RabadanLab / arcasHLA

Fast and accurate in silico inference of HLA genotypes from RNA-seq
GNU General Public License v3.0
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arcasHLA customize not working #111

Open staedlern opened 11 months ago

staedlern commented 11 months ago

Dear authors

I would like to generate a customized reference. Unfortunately I get an error which I do not understand.

(rnaseq) [staedlen@rkanc014is01 my_rnaseq]$ arcasHLA customize -G hla.tsv -o ~/ref cat /tmp/arcas_a3d6b773-6a44-4509-8212-c3f702f4bbfd/subjects.txt | parallel -j 1 /gpfs/scratchfs01/site/u/staedlen/conda/envs/rnaseq/share/arcas-hla-0.5.0-3/scripts/..//arcasHLA customize --subject {//} --genotype {/} --resolution 2 --grouping protein-group --transcriptome full --outdir /home/staedlen/ref//{//} --temp /tmp/arcas_a3d6b773-6a44-4509-8212-c3f702f4bbfd//{//} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/gpfs/scratchfs01/site/u/staedlen/conda/envs/rnaseq/share/arcas-hla-0.5.0-3/scripts/customize.py", line 355, in <module> run_command(command) File "/gpfs/scratchfs01/site/u/staedlen/conda/envs/rnaseq/share/arcas-hla-0.5.0-3/scripts/arcas_utilities.py", line 82, in run_command command = ' '.join(command) TypeError: sequence item 11: expected str instance, int found

hla.tsv is a tab separate file as in the readme.

It would be great to have your advise.

I installed arcasHLA using conda (bioconda).

Thank you!


Portulaca666 commented 8 months ago

hla.tsv have some na
I got the same error . I donnot know how to resolved