RUCAIBox / RecBole

A unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library
MIT License
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参数设置和最佳结果 #1036

Closed tctctctctc closed 2 years ago

tctctctctc commented 2 years ago


hyp1231 commented 2 years ago

感谢关注,但是如我们在 #485 中声明的:

Note, although we have tested all the implemented models on at least two datasets (most are tested on four datasets), we will never maintain a scoreboard to compare the performance of different algorithms. In other words, we will not release any test results of the implemented models. However, we have prepared the default parameter settings for all models. You can simply obtain their performance with very simple commands using the default parameters.


更多细节请参考 #485,希望理解。

tctctctctc commented 2 years ago


hyp1231 commented 2 years ago

感谢反馈,团队之前有考虑过增加中文 API 文档,但是由于人手问题,暂未安排相关计划。


tctctctctc commented 2 years ago


hyp1231 commented 2 years ago


RecBole 1.0.0 为序列模型提供了留一法、按比例划分等方式,详见 APC Doc

已有工作中,有一些采用留一法,如 S^3-Rec [1];也有些采用按比例划分,如 session-based 设置下的 ProxySR [2]。

By the way,新的主题的讨论建议新开 discussion / issue。

Ref: [1] S^3-Rec: Self-Supervised Learning for Sequential Recommendation with Mutual Information Maximization. CIKM 20. [2] Unsupervised Proxy Selection for Session-based Recommender Systems. SIGIR 21.

hyp1231 commented 2 years ago

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