Ractiv / touch_plus_source_code

Source code for Ractiv Touch+ Software
36 stars 14 forks source link

Trying to compile earlier 07/08/2015 July build with VS Community 2015 #38

Open touchhope opened 8 years ago

touchhope commented 8 years ago

Hi anyone,

As Lachlan Pollock (Lokki) said "I actually had it functioning in Windows 7 and even tried playing some minecraft with it. But having briefly used the Touch+ I've got to say I enjoyed the experience and found it a lot more natural than the leap ever was on a flat surface.", I've asked him for details.

He told me it was an earlier July build, so I'm trying to compile earlier 07/08/2015 July build with VS Community 2015.

But after copying missing "dependencies" folder from 07/14/2015 version and having incoherent paths corrected in initial "dependencies" folder to avoid include errors, I still get a lot of compiling others errors (see below and the end).

Can someone, gifted enough on c++ (I don't feel able to resolved all the errors actually shown on VS Community 2015) could make a try compiling under Visual Studio 2013 without Update 4 because I don't have this VS version on my computer ?

Here is on dropbox the touch_plus_source_code.zip file to extract in a "c:\touch_plus_source_code" folder :


In needed, here is state of code on 07/08/2015 :


Thanks in advance,



Post Scriptum :

Don't forget the Build instructions:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2013 (do not install any updates, Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 has been proven to produce bad builds. Other versions of Visual Studio have not yet been tested).
  2. Quit Visual Studio if it is already running, then add the following variables to "Windows Environment Variables" (replace "root_dir" with the path of the cloned repository, e.g. "C:\touch_plus_source_code") DIRECTSHOW_DIR root_dir\dependencies\DirectShow ETRON_DIR root_dir\dependencies\Etron OPENCV_DIR root_dir\dependencies\Opencv\build\x86\vc12 SFML_DIR root_dir\dependencies\SFML
  3. Start Visual Studio with administrator permissions, then open "root_dir\track_plus_visual_studio\track_plus.sln"
  4. Press F7 to build solution. If solution builds without a hiccup, you're all set. If an error is thrown, double click on the error in "Error List", and it should open up "winnt.h". Locate the following lines:

typedef void PVOID; typedef void \ POINTER_64 PVOID64;

Add one line, so that they become:

define POINTER_64 __ptr64

typedef void PVOID; typedef void \ POINTER_64 PVOID64;

If you couldn't save "winnt.h", restart Visual Studio as administrator and try again. You should be able to build the solution now.

Here are the shown errors on VS Community 2015 :

Gravity Project File No. Description State Line deleting Warning C4577 'noexcept' used without the administration of specified exceptions. The decision on exception is not guaranteed. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source .. \ file .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ processes.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ exception 358 Error CS0246 The type of name or namespace 'TCD' not found win_cursor_plus C (you is missing a using directive or an assembly reference?): \ Touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ win_cursor_plus \ MainWindow.xaml.cs 36 Assets Error CS0246 The type of name or namespace 'PointerTouchInfo' not found (you is missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Win_cursor_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ win_cursor_plus \ MainWindow.xaml.cs 334 Assets Error (active) can not open source file "opencv2 / opencv.hpp" track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 23 Error (active) can not open "EtronDI_O.h" track_plus source file c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 24 Error (active) can not open source file "eSPAEAWBCtrl.h" track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 25 Error (active) the name must be a namespace name track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 31 Error (active) identifier "Mat" undefined track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 38 Error (active) identifier "Mat" undefined track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 48 Error (active) identifier "Mat" undefined track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 86 Error (active) identifier "Mat" undefined track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 87 Error (active) identifier "Rect" undefined track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 89 Error (active) identifier "Rect" undefined track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 90 Error (active) identifier "CvCapture" undefined track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 93 Error (active) identifier "Videowriter" undefined track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 99 Error (active) can not open source file "opencv / cxcore.h" track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ CameraDS.h 26 Error (active) can not open "qedit.h" track_plus source file c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ CameraDS.h 28 Error (active) can not open source file "turbojpeg.h" track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ RactivJPEGDecompressor.h 22 Warning Could not resolve this reference. Could not find assembly "TCD.System.TouchInjection". Verify that the assembly exists on disk. If required by your code, you may get compiler errors. win_cursor_plus Warning The referenced component 'TCD.System.TouchInjection' not found. win_cursor_plus Warning D9025 substitute '/ sdl-' with '/ GS' track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 Warning D9007 '/ Gm' requires '/ Zi or / ZI'; ignored track_plus option C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 Warning D9025 substitute '/ sdl-' with '/ GS' track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 Warning D9007 '/ Gm' requires '/ Zi or / ZI'; ignored track_plus option C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 Warning D9025 substitute '/ sdl-' with '/ GS' track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 Warning D9025 substitute '/ sdl-' with '/ GS' track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 Warning D9007 '/ Gm' requires '/ Zi or / ZI'; ignored track_plus option C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 Warning D9007 '/ Gm' requires '/ Zi or / ZI'; ignored track_plus option C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 Warning D9025 substitute '/ sdl-' with '/ GS' track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 Warning D9007 '/ Gm' requires '/ Zi or / ZI'; ignored track_plus option C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ ks 1 C1010 error unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Would not you not forgot to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source? daemon_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ daemon_plus \ udp.cpp 30 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_detector_new.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_new.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_new.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_new.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_tracker.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_new.h 21 C1010 error unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Would not you not forgot to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source? daemon_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ daemon_plus \ string_functions.cpp 66 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ camera_initializer_new.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ camera_initializer_new.h 21 C1010 error unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Would not you not forgot to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source? daemon_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ daemon_plus \ processes.cpp 92 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ contour_functions.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ contour_functions.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ c_tracker.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ kalman.h 21 C1010 error unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Would not you not forgot to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source? daemon_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ daemon_plus \ main.cpp 183 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv / bhp-h': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ exponential.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ curve_fitting.h 21 C1010 error unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Would not you not forgot to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source? daemon_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ daemon_plus \ ipc.cpp 194 C1010 error unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Would not you not forgot to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source? daemon_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ daemon_plus \ globals.cpp 36 C1010 error unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Would not you not forgot to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source? daemon_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ daemon_plus \ filesystem.cpp 169 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ curve_fitting.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv / bhp-h': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ curve_fitting.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ curve_fitting.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Camera.h 23 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ foreground_extractor_new.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv / cxcore.h': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ CameraDS.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ CameraDS.h 26 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ foreground_extractor_new.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_new.h 21 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ globals.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ hand_resolver.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ hand_splitter_new.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ hand_resolver.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_new.h 21 Warning C4577 'noexcept' used without the administration of specified exceptions. The decision on exception is not guaranteed. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source .. \ file .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ globals.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ exception 358 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ hand_splitter_new.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_new.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ histogram_builder.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ histogram_builder.h 21 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ ipc.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ hungarian.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Warning C4244 '=': conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ hungarian.cpp 84 Warning C4244 '=': conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ hungarian.cpp 485 Warning C4244 '=': conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ hungarian.cpp 547 Warning C4577 'noexcept' used without the administration of specified exceptions. The decision on exception is not guaranteed. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ hungarian.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ limits 210 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ filesystem.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ kalman.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ kalman.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ main.cpp 19 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ math_plus.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ math_plus.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ mat_functions.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ mat_functions.h 21 Warning C4577 'noexcept' used without the administration of specified exceptions. The decision on exception is not guaranteed. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source .. \ file .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ filesystem.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ exception 358 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ low_pass_filter.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ low_pass_filter.h 22 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'SFML / Network.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ ipc.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ udp.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Plane.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ plane.h 21 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ mono_processor_new.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ permutation.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ motion_processor_new.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ mono_processor_new.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_new.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ motion_processor_new.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ blob_new.h 21 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ pose_estimator.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Warning C4577 'noexcept' used without the administration of specified exceptions. The decision on exception is not guaranteed. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source .. \ file .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ permutation.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ exception 358 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ pose_estimator.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ contour_functions.h 21 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ processes.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'turbojpeg.h': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ RactivJPEGDecompressor.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ RactivJPEGDecompressor.h 22 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ quadratic.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ Ray.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ plane.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv / bhp-h': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ quadratic.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ curve_fitting.h 21 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ string_functions.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Warning C4577 'noexcept' used without the administration of specified exceptions. The decision on exception is not guaranteed. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source .. \ file .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ string_functions.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ exception 358 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ thinning_computer_new.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / imgproc / imgproc.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ thinning_computer_new.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ thinning_computer_new.h 22 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'SFML / Network.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ udp.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ udp.h 21 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ value_store.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ value_store.h 22 Error C1083 Unable to open source file 'C: \ External Storage \ Dropbox \ projects \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ imu.cpp': No such file or directory track_plus C: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_visual_studio \ track_plus \ C1xx 1 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ tool_tracker_mono_processor.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ value_store.h 22 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ reprojector.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Warning C4530 C ++ exception handler used, but the progress of semantics have not been activated. Specify / EHsc (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ pointer_mapper.cpp) track_plus C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ include \ XLocale 341 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ pointer_mapper.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ reprojector.h 30 Error C1083 Unable to open include file: 'opencv2 / opencv.hpp': No such file or directory (compilation of the source file .. \ .. \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ reprojector.cpp) track_plus c: \ touch_plus_source_code \ track_plus_core \ track_plus \ reprojector.h 30

touchhope commented 8 years ago


Hi, everyone !

I've succeeded in compiling different states of Ractiv's code along 2015's months, even now on Windows 10 using VS Community 2015 and Find And Replace Tool (https://findandreplace.codeplex.com/) to make all includes pointing to the right dependencies, but, although I found a lot of interesting things on the net, I've failed getting the famous main green pointing circle from win_cursor_plus process :







Any idea to get udp channel sending tracking data to win_cursor_plus process ?

On some of the late states of code, it seems to send something to udp channel but you get the blue error message "Your pc cannot run this program on this windows version." if you don't run it under the software folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ractiv\Touch+ Software", but on the latest states it only run in a path without blank spaces, such as "C:\touch_plus_source_code\build". On both cases, you can't get any green pointing circle.

Anyone with good knowledge on c++ and csharp to help us ?

Anyone with the zip file of the very earlier 2015, July functional state of code mentionned by Lachlan Pollock ?

@Vic Jang and Lachlan Pollock :

Any news from Maz and his team on OpenCV in California ? Did Vic Jang got in touch with Maz ?


Touchdespair ;-(