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The Digital First Aid Kit has moved to Gitlab:
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Document build process #33

Open jmatsushita opened 8 years ago

jmatsushita commented 8 years ago

Hi @Rafiot

How do you build https://digitaldefenders.org/digitalfirstaid/ and http://digitaldefenders.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Digital-First-Aid-Kit-July-2014.pdf from this repo?



Rafiot commented 8 years ago

I didn't do it myself so I cannot tell you. Maybe @Fiekej can help there.

We have an other copy of the documents on our own website: https://www.circl.lu/pub/#the-digital-first-aid-kit but the website is 100% generated from MD, so it won't help.

joncamfield commented 8 years ago

In a private repo, I've been playing with ways to build this into HTML and PDF using @elationfoundation's Document Builder : https://github.com/OpenInternet/Documentation-Builder ; but I'm a long way off from having that work both as a readable github file and also something that auto-compiles nicely

Rafiot commented 8 years ago

nanoc kind of allow that: the view on github is decent, but far from great

jmatsushita commented 8 years ago

Hi, there's lots of staticwebsite generators out there. I've tried a number of them, and also tried pandoc and wktohtmlpdf to generate PDFs in the past (which is what seems to be under the hood of the Documentation Builder). It's lots of nice shiny toys to help us recover from our Drupal hangover isn't it :) Regarding my original question is it fair that our best guess so far is:

@Rafiot How is the circl.lu site generated? With nanoc?

Do we know of other sites generated from this same markdown?

Rafiot commented 8 years ago

@jmatsushita: yes, with nanoc.