RTippin / messenger

Laravel messenger. A full messenger suite for your new / existing laravel app! Private and group threads between multiple models, with real-time messaging, reactions, attachments, calling, chat bots, and more!
MIT License
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Unable to configure api auth middleware in apiato, laravel application #32

Closed hassanexcelorithm closed 2 years ago

hassanexcelorithm commented 2 years ago


I have installed and configured RTippin Messenger with Laravel and apiato framework. But when I test "api/messenger" endpoint, it shows 401 status. I have also tried to config "api:auth" middleware that is used on our other endpoints. I shall be grateful to you if you kindly guide me in this issue.

kind Regards, Hassan

RTippin commented 2 years ago

Are you using passport for your API authentication? I assume you installed my UI package, or are you trying to access the API through your own UI / Postman?

If you are using my UI package, it should work with passport so long as you login to your site with a web session on desktops, and have the CreateFreshApiToken::class passport middleware in your web middleware group. Otherwise, my UI package does not support adding auth/bearer tokens easily right now.

Please show me your middleware you defined in my config.

hassanexcelorithm commented 2 years ago

I am trying to access the API through postman. And I am trying to use "messenger api" in parallel with apiato in laravel.

Please have a look on apiato authentication. apiato is working good in my project.


RTippin commented 2 years ago

You have yet to show me your middleware in my config you defined. Nor the headers you are setting in postman.

Config routing

hassanexcelorithm commented 2 years ago

Following is my config

return [ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provider UUIDs
All of our tables that have relations to one of your providers will use
a morphTo. If your providers use UUIDs (char 36) as their primary keys,
then set this to true. Please note that if you use multiple providers,
they all must have matching primary key types (int / char / etc).
'provider_uuids' => false,

| Filesystem settings for provider avatars and thread files
| For each option below, please select the filesystem disk and leading
| directory you wish you use.
| *The "avatars" is where each provider's uploaded profile images are stored.
| By default, this will store into the following path
| prefixed by the directory:
| **Provider avatars - storage_path('app/public/images/{alias}/{id}')
| *The "threads" is where we store any uploads pertaining to a given thread,
| such as images, documents, and audio files. By using the default config
| below, thread files will be stored in the following paths prefixed by
| the directory:
| **Avatar - storage_path('app/public/threads/{threadID}/avatar')
| **Images - storage_path('app/public/threads/{threadID}/images')
| **Documents - storage_path('app/public/threads/{threadID}/documents')
| **Audio - storage_path('app/public/threads/{threadID}/audio')
| **Video - storage_path('app/public/threads/{threadID}/videos')
| **Bots - storage_path('app/public/threads/{threadID}/bots/{botID}')
'storage' => [
    'avatars' => [
        'disk' => 'public',
        'directory' => 'images',
    'threads' => [
        'disk' => 'public',
        'directory' => 'threads',

| Messenger routing config
| Our API is the core of this package, and bootstrap's all of our policies
| and controllers for you. The included middleware 'messenger.provider'
| simply takes the authenticated user via the request and sets them
| as the current messenger provider. You are free to use your own
| custom middleware to set your provider, as well as  any other
| middleware you may want, such as 'auth:api' etc.
| All API routes return json, and are best used stateless through
| auth:api such as passport or sanctum.
| Invite api has individual middleware control, giving fine-grain control
| such as allowing both guest and authed users to access.
| *For the broadcasting channels to register, you must have already
| setup/defined your laravel apps broadcast driver.
'routing' => [
    'api' => [
        'domain' => null,
        'prefix' => 'api/messenger',
        'middleware' => ['web', 'auth', 'messenger.provider:required','api','api:auth'],
        'invite_api_middleware' => ['web', 'messenger.provider','api','api:auth'],
    'assets' => [
        'domain' => null,
        'prefix' => 'messenger/assets',
        'middleware' => ['web', 'cache.headers:public, max-age=86400;'],
    'channels' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'domain' => null,
        'prefix' => 'api',
        'middleware' => ['web', 'auth', 'messenger.provider:required'],

| Use Absolute Route Paths
| Whether routes generated from messenger use the absolute or shortened path.
'use_absolute_routes' => env('MESSENGER_USE_ABSOLUTE_ROUTES', false),

| API rate limits / request per minute allowed. Use 0 for unlimited
'rate_limits' => [
    'api' => 1000,      // Applies over entire API
    'search' => 45,     // Applies on search
    'message' => 60,    // Applies to sending messages per thread
    'attachment' => 15, // Applies to uploading images/documents per thread

| Max allowed characters for Message body / Edit Message body.
'message_size_limit' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT', 5000),

| File toggles to enable / disable features and default image paths.
| Size limits are the max upload size in kilobytes.
'files' => [
    'message_documents' => [
        'upload' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_UPLOAD', true),
        'size_limit' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_SIZE_LIMIT', 10240),
        'mime_types' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_MIME_TYPES', 'csv,doc,docx,json,pdf,ppt,pptx,rar,rtf,txt,xls,xlsx,xml,zip,7z'),
    'message_images' => [
        'upload' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_IMAGE_UPLOAD', true),
        'size_limit' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_IMAGE_SIZE_LIMIT', 5120),
        'mime_types' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES', 'jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,gif,webp'),
    'message_audio' => [
        'upload' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_AUDIO_UPLOAD', true),
        'size_limit' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_AUDIO_SIZE_LIMIT', 10240),
        'mime_types' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_AUDIO_MIME_TYPES', 'aac,mp3,oga,ogg,wav,weba,webm'),
    'message_videos' => [
        'upload' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_VIDEO_UPLOAD', true),
        'size_limit' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_VIDEO_SIZE_LIMIT', 15360),
        'mime_types' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_VIDEO_MIME_TYPES', 'avi,mp4,ogv,webm,3gp,3g2,wmv,mov'),
    'avatars' => [
        'providers' => env('MESSENGER_PROVIDER_AVATARS_ENABLED', true),
        'threads' => env('MESSENGER_THREAD_AVATARS_ENABLED', true),
        'bots' => env('MESSENGER_BOT_AVATARS_ENABLED', true),
        'size_limit' => env('MESSENGER_AVATARS_SIZE_LIMIT', 5120),
        'mime_types' => env('MESSENGER_AVATARS_MIME_TYPES', 'jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,gif,webp'),
    'default_not_found_image' => public_path('vendor/messenger/images/image404.png'),
    'default_ghost_avatar' => public_path('vendor/messenger/images/users.png'),
    'default_thread_avatar' => public_path('vendor/messenger/images/threads.png'),
    'default_bot_avatar' => public_path('vendor/messenger/images/bots.png'),

| Calling
| Enable or disable the calling feature. If enabled, you must also declare
| the driver we will use within a boot method from one of your service
| providers. You may use our messenger facade to set the driver.
| Messenger::setVideoDriver(JanusBroker::class);
| We provide an event subscriber to listen and react to calling events. You
| may choose to enable it, whether it puts jobs on the queue or not, and
| which queue channel its jobs are dispatched on.
'calling' => [
    'enabled' => env('MESSENGER_CALLING_ENABLED', false),
    'subscriber' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'queued' => true,
        'channel' => 'messenger',

| System Messages
| Enable or disable system messages. These are messages generated by actions
| to give feedback in the thread history. Actions such as: call ended, left
| group, promoted admin, etc.
| We provide an event subscriber to listen and react to events that will
| generate the system messages. You may choose to enable it, whether it
| puts jobs on the queue or not, and which queue channel its jobs are
| dispatched on.
'system_messages' => [
    'enabled' => env('MESSENGER_SYSTEM_MESSAGES_ENABLED', true),
    'subscriber' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'queued' => true,
        'channel' => 'messenger',

| Bots
| Enable or disable the bots feature. When enabled, bots may be created
| within group threads. A bot may contain many actions with triggers
| that will respond to a message.
| We provide an event subscriber to listen and react to events that may
| trigger a bot response. You may choose to enable it, whether it puts
| jobs on the queue or not, and which queue channel its jobs are
| dispatched on.
'bots' => [
    'enabled' => env('MESSENGER_BOTS_ENABLED', false),
    'subscriber' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'queued' => true,
        'channel' => 'messenger-bots',

| Push Notification Events
| Enable or disable firing our push notification event for every broadcast
| that is not sent over presence. This system only works if you are using
| our default BroadcastBroker for our broadcast driver.
'push_notifications' => env('MESSENGER_PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED', false),

| Thread Verifications | Friendship Checks
| Enable or disable friendship checks for threads.
| If enabled for private threads, the thread will be marked as pending upon
| creation if the two participants are not friends. The recipient will then
| have the option to accept or deny the new private thread request.
| If enabled for group threads, only friends of the active participant may
| be added to the group, otherwise any valid messenger provider may be
| added as a participant.
'thread_verifications' => [
    'private_thread_friendship' => env('MESSENGER_VERIFY_PRIVATE_THREAD_FRIENDSHIP', true),
    'group_thread_friendship' => env('MESSENGER_VERIFY_GROUP_THREAD_FRIENDSHIP', true),

| Message Edits
| Enable or disable the edit message feature. When enabled, the owner of a
| message will be allowed to edit that message. A history of the edits will
| be stored, should you enable our default queued_event_listeners. You may
| also allow/deny users in a thread to view the edit history of the message.
'message_edits' => [
    'enabled' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_EDITS_ENABLED', true),
    'history_view' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_EDITS_VIEW_HISTORY', true),

| Message Reactions
| Enable or disable the message reactions feature and the max unique allowed
| per message. This feature behaves similar to discord, where a single user
| may react to a single message more than once with different emotes.
'message_reactions' => [
    'enabled' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_REACTIONS_ENABLED', true),
    'max_unique' => env('MESSENGER_MESSAGE_REACTIONS_MAX_UNIQUE', 10),

| Thread invitations
| Enable or disable thread invites. You may also set the max active
| invites each thread may have at any given time. 0 for unlimited
'invites' => [
    'enabled' => env('MESSENGER_INVITES_ENABLED', true),
    'max_per_thread' => env('MESSENGER_INVITES_THREAD_MAX', 3),

| Knock knock!! 👊
| Enable or disable knocks, and set the timeout limit (in minutes).
| Set to 0 for no timeout.
'knocks' => [
    'enabled' => env('MESSENGER_KNOCKS_ENABLED', true),
    'timeout' => env('MESSENGER_KNOCKS_TIMEOUT', 5),

| Provider online/away status
| Enable or disable showing online/away states, and set the lifetime the
| status will live in cache (in minutes)
'online_status' => [
    'enabled' => env('MESSENGER_ONLINE_STATUS_ENABLED', true),
    'lifetime' => env('MESSENGER_ONLINE_STATUS_LIFETIME', 4),

| Resource collection results limit
| Here you can define the default query limits for resource collections
'collections' => [
    'search' => [
        'page_count' => 25,
    'threads' => [
        'index_count' => 100,
        'page_count' => 25,
    'participants' => [
        'index_count' => 500,
        'page_count' => 50,
    'messages' => [
        'index_count' => 50,
        'page_count' => 50,
    'calls' => [
        'index_count' => 25,
        'page_count' => 25,


hassanexcelorithm commented 2 years ago


hassanexcelorithm commented 2 years ago

In authorization, I am using bearer token.

RTippin commented 2 years ago

The middleware in my config is no different than your own routes. You need to define it in the proper order. Try the below, I updated the middleware sections:

'routing' => [
    'api' => [
        'domain' => null,
        'prefix' => 'api/messenger',
        'middleware' => ['api', 'auth:api', 'messenger.provider:required'],
        'invite_api_middleware' => ['api', 'auth:api', 'messenger.provider'],
    'assets' => [
        'domain' => null,
        'prefix' => 'messenger/assets',
        'middleware' => ['web', 'cache.headers:public, max-age=86400;'],
    'channels' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'domain' => null,
        'prefix' => 'api',
        'middleware' => ['api', 'auth:api', 'messenger.provider:required'],
hassanexcelorithm commented 2 years ago

I am replaced middleware section but still 401 status. please have look on following attachment


RTippin commented 2 years ago

What does your middleware look like for your working API routes? Are you using a custom guard? This is not an issue regarding my package. If you use a custom guard, then you would have to make your own middleware to set the provider, since my included SetMessengerProvider middleware takes the default $request->user().

That exception is also not from my package. Whatever your oauth solution is, you need to check that middleware.

And be sure your config and routes are not cached after you make changes.

hassanexcelorithm commented 2 years ago

Its working now. Thanks for your support.

Kind Regards, Hassan