Ractiv / touch_plus_source_code

Source code for Ractiv Touch+ Software
36 stars 14 forks source link

Builds #28

Open wassgha opened 9 years ago

wassgha commented 9 years ago

Hello! Are there any compiled builds to test? I can no longer compile neither on Windows nor on OS X so if you can please upload a binary, that would be awesome! Thank you

touchhope commented 9 years ago

Since some of the last regular updates until the very last, when trying to run after compiling with VS Community 2015, I'm getting a stop message from windows 10 on the last steps of downloading calibration data. It says it can't be run under this version. Something has changed in the code in the few last regular updates on the calibration downloading program.

wassgha commented 9 years ago

Me too

touchhope commented 8 years ago


Sorry girls and guys (ladies first :) i know the girls love technology too) ! But here is the return of the ramblings of the spamming hoping frog because this silent website is becoming a bit unbearable ! All i'm interested in is to get a usable product ! But it's true, i'm a bit crazy, but like most people around the world i think !

@Lai Schwe

Hello Lai !

What an awesome downloading calibration data circle gauge on touch plus control panel ! But it stop at 99.9% with a blue message from windows 10 : "this application can't run on your pc" "To find a version for your pc, please contact the software publisher" button "close" then "bad image caught" "access refused" in the console and again and again, so you have to kill the task. This is on my ACER R7 under win10 x64 (exWin 8.1 with no working update menu).

Under VS community 2015, it's now compiling quite easily from the very last regular update after modifying "LIBJPEG-TURBO_DIR root_dir\dependencies\Windows\libjpeg-turbo" and copying turbojpeg.h and turbojpeg.lib missing under thr right folder under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\"

When trying to update from the still working update menu on my exWin7 pc under win10 x64, it now says it fails to verify and "please check your internet connection" but i'm connected to the internet : maybe the web target for update build isn't existing no more ?

Would you soon propose us a new windows installer with the missing dll and a new build embedded to make some beta tests and sending you feedback to go further ?

Again congratulations for your hard work because it seems to become a very sophisticated software, hopefully a soon working software, i wish !


Hello Wassim !

Could you check your email notifications system on your website ? It seems it doesn't work at all.

And i think it's a good idea to have the main interesting posts pinned on the right side for example, keeping the newest on the left side, or the other side if you prefer.

Having this done for a more attractive design, it would be great to send a single email to all the subscribers to have them connected (maybe in several batches to avoid down server issues : often offline these days).