As a user, I want to be able to upload datasets to uvlhub and not put them into zenodo immediately but keep them in a kind of stage inside uvlhub so that I can edit them over time and when I want them to be permanent, then I can press a button that is "upload to zenodo".
Estimated effort: 5 hours
"I agree and desire to have my feature models uploaded to Zenodo and made available to the public according to the Open Science manifesto (you can choose to do this later)"
Datasets in staging will be labeled.
There must a button in staging datasets for uploading them in Zenodo (only creator)
"I agree and desire to have my feature models uploaded to Zenodo and made available to the public according to the Open Science manifesto (you can choose to do this later)"
Datasets in staging will be labeled. There must a button in staging datasets for uploading them in Zenodo (only creator)
Edit form!!
Staging datasets are not visible to the public
(To be well redacted)