RTXteam / RTX

Software repo for Team Expander Agent (Oregon State U., Institute for Systems Biology, and Penn State U.)
MIT License
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Break ties in the ranker #2254

Closed dkoslicki closed 3 months ago

dkoslicki commented 3 months ago

From Tyler:

The O&O group has been sort of spinning their wheels on tied scores for a while now. Sarah recently did some deep analysis of the results coming back from all the different ARAs, and she found that ARAX is returning a lot of results that have the same score when you go out to as many as 10 decimal places. This is one of the things that’s causing the O&O group to have so much trouble resolving tie scores. I know that your algorithm doesn’t allow for true ties, but do you think there’s a way that we could have some more resolution of scores coming back from ARAX at the 2-3 decimal place range?