RUCAIBox / RecBole

A unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library
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ValueError: Some users have interacted with all items, which we can not sample negative items for them. #2019

Open Captain-Paul opened 3 months ago

Captain-Paul commented 3 months ago

遇到了和#1028 一样的报错,我的inter文件中有rating列,范围是1到5。我的配置如下:

parameter_dict = {
    'data_path': '/kaggle/working/',
    'USER_ID_FIELD': 'user_id',
    'ITEM_ID_FIELD': 'video_id',
    'RATING_FIELD': 'rating',
    'user_inter_num_interval': "[0,Inf)",
    'item_inter_num_interval': "[0,Inf)",
    'load_col': {'inter': ['user_id', 'video_id', 'rating']},
    'val_interval': {'rating': "[1,5]"},
    'field_separator': ",",
    'gpu_id': "0",
    'seed': 2024,
    'epochs': 1,
    'threshold': {'rating': 3},
    'train_neg_sample_args': None,
    'neg_sampling': None,
#     'repeatable': True,

    'n_neighbors': 50,
    'metric': 'pearson',
    'center': True,
    'aggregate': "weighted_mean",
    'min_neighbors': 10,
    'min_similaity': 0.03,

    'eval_args': {
        'group_by': 'user',
        'mode': 'full',
        'split': {'RS': [1, 0, 0]}


wangyule0 commented 3 months ago


Captain-Paul commented 3 months ago

@wangyule0 你好,还没解决,目前是换了一个稀疏数据集在做