication date': '1988 Dec', 'sentence':  'CONCLUSIONS: Development of resistance to SMS 201-995 both with regard  to the clinical effect and to the inhibitory effect on tumour hormone  secretion can be expected in some patients with metastatic endocrine  pancreatic tumours.', 'subject score': 1000, 'object score': 901},  'PMID:11980628': {'publication date': '2002 May', 'sentence': 'Whereas  SMS 201-995 had a terminal elimination half life of 2 h, this was  markedly prolonged in SOM230-treated animals (t(1/2)=23 h).', 'subject  score': 840, 'object score': 1000}, 'PMID:19034397': {'publication  date': '2008 Dec', 'sentence': 'We found more than a twofold increase of  CD4(+)CD25(+) T(reg) cells in the CD4(+) T-cell population and the  expression of Foxp3 was up-regulated in the CST treatment groups,  compared with control and SMS 201-995 treatment groups.', 'subject  score': 875, 'object score': 901}, 'PMID:2404445': {'publication date':  '1990 Feb 01', 'sentence': 'STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy  of stepwise incremental doses, to compare twice- with thrice-daily  administration of the same total daily dosage of the long-acting  somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 (octreotide, Sandoz Australia, Sydney,  Australia), and to evaluate the risk for cholelithiasis after long-term  therapy for acromegaly.', 'subject score': 841, 'object score': 1000}}" | 
-- | -- | -- | --

Here is the problem. Based on my recent fix to issue #1204, I think the next build of KG2 would once again have this edge as biolink:close_match, which is probably not what we want. I think for SemMedDB xref edges should be mapped tobiolink:related_to instead of biolink:close_match. So I will fix that in semmeddb_tuple_list_json_to_kg_json.py.

saramsey commented 3 years ago

Just to amplify what @dkoslicki and @edeutsch already said above: we appreciate bug reports, especially bugs that pertain to ARAX as seen via the ARS / TRAPI.

ecwood commented 3 years ago

This appears to be fixed in KG2.5.2, where the cypher query:

match (n {id: 'NCBIGene:6611'})<-[r]-(m {id: 'UMLS:C0728977'}) return r.predicate, r.predicate_label, r.relation, r.relation_label;


r.predicate r.predicate_label r.relation r.relation_label
"biolink:related_to" "related_to" "SEMMEDDB:xref" "xref"