RTXteam / RTX

Software repo for Team Expander Agent (Oregon State U., Institute for Systems Biology, and Penn State U.)
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KG2 API swagger /query example doesn't work #1852

Open amykglen opened 2 years ago

amykglen commented 2 years ago

the example in the swagger documentation for the KG2 /query endpoint here:


seems to give an OperationsNotSupported error

this is the query:

  "bypass_cache": false,
  "enforce_edge_directionality": false,
  "log_level": "DEBUG",
  "max_results": 100,
  "message": {
    "query_graph": {
      "edges": {
        "e00": {
          "object": "n01",
          "predicates": [
          "subject": "n00"
      "nodes": {
        "n00": {
          "ids": [
        "n01": {
          "categories": [
  "operations": {
    "actions": [
      "add_qnode(name=acetaminophen, key=n00)",
      "add_qnode(category=biolink:Protein, key=n01)",
      "add_qedge(subject=n01, object=n00, key=e00)",
      "filter_results(action=limit_number_of_results, max_results=10)"
    "message_uris": [
    "messages": [
        "query_graph": {
          "edges": {
            "e00": {
              "object": "n01",
              "predicates": [
              "subject": "n00"
          "nodes": {
            "n00": {
              "ids": [
            "n01": {
              "categories": [
    "options": {
      "halt_on_warning": false
    "additionalProp1": {}
  "page_number": 1,
  "page_size": 100,
  "return_minimal_metadata": false,
  "stream_progress": false,
  "submitter": "string",
  "workflow": [
      "id": "lookup",
      "parameters": "string"
  "additionalProp1": {}
amykglen commented 1 year ago

this is still an issue for v1.3: https://arax.ncats.io/beta/api/rtxkg2/v1.3/ui/#/query/query