RaReNet / DFAK

The Digital First Aid Kit has moved to Gitlab:
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Removed draft blog from index page #52

Closed joncamfield closed 7 years ago

joncamfield commented 7 years ago

Moved the sample blog to _drafts folder (show with --drafts when running jekyll) and moved the blog listing widget to the bottom of index page

mfc commented 7 years ago

I just came here to do the same thing! always one step ahead :P Probably worth you having merge rights since @Rafiot is a pretty busy person?

Rafiot commented 7 years ago

Woops, sorry for that. Merging!

Rafiot commented 7 years ago

Also, please tell me if you want to have admin rights on this repository, I don't see any reason I'm the only one allowed to merge :)

seamustuohy commented 7 years ago

Don't do it Rafiot! Day one of giving Jon admin access to the repo and BAM!

He's gonna start doing all sorts of joyous things

Rafiot commented 7 years ago


joncamfield commented 7 years ago

I'll happily take merge powers; but can't promise I won't post cats.