RUCAIBox / RecBole

A unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library
MIT License
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Additional target features #1860

Open MatthiasEg opened 1 year ago

MatthiasEg commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for the great library!

I would like to use other features of the target item for the prediction. Is there a way to provide such information into the Interaction objects as off now? To be a big more precise on what I'm trying to achieve, here's an example:

Timestamp ItemID
06.09.2023 345
07.09.2023 12
08.09.2023 555
10.09.2023 ?

In this example, "?" is to be predicted based on the sequence of interactions. Is there a way how I can introduce additional features (here the timestamp 10.09.2023) into the created interactions?

Thank you!


Looking at an interaction batch, is the timestamp property exactly what I'm looking for?


So essentially all the features inside the ".inter" and ".item" files will be available for the target index?

Ethan-TZ commented 1 year ago

@MatthiasEg Thanks for your attention to RecBole! Yes, we support this approach, and we have already implemented sequential features for additional attributes in the DIN model. You can refer to the following code:

class DIN(SequentialRecommender):

    input_type = InputType.POINTWISE

    def __init__(self, config, dataset):
        super(DIN, self).__init__(config, dataset)

        # get field names and parameter value from config
        self.LABEL_FIELD = config["LABEL_FIELD"]
        self.embedding_size = config["embedding_size"]
        self.mlp_hidden_size = config["mlp_hidden_size"]
        self.device = config["device"]
        self.pooling_mode = config["pooling_mode"]
        self.dropout_prob = config["dropout_prob"]

        self.types = ["user", "item"]
        self.user_feat = dataset.get_user_feature()
        self.item_feat = dataset.get_item_feature()

        # init MLP layers
        # self.dnn_list = [(3 * self.num_feature_field['item'] + self.num_feature_field['user'])
        #                  * self.embedding_size] + self.mlp_hidden_size
        num_item_feature = sum(
            if dataset.field2type[field]
            not in [FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ, FeatureType.FLOAT]
            or field in config["numerical_features"]
            else 0
            for field in self.item_feat.interaction.keys()
        self.dnn_list = [
            3 * num_item_feature * self.embedding_size
        ] + self.mlp_hidden_size
        self.att_list = [
            4 * num_item_feature * self.embedding_size
        ] + self.mlp_hidden_size

        mask_mat = (
            torch.arange(self.max_seq_length).to(self.device).view(1, -1)
        )  # init mask
        self.attention = SequenceAttLayer(
        self.dnn_mlp_layers = MLPLayers(
            self.dnn_list, activation="Dice", dropout=self.dropout_prob, bn=True

        self.embedding_layer = ContextSeqEmbLayer(
            dataset, self.embedding_size, self.pooling_mode, self.device
        self.dnn_predict_layers = nn.Linear(self.mlp_hidden_size[-1], 1)
        self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
        self.loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()

        # parameters initialization
        self.other_parameter_name = ["embedding_layer"]

    def _init_weights(self, module):
        if isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):
        elif isinstance(module, nn.Linear):
            if module.bias is not None:
                constant_(, 0)

    def forward(self, user, item_seq, item_seq_len, next_items):
        max_length = item_seq.shape[1]
        # concatenate the history item seq with the target item to get embedding together
        item_seq_next_item =, next_items.unsqueeze(1)), dim=-1)
        sparse_embedding, dense_embedding = self.embedding_layer(
            user, item_seq_next_item
        # concat the sparse embedding and float embedding
        feature_table = {}
        for type in self.types:
            feature_table[type] = []
            if sparse_embedding[type] is not None:
            if dense_embedding[type] is not None:

            feature_table[type] =[type], dim=-2)
            table_shape = feature_table[type].shape
            feat_num, embedding_size = table_shape[-2], table_shape[-1]
            feature_table[type] = feature_table[type].view(
                table_shape[:-2] + (feat_num * embedding_size,)

        user_feat_list = feature_table["user"]
        item_feat_list, target_item_feat_emb = feature_table["item"].split(
            [max_length, 1], dim=1
        target_item_feat_emb = target_item_feat_emb.squeeze(1)

        # attention
        user_emb = self.attention(target_item_feat_emb, item_feat_list, item_seq_len)
        user_emb = user_emb.squeeze(1)

        # input the DNN to get the prediction score
        din_in =
            [user_emb, target_item_feat_emb, user_emb * target_item_feat_emb], dim=-1
        din_out = self.dnn_mlp_layers(din_in)
        preds = self.dnn_predict_layers(din_out)

        return preds.squeeze(1)

This variable sparse_embedding demonstrates how to incorporate sequential features for additional attributes in the DIN model.