RabbitBio / RabbitTClust

RabbitTClust: enabling fast clustering analysis of millions bacteria genomes with MinHash sketches
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One-against-all comparison #2

Open jamesPet opened 1 year ago

jamesPet commented 1 year ago

Curious if there is a way to perform a one-against-all comparison rather than all-against-all? For example, I have an assembly from X and want to compare it to a collection of other assemblies and find all assemblies within a given distance. I am not interested in the distances among members of the collection. Not sure this is possible and I didn't see how to do it in the readme.

Thank you, jamie

XiaomingXu1995 commented 1 year ago

Hello, The current version of RabbitTClust can not support one-against-all comparison between two databases. For the need to "compare an assembly from X to a collection of other assemblies and find all assemblies within a given distance," some fascinating tools such as Mash and kssd may meet this need. Best, Xiaoming Xu