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Can you add Korean? #27

Open juntaosun opened 8 months ago

juntaosun commented 8 months ago

训练和推理,能否加入韩语支持,谢谢~ Can you add Korean, thank you~

RVC-Boss commented 8 months ago

韩语数据很缺乏,文本前端没有研究过,我们先研究中文、日文、英文,韩语后面如果有精力,再看看。 Korean language data is lacking, and we have not researhed Korean text frontend before. We first study Chinese, Japanese, and English. If there is time and resources later on, we can take a look at Korean.

pengooseDev commented 8 months ago

@RVC-Boss 如果需要韩语翻译PR,请用mention(@)呼叫。 有时间的时候,我会进行翻译的。 以前RVC项目也做过韩语翻译PR。 从该项目得到了很多帮助,想报答您。 如果其他项目也需要翻译PR,请随时叫我。:)

If you need a translation PR in Korean, please call me by mention(@). When I have time, I will proceed with the translation PR. Previously, I also flew a translation PR in Korean in the RVC project. I want to repay you because I received a lot of help from the project. If you need translation PR for other projects, please feel free to call me :)

RVC-Boss commented 8 months ago

@RVC-Boss 如果需要韩语翻译PR,请用mention(@)呼叫。 有时间的时候,我会进行翻译的。 以前RVC项目也做过韩语翻译PR。 从该项目得到了很多帮助,想报答您。 如果其他项目也需要翻译PR,请随时叫我。:)

If you need a translation PR in Korean, please call me by mention(@). When I have time, I will proceed with the translation PR. Previously, I also flew a translation PR in Korean in the RVC project. I want to repay you because I received a lot of help from the project. If you need translation PR for other projects, please feel free to call me :)

@pengooseDev 欢迎韩语翻译!不过需要先把需要翻译的地方在代码里用i18n包起来。 Welcome Korean translators! However, you need wrap the parts to be translated in code with the i18n package first. 한국어 번역자 여러분 환영합니다! 그러나 번역이 필요한 부분은 코드 내에서 i18n 패키지로 감싸 주세요.

PURE281 commented 7 months ago

如果能支持韩语训练和推理 由衷地感谢 Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you can support Korean training and reasoning

huangweicong112 commented 5 months ago


8draco8 commented 5 months ago

@RVC-Boss 我也可以翻译,请求韩语训练推理,需要关于韩语的资料的话 我这里能尽量满足。