A Modelica model library for building performance simulations
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Check vapor compression cycle components against Obsolete #1486

Open MaMorK opened 7 months ago

MaMorK commented 7 months ago

Example simulation models based on refrigerant models from the Modelica Standard Library fail (after update to MSL 4.0.0). To be checked which models are impacted.

Simulation failures (for TwoPhaseSeparator model) are described in #1477 and #1449

Models that are impacted:

Simulation environment:

MaMorK commented 7 months ago

I tried to replace Modelica.Media.R134a.R134a_ph by the AixLib Media models in AixLib.Media.Refrigerants.R134a and AixLib.Media.Refrigerants.R290 created by Mirko Engelpracht and Christian Vering in #408 With the AixLib Media models, the compilation error does not occur and all models listed above are compiled succesfully. However, when simulating some of the example and validation models, simulation errors occur for some models (for some AixLib Media models). I summarized the results in the attached excel file. The color of the respective model names expresses, if the model could be compiled and simulated sucessfully for all AixLib Media models (=green), compiled and simulated successfully for a fraction of the AixLib models (=yellow) and where the simulation failed for every AixLib Media model (=red). IssueAixLib_VaporCompressionCycleComponents.xlsx