RadBuilder / EmojiChat

A simple, configurable, opensource plugin that adds emojis to your chat!
MIT License
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Hook into ChatControl Pro for displaying emojis publicly. #10

Closed mibby closed 4 years ago

mibby commented 4 years ago

Would it be possible to add a hook for ChatControl Pro to allow emojis to work? https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%99%A3-chatcontrol-pro%E2%84%A2-format-and-filter-your-chat-1-7-10-1-15-1-holiday-sale.10258/

ChatControl formatting doesn't seem to allow emojis to be replaced via their shortcut or their long name (i.e. :smile:). If I use commands such as Essential's /me or Essential's /msg to message myself, I can see the emoji fine. I can also see the emojis on signs perfectly fine. It's just typing in chat publicly, emojis do not appear or get replaced.

My ChatControl formatting is fairly simple.

      Message: '{display_name}&f: '
        Action: SHOW_TEXT
        - '{player}'
      Message: '{message}'

Using ChatControl's admin chat channel command /chatcontrol ach test message :confused: shows the emoji fine in that chat channel. Again, it's just public chat that doesn't seem to display anything. :(

mibby commented 4 years ago

Setting the listener priority for formatter and checker to MONITOR in ChatControl seems to fix the issue with emojis not working.