Rabbit-Company / Passky-Server

Server for Passky (password manager)
GNU General Public License v3.0
166 stars 22 forks source link

Add Shared Hosting Finalization #10

Closed vzool closed 1 year ago

vzool commented 2 years ago


Passky Shared Hosting

# Makes installers executable
chmod +x installer.sh installerGUI.sh shared-hosting-finalization.sh
# Start the GUI installer
# Then do the finalization for Shared Hosting environment
vzool commented 2 years ago

This PR will create a public folder, which Shared hosting should point to that location only. From cPanel for instance, this can be done easily by subDomain to directory mapping, like passky.example.com which point to Passky-Server/public.

zigazajc007 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, will check it in few days.

zigazajc007 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, for the delay. Will check and test everything this month.

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

I don't think most shared website hosting providers will allow users to execute bash code. But we can provide them with all the files and navigate them where they need to put them.

vzool commented 1 year ago

I don't think most shared website hosting providers will allow users to execute bash code. But we can provide them with all the files and navigate them where they need to put them.

Agree, but I suggest that we can make both options available, which will be a very handy tool. I feel that in the future Shared Hosting will change its course to make the shell available for all. Always there is a trick, for instance, any Shared Hosting has a CRON which is a Shell execution in a selected time. 🙃🤣

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

I'm now working on the big update.


After this update, I think that Passky will be ready to reach the masses. It would most likely take few months for everything to be completed and tested. I have also contacted few companies for a security audit and I think that I will go with a Cure53.

In this update (When those features will be added) we can also test everything on a shared hosting and add official support for it.

If you have any suggestion feel free to provide it.

vzool commented 1 year ago

AES replaced with XChaCha20 (NordPass already uses XChaCha20 and to be future proof it is better to switch sooner with less users than later)

Sorry for the late response, I got busy. BTW, I don't know how to implement XChaCha20! So, I think it will be a good practice if there is a blog, a reference, and a comments in the Source Code as well for how to implement XChaCha20, because as far as I know, any encryption algorithm has its own parameters and it demands some tweaks to be practical and secure. Core encryption requires a good care, specially when converted from known encryption algorithm to another.

vzool commented 1 year ago

SHA replaced with Argon2id (Argon2 is the winner of Password Hashing Competition)

+1 Good choice

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

So, I think it will be a good practice if there is a blog, a reference, and a comments in the Source Code as well for how to implement XChaCha20, because as far as I know, any encryption algorithm has its own parameters and it demands some tweaks to be practical and secure.

XChaCha20 has already been implemented. You can check dev branch from https://github.com/Rabbit-Company/Passky-Website. XChaCha20 has been build based on RFC and already tested with a test vectors. https://github.com/Rabbit-Company/XChaCha20-JS

Argon2id implementation is still in progress.

Core encryption requires a good care, specially when converted from known encryption algorithm to another.

The power of XChaCha20 is that it's really easy to implement and hard to screw things up. That's why a lot of cryptographers recommend it over AES.

NordPass wrote amazing blog about XChaCha20: https://nordpass.com/features/xchacha20-encryption/

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

Security audit of XChaCha20 implementation would cost 3.750€ from Cure53.

vzool commented 1 year ago

Security audit of XChaCha20 implementation would cost 3.750€ from Cure53.

Had be done a Security audit for AES implementation before, which encouraged the project to adapt it?

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

Had be done a Security audit for AES implementation before, which encouraged the project to adapt it?

We have used existing CryptoJS library that majority of world used. So this library has already went thru a lot of security audits.

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

Also what do you think about pricing: https://passky.org/pricing

I still don't know if I should provide unlimited passwords in Premium package or 1000. If I choose unlimited then I would need to regularly monitor accounts that they are not abusing it.

vzool commented 1 year ago

Had be done a Security audit for AES implementation before, which encouraged the project to adapt it?

We have used existing CryptoJS library that majority of world used. So this library has already went thru a lot of security audits.

BTW, I don't know how to check all Security audits that any library went thru! if you know the way please tell me? Most of the developers supposed, that any library had many stars on Github, it should be secured and trusted by default, because no one complaint. (Yes, of course no one complaints on the surface at least.) The common sense here is suspected, that while more developers used the library the more likelihood its much secure. But stop and think, even if anyone said so and all the world wants your privacy, is it really true? Of course from small project and open source prospective, herd usage is better than nothing. I really do respect all parties, I do this to move to better direction. I think this project needs more open source involvement. So, I suggest that XChacha20 implementation should be added by a PR into CryptoJS, that will make a good attention for all. Later the project can make as many as it needs of Security audits. 🤗

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

Most of the developers supposed, that any library had many stars on Github, it should be secured and trusted by default, because no one complaint.

This is also true.

So, I suggest that XChacha20 implementation should be added by a PR into CryptoJS, that will make a good attention for all.

The problem is that CryptoJS library uses WASM. So it's written in a C language and then it's compiled to support browsers. While my implementation is written in a plain JS (So performance of my library should be slower as C is faster than JS). That's why CryptoJS won't accept my implementation because it is written in pure JS and not in C.

I have also tested performance of XChaCha20 in Libsodium (Libsodium also uses C / wasm).

Here are the results of my XChaCha20 implementation in pure JS: image

Here are the results of Libsodium's XChaCha20 implementation in C: image

As you can see Libsodium does win in decryption which is more important for a password manager. But WASM (Libsodium) is not supported on browser extensions with manifest V3. That's why I needed to create my own implementation in pure JS.

vzool commented 1 year ago

Also what do you think about pricing: https://passky.org/pricing

Pricing is a good start, but consider into account The Purchasing Power Parities (PPP).

I still don't know if I should provide unlimited passwords in Premium package or 1000. If I choose unlimited then I would need to regularly monitor accounts that they are not abusing it.

Of course, Premium package must has unlimited passwords. But to stop abusing, the project can implement an algorithm to guarantee a Fair Use, which differentiate between abusing and fair use automatically.

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

Pricing is a good start, but consider into account The Purchasing Power Parities (PPP).

When you buy a Premium package you will receive a license key. This license key can be send / resold to another person. So users can start buying thousands of licenses in poor countries and just resell them for a cheaper price to others.

(I will start with License system implementation this week)

Another problem will be privacy. For example if user will be able to buy Premium package anonymously with Monero in order to have PPP, I would need to request / get the country of the user, which would also reduce the privacy.

Of course, Premium package must has unlimited passwords. But to stop abusing, the project can implement an algorithm to guarantee a Fair Use, which differentiate between abusing and fair use automatically.

Thanks, I will use unlimited passwords with a fair use policy.

vzool commented 1 year ago

Pricing is a good start, but consider into account The Purchasing Power Parities (PPP).

When you buy a Premium package you will receive a license key. This license key can be send / resold to another person. So users can start buying thousands of licenses in poor countries and just resell them for a cheaper price to others.

(I will start with License system implementation this week)

Another problem will be privacy. For example if user will be able to buy Premium package anonymously with Monero in order to have PPP, I would need to request / get the country of the user, which would also reduce the privacy.

Of course, Premium package must has unlimited passwords. But to stop abusing, the project can implement an algorithm to guarantee a Fair Use, which differentiate between abusing and fair use automatically.

Thanks, I will use unlimited passwords with a fair use policy.

In fact, after sometime of thinking, I remember that I'm currently a LastPass user, and I did my first Premium purchased at 12 USD Annually before owned by LogMeIn. At then I made a purchase for 10 years which is a 120 USD. Now, I will think twice before repeat the same purchase again, because it is more expensive. So, I think 12 USD Annually is better price, many people want to get back the great days of first LastPass. 🤗

vzool commented 1 year ago

Screen Shot 1444-03-13 at 1 54 39 PM Ahh, Nice days 😂

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

You have saved so much money by buying subscription for multiple years. Now it would cost you a lot more with current LastPass pricing.

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

With password limit: image

No limit option 1: image

No limit option 2: image

Which option would you more prefer?

vzool commented 1 year ago

You have saved so much money by buying subscription for multiple years. Now it would cost you a lot more with current LastPass pricing.

Yes, indeed. This is can be another marketing motivation. "Let's restore the great days of LastPass" 🤗

vzool commented 1 year ago

With password limit: image

No limit option 1: image

No limit option 2: image

Which option would you more prefer?

Option 2 is better, if there is no limit. Don't mention it.

vzool commented 1 year ago

BTW, what is your main Password manager?

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

BTW, what is your main Password manager?

My main password manager is Passky. That's why I have created it, to fulfill my needs.

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

I have just added option for removing password limit and account limit on the server.

This can be achieved by setting ACCOUNT_MAX and ACCOUNT_MAX_PASSWORDS to -1 in .env file.

Now I will also need to add pagination for accounts in Admin Panel. As now if you have more than 1000 accounts on your Passky Server created, and if you check the "Accounts" page in Admin Panel it will take some time in order to display 1000 accounts. Pagination will make everything a lot faster for managing bigger Passky Servers thru Admin Panel (GUI).

vzool commented 1 year ago

I switched to the latest Dev branch in order to make a full test, I didn't use the project as my main Password Manger before. But, now I'm looking forward to so. I can't login to an empty passwords account. Screenshot from 2022-10-10 05-43-54

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

You are using old Passky Client v7.1.0, which is not compatible with Passky Server v8.0.0.

Make sure you also use Passky Client v8.0.0 from https://github.com/Rabbit-Company/Passky-Website dev branch.

Also currently other languages won't work as I'm waiting for translators, so please use English.

vzool commented 1 year ago

BTW, what is your main Password manager?

My main password manager is Passky. That's why I have created it, to fulfill my needs.

I tried to import from LastPass and I have this error:

Uncaught URIError: URI malformed
    at decodeURIComponent (<anonymous>)
    at XChaCha20.b64DecodeUnicode (XChaCha20.min.js:6:3778)
    at XChaCha20.xchacha20_decrypt (XChaCha20.min.js:6:3005)
    at XChaCha20.decrypt (XChaCha20.min.js:6:4332)
    at decryptPassword (default-functions.js:128:19)
    at import_data (export.js:361:105)
    at import_csv (export.js:353:2)
    at document.getElementById.onclick (export.js:426:60)
b64DecodeUnicode    @   XChaCha20.min.js:6
xchacha20_decrypt   @   XChaCha20.min.js:6
decrypt @   XChaCha20.min.js:6
decryptPassword @   default-functions.js:128

import_data @   export.js:361
import_csv  @   export.js:353
document.getElementById.onclick @   export.js:426

Screen Shot 1444-03-14 at 8 43 25 AM

vzool commented 1 year ago

Adding a new password is not working Screen Shot 1444-03-14 at 9 01 34 AM

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

Did you go thru the installer.sh or installerGUI.sh before deploying docker container?

Can you also open the Admin Panel / Passky Server website and send me the picture of Health check and also the Server Stats?

Health Check: image

Server Stats: image

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

I tried to import from LastPass and I have this error: Uncaught URIError: URI malformed

https://www.webtips.dev/solutions/fix-uri-malformed-errors-in-js https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Malformed_URI

It seems that there are some illegal characters, that decodeURIComponent function can't handle them. Lets first check if your Passky Server and Passky Client are correctly installed and then see if the error still persist.

vzool commented 1 year ago

Did you go thru the installer.sh or installerGUI.sh before deploying docker container?

Can you also open the Admin Panel / Passky Server website and send me the picture of Health check and also the Server Stats?

Health Check: image

Server Stats: image

This is not a docker container, I only have a shared hosting. So, I'm testing it with. How can I access admin page?

Screen Shot 1444-03-14 at 9 42 27 AM

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

How can I access admin page?

Admin Page can be accessed here: https://api.passky.vzool.net


If Accounts or Passwords are shown as -1 this means that API can't connect with the database.

I still didn't tested it on a shared hosting, so I wouldn't know how it works there.

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago

Also make sure you clear the cache after you have upgraded Passky Client from v7.1.0 to v8.0.0 as most of the time cache will still provide you with the old JavaScript file. This can also be a reason why you see Total Passwords as 0 / null

vzool commented 1 year ago

How can I access admin page?

Admin Page can be accessed here: https://api.passky.vzool.net


If Accounts or Passwords are shown as -1 this means that API can't connect with the database.

I still didn't tested it on a shared hosting, so I wouldn't know how it works there.

I did re-install the server now:

Screen Shot 1444-03-14 at 10 19 17 AM

zigazajc007 commented 1 year ago


Based on this image it seems to be working. Also do you have any other application for easier communication like Discord, Matrix, Signal...?

vzool commented 1 year ago


Based on this image it seems to be working. Also do you have any other application for easier communication like Discord, Matrix, Signal...?

I will join your discord channel ^_^

vzool commented 1 year ago

Closed due to #28 PR.