RVC-Project / Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI

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I've typed the url localhost:7897 but still couldnn't open the webUI #1761

Closed yanyuisam closed 5 hours ago

yanyuisam commented 4 months ago

D:\material#13\Mangio-RVC-v23.7.0>runtime\python.exe infer-web.py --pycmd runtime\python.exe --port 7897 Found GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU Set fp16_run to true in 32k.json Set fp16_run to true in 40k.json Set fp16_run to true in 48k.json Use Language: zh_CN Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\material#13\Mangio-RVC-v23.7.0\runtime\lib\site-packages\gradio\networking.py", line 121, in start_server s.bind((LOCALHOST_NAME, server_port)) PermissionError: [WinError 10013] 以一种访问权限不允许的方式做了一个访问套接字的尝试。

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\material#13\Mangio-RVC-v23.7.0\infer-web.py", line 2918, in app.queue(concurrency_count=511, max_size=1022).launch( File "D:\material#13\Mangio-RVC-v23.7.0\runtime\lib\site-packages\gradio\blocks.py", line 1771, in launch server_name, server_port, local_url, app, server = networking.start_server( File "D:\material#13\Mangio-RVC-v23.7.0\runtime\lib\site-packages\gradio\networking.py", line 124, in start_server raise OSError( OSError: Port 7897 is in use. If a gradio.Blocks is running on the port, you can close() it or gradio.close_all().

D:\material#13\Mangio-RVC-v23.7.0>pause 请按任意键继续. . . WebUI doesn't work ,even if I've typed the url localhost:7897

rekvizitt commented 4 months ago

As you can see from the text you sent, the following is output to the console:

OSError: Port 7897 is in use. If a gradio.Blocks is running on the port, you can close() it or gradio.close_all().

Try to use --port 8888

THE-SINDOL commented 4 months ago

IS rvc project here, not mangio fork!!! Mangio have a lot bugs and mangio has stopped to update fork since july 2023. So use RVC Project

yanyuisam commented 4 months ago

yup,a week ago I tried the port 8000 and it works,ur right ,tysm

yanyuisam commented 4 months ago

I see!ty

janewowkiss commented 1 month ago

how change port 7897? i meet and you same problem。i think changed port 7897 ->8000。

github-actions[bot] commented 5 hours ago

This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 15 days since being marked as stale.