RTimothyEdwards / magic

Magic VLSI Layout Tool
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Install magic on MacOS using a Homebrew formula #287

Closed shaunplee closed 4 months ago

shaunplee commented 5 months ago

With help from @gnawhleinad, I put together a Brew/Homebrew formula to install magic based on the instructions in the "Without Brew" section. I also created a separate formula to install Tcl/Tk with X11 support so that magic can use it:

https://github.com/shaunplee/homebrew-asic/blob/main/Formula/magic-vlsi.rb https://github.com/shaunplee/homebrew-asic/blob/main/Formula/tcl-tk-with-x.rb

Homebrew calls repositories "taps" and therefore shaunplee/asic is the third-party tap that I've created for this purpose.

This formula works on my machine and appears to build correctly in Github's automatic test runner, although @gnawhleinad seems to be having trouble with Tcl/Tk on their machine.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to keep these Brew build formulae within this repository, we can restructure the formulae to do it that way.