Raathigesh / atmo

:heavy_check_mark: Mock data for your prototypes and demos. Remote deployments to Zeit now.
815 stars 46 forks source link

Linux .deb? #52

Open shaddyhm opened 7 years ago

Raathigesh commented 7 years ago

There is nothing preventing from building atmo for linux but I use windows as my primary OS and did not find enough time to setup a virtual machine. I'll see what I can do!

You could build from the source with the following steps though!

Let me know if you run into any issues.

pyprism commented 7 years ago

I tried your instructions, here is the errors after running npm run shipit

> atmo@1.0.0 shipit /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app
> npm run build && npm run app

> atmo@1.0.0 build /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app
> concurrently "npm run build-main" "npm run build-renderer"

[0] > atmo@1.0.0 build-main /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app
[0] > cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config ./webpack/webpack.main.prod
[1] > atmo@1.0.0 build-renderer /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app
[1] > cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config ./webpack/webpack.prod
[0] clean-webpack-plugin: /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/app has been removed.
[1] clean-webpack-plugin: /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/app has been removed.
[0] [at-loader] Using typescript@2.4.1 from typescript and "tsconfig.json" from /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/tsconfig.json.
[1] No valid rules have been specified
[1] [at-loader] Using typescript@2.4.1 from typescript and "tsconfig.json" from /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/tsconfig.json.
[0] [at-loader] Checking started in a separate process...
[0] [at-loader] Checking finished with 1 errors
[0] Hash: c5b916c4c028c9cb4da5
[0] Version: webpack 2.2.0
[0] Time: 11392ms
[0]                   Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
[0]   icons/png/256x256.png    12.5 kB          [emitted]         
[0]                 main.js    3.92 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  main
[0] icons/png/1024x1024.png    12.5 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/mac/icon.icns    56.6 kB          [emitted]         
[0]   icons/png/128x128.png    4.96 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/16x16.png  405 bytes          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/24x24.png  597 bytes          [emitted]         
[0]            package.json     3.4 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/32x32.png  808 bytes          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/48x48.png     1.3 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/64x64.png    1.91 kB          [emitted]         
[0]   icons/png/512x512.png    12.5 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/96x96.png    3.31 kB          [emitted]         
[0]      icons/win/icon.ico     305 kB          [emitted]  [big]  
[0]   [68] ./~/atmo-core/build/src/index.js 3.43 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [69] ./src/main/menu.ts 3.84 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [70] ./src/main/messageHandler.ts 3.47 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [71] ./~/electron-debug/index.js 2.19 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [74] ./src/main/settings.ts 611 bytes {0} [built]
[0]   [78] ./~/bluebird/js/release/bluebird.js 291 bytes {0} [built]
[0]   [92] ./~/bluebird/js/release/promise.js 25.8 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [106] ./~/body-parser/index.js 2.66 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [142] ./~/electron-is-dev/index.js 154 bytes {0} [built]
[0]  [143] ./~/electron-localshortcut/index.js 8.24 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [149] ./~/express/index.js 224 bytes {0} [built]
[0]  [152] ./~/express/lib/express.js 2.22 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [169] ./~/jsonfile/index.js 3.13 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [208] ./~/server-destroy/index.js 430 bytes {0} [built]
[0]  [215] ./src/main/main.dev.ts 5.47 kB {0} [built]
[0]     + 201 hidden modules
[0] WARNING in ./~/electron-debug/index.js
[0] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'devtron' in '/home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/node_modules/electron-debug'
[0]  @ ./~/electron-debug/index.js 74:39-57
[0]  @ ./src/main/main.dev.ts
[0] WARNING in ./~/express/lib/view.js
[0] 80:29-41 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Headers.ts:4:20 
[0]     TS2307: Cannot find module './header'.
[0] npm
[0] npm ERR! errno 2
[0] npm ERR! atmo@1.0.0 build-main: `cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config ./webpack/webpack.main.prod`
[0] npm ERR! Exit status 2
[0] npm ERR! 
[0] npm ERR! Failed at the atmo@1.0.0 build-main script.
[0] npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
[0] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[0] npm ERR!     /home/prism/.npm/_logs/2017-09-01T13_47_21_742Z-debug.log
[0] npm run build-main exited with code 2
[1] [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of "/home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/node_modules/prettier/parser-typescript.js" as it exceeds the max of "500KB".
[1] [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of "/home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/node_modules/prettier/parser-postcss.js" as it exceeds the max of "500KB".
[1] [at-loader] Checking started in a separate process...
[1] [at-loader] Checking finished with 1 errors
[1] Hash: e0db394dc7fb94130917
[1] Version: webpack 2.2.0
[1] Time: 113361ms
[1]                                Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
[1] 9c74e172f87984c48ddf5c8108cabe67.png    28.1 kB          [emitted]         
[1] c8b53202b12f323277dc1deef58bea93.png     6.5 kB          [emitted]         
[1] 42f55706bb8a5493223b0ae14648a75d.png    6.49 kB          [emitted]         
[1]                          renderer.js    8.45 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  renderer
[1]                           styles.css    2.89 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  renderer
[1]                           index.html  237 bytes          [emitted]         
[1]    [0] ./~/react/react.js 56 bytes {0} [built]
[1]   [21] ./~/mobx-react/index.js 29.7 kB {0} [built]
[1]   [58] ./~/react-dom/index.js 59 bytes {0} [built]
[1]   [79] ./~/react/lib/React.js 5.08 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [149] ./src/renderer/store/NotificationStore.ts 2.47 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [249] ./src/renderer/store/AppStore.ts 4.72 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [250] ./src/renderer/store/ProjectStore.ts 10.4 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [251] ./src/renderer/store/ViewStore.ts 3.37 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [483] ./src/renderer/index.tsx 778 bytes {0} [built]
[1]  [502] ./src/renderer/home.tsx 6.84 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [508] ./src/renderer/store/deployment/Deployments.ts 4.56 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [509] ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Endpoint.ts 3.39 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [607] ./~/semantic-ui-less/semantic.less 41 bytes {0} [built]
[1]  [608] ./src/renderer/global.css 41 bytes {0} [built]
[1] [1029] multi ./src/renderer/index 28 bytes {0} [built]
[1]     + 1117 hidden modules
[1] WARNING in ./~/prettier/index.js
[1] 3036:13-64 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
[1] ERROR in ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Headers.ts
[1] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './header' in '/home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/src/renderer/store/endpoint'
[1]  @ ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Headers.ts 16:15-34
[1]  @ ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Endpoint.ts
[1]  @ ./src/renderer/store/AppStore.ts
[1]  @ ./src/renderer/index.tsx
[1]  @ multi ./src/renderer/index
[1] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Headers.ts:4:20 
[1]     TS2307: Cannot find module './header'.
[1] Child html-webpack-plugin for "index.html":
[1]        [0] ./~/lodash/lodash.js 540 kB {0} [built]
[1]        [1] (webpack)/buildin/module.js 517 bytes {0} [built]
[1]        [2] ./~/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/renderer/index.html 554 bytes {0} [built]
[1] Child extract-text-webpack-plugin:
[1]        [0] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built]
[1]        [1] ./~/css-loader!./src/renderer/global.css 1.3 kB {0} [built]
[1] Child extract-text-webpack-plugin:
[1]        [2] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.eot 221 kB {0} [built]
[1]        [8] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/collections/table.variables 7.13 kB [built]
[1]        [9] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/button.variables 10.5 kB [built]
[1]       [10] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/container.variables 2.09 kB [built]
[1]       [11] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/divider.variables 1.1 kB [built]
[1]       [12] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/flag.variables 270 bytes [built]
[1]       [13] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/header.variables 3.84 kB [built]
[1]       [14] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/icon.variables 1.68 kB [built]
[1]       [47] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [48] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/images/flags.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
[1]       [49] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.svg 593 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [50] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.ttf 221 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [51] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff 131 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [52] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff2 103 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [53] ./~/css-loader!./~/less-loader/dist/cjs.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/semantic.less 1.46 MB {0} [built]
[1]         + 84 hidden modules
[1] npm
[1] npm ERR! errno 2
[1] npm ERR! atmo@1.0.0 build-renderer: `cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config ./webpack/webpack.prod`
[1] npm ERR!
[1]  Exit status 2
[1] npm ERR! 
[1] npm ERR! Failed at the atmo@1.0.0 build-renderer script.
[1] npm ERR!
[1]  This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
[1] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[1] npm ERR!     /home/prism/.npm/_logs/2017-09-01T13_49_03_818Z-debug.log
[1] npm run build-renderer exited with code 2
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! atmo@1.0.0 build: `concurrently "npm run build-main" "npm run build-renderer"`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the atmo@1.0.0 build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/prism/.npm/_logs/2017-09-01T13_49_03_888Z-debug.log
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! atmo@1.0.0 shipit: `npm run build && npm run app`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the atmo@1.0.0 shipit script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/prism/.npm/_logs/2017-09-01T13_49_03_943Z-debug.log
Raathigesh commented 7 years ago

Please get an update and try again.

pyprism commented 7 years ago

Now its working ! but I think the app is not responsive. screenshot_2017-09-02_14-48-30

Raathigesh commented 7 years ago

You can adjust the width of the panels by dragging the divider (Which is not visible but it's there) between the control panel and the editor panel.

binarydev commented 6 years ago

@Raathigesh Just tried those instructions on Ubuntu 16.04 and got the following errors, any ideas? (using node 6.9.1)

[0] [at-loader] Checking finished with 11 errors
[0] Hash: 572fc2228ddf64aefba3
[0] Version: webpack 2.7.0
[0] Time: 5495ms
[0]                   Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
[0]   icons/png/256x256.png    12.5 kB          [emitted]         
[0]                 main.js    2.79 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  main
[0] icons/png/1024x1024.png    12.5 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/mac/icon.icns    56.6 kB          [emitted]         
[0]   icons/png/128x128.png    4.96 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/16x16.png  405 bytes          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/24x24.png  597 bytes          [emitted]         
[0]            package.json     3.4 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/32x32.png  808 bytes          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/48x48.png     1.3 kB          [emitted]         
[0]   icons/png/512x512.png    12.5 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/64x64.png    1.91 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/96x96.png    3.31 kB          [emitted]         
[0]      icons/win/icon.ico     305 kB          [emitted]  [big]  
[0]   [34] ./~/body-parser/index.js 2.66 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [38] ./~/electron-debug 160 bytes {0} [built]
[0]   [62] ./~/atmo-core/build/src/index.js 3.43 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [63] ./src/main/menu.ts 3.84 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [64] ./src/main/messageHandler.ts 3.47 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [65] ./~/electron-debug/index.js 2.52 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [68] ./~/atob/node-atob.js 129 bytes {0} [built]
[0]   [69] ./src/main/main.dev.ts 5.47 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [70] ./src/main/settings.ts 611 bytes {0} [built]
[0]   [74] ./~/bluebird/js/release/bluebird.js 291 bytes {0} [built]
[0]  [115] ./~/electron-is-dev/index.js 256 bytes {0} [built]
[0]  [116] ./~/electron-localshortcut/index.js 8.36 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [122] ./~/express/index.js 224 bytes {0} [built]
[0]  [161] ./~/jsonfile/index.js 3.13 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [182] ./~/server-destroy/index.js 430 bytes {0} [built]
[0]     + 178 hidden modules
[0] WARNING in ./~/electron-debug/index.js
[0] 81:45-58 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
[0] WARNING in ./~/electron-debug/index.js
[0] 84:85-106 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
[0] WARNING in ./~/express/lib/view.js
[0] 81:13-25 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/components/Header.tsx:27:23 
[0]     TS2559: Type '{ name: string; circular: true; size: string; }' has no properties in common with type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<ThemedOuterStyledProps<WithOptionalTheme...'.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/components/Header.tsx:29:23 
[0]     TS2559: Type '{ name: string; circular: true; size: string; }' has no properties in common with type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<ThemedOuterStyledProps<WithOptionalTheme...'.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/components/IntroDialog/IntroDialog.tsx:58:29 
[0]     TS2339: Property 'as' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<ThemedOuterStyledProps<WithOptionalTheme...'.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/components/IntroDialog/IntroDialog.tsx:95:34 
[0]     TS2339: Property 'width' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<ThemedOuterStyledProps<WithOptionalTheme...'.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/components/composer/Header.tsx:12:8 
[0]     TS1192: Module '"/home/binarydev/Projects/Dockerfiles/atmo/packages/app/src/renderer/store/index"' has no default export.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/components/composer/Url.tsx:81:25 
[0]     TS2559: Type '{ name: string; link: true; }' has no properties in common with type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<ThemedOuterStyledProps<WithOptionalTheme...'.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/components/sidebar/EndpointItem.tsx:53:16 
[0]     TS2559: Type '{ name: string; }' has no properties in common with type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<ThemedOuterStyledProps<WithOptionalTheme...'.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/store/deployment/Deployments.ts:50:20 
[0]     TS2345: Argument of type 'Date' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/store/deployment/Deployments.ts:50:39 
[0]     TS2345: Argument of type 'Date' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/store/deployment/Deployments.ts:51:20 
[0]     TS2345: Argument of type 'Date' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/store/deployment/Deployments.ts:51:39 
[0]     TS2345: Argument of type 'Date' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
Raathigesh commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, it compiles on Windows. You might have to dig a bit into the errors and see. You could try making the places where it errors as any?

paulohfcanuto commented 6 years ago

Nice project @Raathigesh I build on ubuntu 18.04 and works fine for me, congratulations!!!!!!

BillMeyerRSA commented 3 years ago

I tried your instructions, here is the errors after running npm run shipit

> atmo@1.0.0 shipit /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app
> npm run build && npm run app

> atmo@1.0.0 build /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app
> concurrently "npm run build-main" "npm run build-renderer"

[0] > atmo@1.0.0 build-main /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app
[0] > cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config ./webpack/webpack.main.prod
[1] > atmo@1.0.0 build-renderer /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app
[1] > cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config ./webpack/webpack.prod
[0] clean-webpack-plugin: /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/app has been removed.
[1] clean-webpack-plugin: /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/app has been removed.
[0] [at-loader] Using typescript@2.4.1 from typescript and "tsconfig.json" from /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/tsconfig.json.
[1] No valid rules have been specified
[1] [at-loader] Using typescript@2.4.1 from typescript and "tsconfig.json" from /home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/tsconfig.json.
[0] [at-loader] Checking started in a separate process...
[0] [at-loader] Checking finished with 1 errors
[0] Hash: c5b916c4c028c9cb4da5
[0] Version: webpack 2.2.0
[0] Time: 11392ms
[0]                   Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
[0]   icons/png/256x256.png    12.5 kB          [emitted]         
[0]                 main.js    3.92 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  main
[0] icons/png/1024x1024.png    12.5 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/mac/icon.icns    56.6 kB          [emitted]         
[0]   icons/png/128x128.png    4.96 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/16x16.png  405 bytes          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/24x24.png  597 bytes          [emitted]         
[0]            package.json     3.4 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/32x32.png  808 bytes          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/48x48.png     1.3 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/64x64.png    1.91 kB          [emitted]         
[0]   icons/png/512x512.png    12.5 kB          [emitted]         
[0]     icons/png/96x96.png    3.31 kB          [emitted]         
[0]      icons/win/icon.ico     305 kB          [emitted]  [big]  
[0]   [68] ./~/atmo-core/build/src/index.js 3.43 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [69] ./src/main/menu.ts 3.84 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [70] ./src/main/messageHandler.ts 3.47 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [71] ./~/electron-debug/index.js 2.19 kB {0} [built]
[0]   [74] ./src/main/settings.ts 611 bytes {0} [built]
[0]   [78] ./~/bluebird/js/release/bluebird.js 291 bytes {0} [built]
[0]   [92] ./~/bluebird/js/release/promise.js 25.8 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [106] ./~/body-parser/index.js 2.66 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [142] ./~/electron-is-dev/index.js 154 bytes {0} [built]
[0]  [143] ./~/electron-localshortcut/index.js 8.24 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [149] ./~/express/index.js 224 bytes {0} [built]
[0]  [152] ./~/express/lib/express.js 2.22 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [169] ./~/jsonfile/index.js 3.13 kB {0} [built]
[0]  [208] ./~/server-destroy/index.js 430 bytes {0} [built]
[0]  [215] ./src/main/main.dev.ts 5.47 kB {0} [built]
[0]     + 201 hidden modules
[0] WARNING in ./~/electron-debug/index.js
[0] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'devtron' in '/home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/node_modules/electron-debug'
[0]  @ ./~/electron-debug/index.js 74:39-57
[0]  @ ./src/main/main.dev.ts
[0] WARNING in ./~/express/lib/view.js
[0] 80:29-41 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
[0] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Headers.ts:4:20 
[0]     TS2307: Cannot find module './header'.
[0] npm
[0] npm ERR! errno 2
[0] npm ERR! atmo@1.0.0 build-main: `cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config ./webpack/webpack.main.prod`
[0] npm ERR! Exit status 2
[0] npm ERR! 
[0] npm ERR! Failed at the atmo@1.0.0 build-main script.
[0] npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
[0] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[0] npm ERR!     /home/prism/.npm/_logs/2017-09-01T13_47_21_742Z-debug.log
[0] npm run build-main exited with code 2
[1] [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of "/home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/node_modules/prettier/parser-typescript.js" as it exceeds the max of "500KB".
[1] [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of "/home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/node_modules/prettier/parser-postcss.js" as it exceeds the max of "500KB".
[1] [at-loader] Checking started in a separate process...
[1] [at-loader] Checking finished with 1 errors
[1] Hash: e0db394dc7fb94130917
[1] Version: webpack 2.2.0
[1] Time: 113361ms
[1]                                Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
[1] 9c74e172f87984c48ddf5c8108cabe67.png    28.1 kB          [emitted]         
[1] c8b53202b12f323277dc1deef58bea93.png     6.5 kB          [emitted]         
[1] 42f55706bb8a5493223b0ae14648a75d.png    6.49 kB          [emitted]         
[1]                          renderer.js    8.45 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  renderer
[1]                           styles.css    2.89 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  renderer
[1]                           index.html  237 bytes          [emitted]         
[1]    [0] ./~/react/react.js 56 bytes {0} [built]
[1]   [21] ./~/mobx-react/index.js 29.7 kB {0} [built]
[1]   [58] ./~/react-dom/index.js 59 bytes {0} [built]
[1]   [79] ./~/react/lib/React.js 5.08 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [149] ./src/renderer/store/NotificationStore.ts 2.47 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [249] ./src/renderer/store/AppStore.ts 4.72 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [250] ./src/renderer/store/ProjectStore.ts 10.4 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [251] ./src/renderer/store/ViewStore.ts 3.37 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [483] ./src/renderer/index.tsx 778 bytes {0} [built]
[1]  [502] ./src/renderer/home.tsx 6.84 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [508] ./src/renderer/store/deployment/Deployments.ts 4.56 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [509] ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Endpoint.ts 3.39 kB {0} [built]
[1]  [607] ./~/semantic-ui-less/semantic.less 41 bytes {0} [built]
[1]  [608] ./src/renderer/global.css 41 bytes {0} [built]
[1] [1029] multi ./src/renderer/index 28 bytes {0} [built]
[1]     + 1117 hidden modules
[1] WARNING in ./~/prettier/index.js
[1] 3036:13-64 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
[1] ERROR in ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Headers.ts
[1] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './header' in '/home/prism/Desktop/code/atmo/packages/app/src/renderer/store/endpoint'
[1]  @ ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Headers.ts 16:15-34
[1]  @ ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Endpoint.ts
[1]  @ ./src/renderer/store/AppStore.ts
[1]  @ ./src/renderer/index.tsx
[1]  @ multi ./src/renderer/index
[1] ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/renderer/store/endpoint/Headers.ts:4:20 
[1]     TS2307: Cannot find module './header'.
[1] Child html-webpack-plugin for "index.html":
[1]        [0] ./~/lodash/lodash.js 540 kB {0} [built]
[1]        [1] (webpack)/buildin/module.js 517 bytes {0} [built]
[1]        [2] ./~/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/renderer/index.html 554 bytes {0} [built]
[1] Child extract-text-webpack-plugin:
[1]        [0] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built]
[1]        [1] ./~/css-loader!./src/renderer/global.css 1.3 kB {0} [built]
[1] Child extract-text-webpack-plugin:
[1]        [2] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.eot 221 kB {0} [built]
[1]        [8] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/collections/table.variables 7.13 kB [built]
[1]        [9] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/button.variables 10.5 kB [built]
[1]       [10] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/container.variables 2.09 kB [built]
[1]       [11] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/divider.variables 1.1 kB [built]
[1]       [12] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/flag.variables 270 bytes [built]
[1]       [13] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/header.variables 3.84 kB [built]
[1]       [14] ./~/less-loader/dist/stringifyLoader.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/elements/icon.variables 1.68 kB [built]
[1]       [47] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [48] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/images/flags.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
[1]       [49] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.svg 593 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [50] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.ttf 221 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [51] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff 131 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [52] ./~/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff2 103 kB {0} [built]
[1]       [53] ./~/css-loader!./~/less-loader/dist/cjs.js!./~/semantic-ui-less/semantic.less 1.46 MB {0} [built]
[1]         + 84 hidden modules
[1] npm
[1] npm ERR! errno 2
[1] npm ERR! atmo@1.0.0 build-renderer: `cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config ./webpack/webpack.prod`
[1] npm ERR!
[1]  Exit status 2
[1] npm ERR! 
[1] npm ERR! Failed at the atmo@1.0.0 build-renderer script.
[1] npm ERR!
[1]  This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
[1] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[1] npm ERR!     /home/prism/.npm/_logs/2017-09-01T13_49_03_818Z-debug.log
[1] npm run build-renderer exited with code 2
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! atmo@1.0.0 build: `concurrently "npm run build-main" "npm run build-renderer"`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the atmo@1.0.0 build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/prism/.npm/_logs/2017-09-01T13_49_03_888Z-debug.log
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! atmo@1.0.0 shipit: `npm run build && npm run app`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the atmo@1.0.0 shipit script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/prism/.npm/_logs/2017-09-01T13_49_03_943Z-debug.log

Have similar problem with Debian Buster. What did you do differently to solve the problem?