RTimothyEdwards / magic

Magic VLSI Layout Tool
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Enhancement request: Adding error output for undefined layername references when using the 'layer' in cifinput section of the techfile #273

Open marknmartin opened 8 months ago

marknmartin commented 8 months ago

magic should report the use of undefined layername use in layer statements used in the cifinput section of the techfile.

The issue arises when using layer to build up a magiclayer from GDS

layer magiclayer [ layernames ]

each layername should be assigned to a particular GDS layer via calma, typically at the end of he cifinput section

calma layername GDSlayer# GDSdatatype

However, if one forgets to add the correct calma statement or inadvertently misspells layername when using the layer command then the layername is undefined.

Currently, magic does not flag this undefined layername as an error. This has the potential to generate incorrect GDS output that will only be discovered by inspection of the resulting GDS and comparing to a known good result.