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Software repo for Team Expander Agent (Oregon State U., Institute for Systems Biology, and Penn State U.)
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More ranking ideas (and possible UI improvements) #1449

Open dkoslicki opened 3 years ago

dkoslicki commented 3 years ago

During the precision medicine breakout group, the following were raised from a UAB analyst as desired ranking criteria for identifying drug treatments:

Number of side effects may be converted into some kind of economic unit of disability like DALY [Steve Ramsey] FDA approval Over the counter status - vitamins other Known to be given when symptoms are present (EHR discussion) Known to work in target tissue Side effects in general to inform the analysts Sever side effects - flagged if you would not want to take long term Drug family Drug typical use

Perhaps with colored dots on the UI so the user can get a quick "barcode" of the suitability of the drug as a treatment.

ecwood commented 3 years ago

I'm going to tag #1447 with this issue regarding data about side effects.

ecwood commented 3 years ago

Also, "bioavailability" was mentioned as a priority

ecwood commented 3 years ago

"Mechanism of action" is also listed in the notes document as a trait to rank on.

dkoslicki commented 3 years ago

Thanks @ericawood !

isbluis commented 2 years ago

Perhaps with colored dots on the UI so the user can get a quick "barcode" of the suitability of the drug as a treatment.

Hi @dkoslicki . Is there a response id that has some/all of these features so I can look into adding these "barcodes"?