RTimothyEdwards / open_pdks

PDK installer for open-source EDA tools and toolchains. Distributed with setups for the SkyWater 130nm and Global Foundries 180nm open processes.
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issue in xschem and Ngspice using sky130 process #362

Open emfhasan opened 1 year ago

emfhasan commented 1 year ago

I have an issue when try to simulate the Reram-tb utilizing xscehm and ngspice. I encounter the following errors when trying to simulate the reram and check the waveform uisng ngspice: % l_s_d(): Symbol not found: /home/schippes/share/xschem/xschem_library/devices/vsource.sym l_s_d(): Symbol not found: /home/schippes/share/xschem/xschem_library/devices/vsource.sym Hoever, the library for the reram is installed with other sky130 libraries in my local directory not the path given in the error message.

when I press on the voltage source and edit the path for vsource to be my local directory for vsource I got the following error:

Circuit: ** sch_path: /home/eda_work/eman/hassan/open_pdks/sources/xschem_sky130/sky130_tests/tb_reram.sch

Error on line 3 or its substitute: n1 top 0 sky130_fd_pr_reram__reram_model unknown device type - error The simulation interrupted due to an error!

Also, when cant get the Netlist for the design when I press the Create Netlist button?!.

I am totally new to this technology and I would appreciate your help. Thank you.

RTimothyEdwards commented 1 year ago

You should look at the discussions in the #reram channel of the open-source-silicon Slack workspace.

The line n1 top 0 sky130_fd_pr_reram__reram_model starts with "N" and indicates an OSDI/OpenVAF model. See: https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/osdi.html

Running ngspice on this model requires the most recent version of ngspice compiled with OSDI/OpenVAF support.

emfhasan commented 1 year ago

Could you please share the link to the #reram channel of the open-source-silicon Slack workspace? I attempted to join the workspace at https://open-source-silicon.dev/, but my account could not be linked to the Slack channel. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

When I was reviewing the reram library, I noticed that it did not have a model folder like the other libraries available. Instead, there was an empty third-party/make-env folder. I am confused about why the simulator was initially searching for the missing vsource in the /home/schippes/share/xschem/xschem_library/devices/vsource.sym directory, despite the fact that I have it in my local directory at eman/hassan/xschem/xschem_library/devices/vsource.sym. I am unsure why this issue occurred, or may I missed something during installation!.

As I mentioned, I am totally new to this technology and I am starting recently my learning stage in the design area. Thank you.

RTimothyEdwards commented 1 year ago

The registration for the Slack workspace was https://join.skywater.tools but I think there is an expired certificate owned by Google which has not been renewed. Does it give you a registration option if you just go directly to this page: https://open-source-silicon.slack.com/?

Also, were you trying to do a single-sign-on login through Google, or register with an email/password combination? Both are options.

RTimothyEdwards commented 1 year ago

This is the direct link: https://join.slack.com/t/open-source-silicon/shared_invite/zt-18steaudi-vFYEnjabWFspgA4_iiHkMw