Currently, the student phone number and emergency contact number only allow 8-digit Singaporean phone number, which is quite unnecessary.
Given that many students in singapore are international students (which is quite common), their emergency contacts usually belong to their parents who may be overseas. They may not be able to add any contact to it but emergency field is compulsory to students. Also, if they can not add them to emergency contacts, when an emergency comes it can be quite serious if they can't be connected.
Currently, the student phone number and emergency contact number only allow 8-digit Singaporean phone number, which is quite unnecessary.
Given that many students in singapore are international students (which is quite common), their emergency contacts usually belong to their parents who may be overseas. They may not be able to add any contact to it but emergency field is compulsory to students. Also, if they can not add them to emergency contacts, when an emergency comes it can be quite serious if they can't be connected.