Currently with only inter atomic file. Reasons why not creating others:
.user file: a lack of information like age and gender
.item file: Without User file, there is no supported model to run
.kg file: a lack of triples file. Considering wikidata later, maybe can ask Microsoft for help
.link file: The problem here is that there are multiple entities within a news. I dont know whether I could create multiple entities for a single item in this case. And of course without .kg file, .link file is useless.
Thanks for this contribution. Can you provide the original MIND dataset link, the related introduction and information statistics in Besides, a brief instruction in usage is also needed. We would appreciate it if you can add these. :)
Currently with only inter atomic file. Reasons why not creating others:
.user file: a lack of information like age and gender .item file: Without User file, there is no supported model to run .kg file: a lack of triples file. Considering wikidata later, maybe can ask Microsoft for help .link file: The problem here is that there are multiple entities within a news. I dont know whether I could create multiple entities for a single item in this case. And of course without .kg file, .link file is useless.