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General Model Performs Better than Context-aware Model #1555

Closed PosoSAgapo closed 1 year ago

PosoSAgapo commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am using both the general model and the context-aware model on my own dataset which only has implicit feedback. As the context-aware model uses the item feature, I would suppose the context-aware model could give a better performance. However, in my experiment setting, the context-aware model usually gives a much worse performance compared to the general model. This is what my item file looks like:

item:token  feat_A:token_seq    feat_B:token    feat_C:token_seq    feat_D:token_seq
0   1 2 3 4 8   77  337 304 325 776 917 2172 2464 2756
1   1 3 8   77  300 1354 2571 2656

Those integers are the anonymized categorical feature, so I suppose its feature type is not float_seq As my custom dataset only contains implicit feedback, so I can only use the negative sampling approach to train the model. I use the below configuration:

  inter: [user, item]
  user: [user, zip_code]
  item: [item, feat_A, feat_B, feat_C, feat_D]
epochs: 500
train_batch_size: 4096
learner: adam
learning_rate: 0.001
eval_step: 1
stopping_step: 30
# evaluation setting
eval_args:                      # (dict) 4 keys: group_by, order, split, and mode
  split: {'RS':[0.9,0.1,0.0]}   # (dict) The splitting strategy ranging in ['RS','LS'].
  group_by: user                # (str) The grouping strategy ranging in ['user', 'none'].
  order: RO                     # (str) The ordering strategy ranging in ['RO', 'TO'].
  mode: full
train_neg_sample_args: {distribution: 'uniform', sample_num: 1}
metrics: ["Recall", "MRR", "NDCG", "Hit", "Precision"]
topk: [50]
valid_metric: Hit@50
eval_batch_size: 4096

As I have tried several combinations of hyperparameters in different context-aware models, but unfortunately, none of them could give a comparable performance with general models like BPR or SimpleX. However, since we can use item features in the context-aware model, it is expected to see a boost in performance. What may cause this problem? Is my dataset only contain implicit feedback the problem?

Ethan-TZ commented 1 year ago

@PosoSAgapo Hello, thanks for your attention to RecBole!

I hope my answer can help you!

PosoSAgapo commented 1 year ago

@chenyuwuxin Thanks for your response! Based on your reply, if I want to use features in implicit feedback, I should implement the BPR loss function for the context-aware model. Since the context-aware model uses BCE loss, this loss is not proper for implicit feedback trained using negative sampling. Is this understanding correct?

Ethan-TZ commented 1 year ago

@PosoSAgapo Yes, since BCE Loss is usually applicable to fine-grained ranking tasks, while BPR Loss is often used in the coarse-grained recall tasks.